Smogon Simple Questions & Suggestions Thread

Can I get my username changed cuz I found out someone from 2014 was using it on Showdown effectively blocking me from using mine
I have a suggestion for a forum change. I would like a simple "dislike" or "disagree" reaction button. Whenever I read a person's post I disagree with, I would prefer simply reacting to show my disagreement rather than writing up a whole disagreement essay to clog forum posting space. There are some alternatives to a 'disagree' but they dont really represent my feeling in the moment. A simple post that I don't agree with does not usually make me feel very angry or bring me to the point of tears lol so neither of those are something I want to react with.

The thing I see most people react with when they disagree is with the Haha emote saying that you're laughing at their take for being stupid and wrong. Sometimes there are some pretty dumb takes on here, but for most people that post I am genuinely trying to read and understand their point of view and treat it with respect. I dont want to have to laugh at them and pretend their opinion is laughably stupid. I just want to be able to signal a respectful disagree to them without typing it out in the post. I feel like if that existed it would also just help to make the forums less toxic.

Perhaps make the icon just a pyukumuku projecting a thumbs down with its weird hand thing? I'm not sure of the art but I would like the option to peacefully communicate in this way.


Upper Decky Lip Mints
is a Contributor to Smogon
Not to be rude, but did you even read my post beyond the first sentence?
I read your entire post yes. More reacts will not be added and the one suggested is already covered by the reacts I mentioned in my post. You mention that this proposed react would help with peaceful communication and reducing toxicity, however, if I voice an opinion and get thumbs down reacts but nobody actually tells me what the issue is it seems like dogpiling which seems pretty toxic. How will I know what the issue with my post is?

If someone you believe has voiced an incorrect statement its better to actually voice your opinion then to just "thumbs down" the post. This creates a conversation and is what helps people learn and gain insight. You shouldn't be afraid of clogging threads because healthy discussion is what Smogon is for. I see 0 benefit to adding a thumbs down reaction.
You mention that this proposed react would help with peaceful communication and reducing toxicity, however, if I voice an opinion and get thumbs down reacts but nobody actually tells me what the issue is it seems like dogpiling which seems pretty toxic. How will I know what the issue with my post is?
This already happens with the Haha emote, which is more toxic by nature and feels more like dogpiling by the implication that theyre calling you an idiot as wel. In situations like this, if the poster really does not understand why they got dogpiled, they will simply make another post saying something to the effect of "all i got were Hahas and no one actually refuted my claim" to which people would most likely actually have a discussion and refute the claim. This would happen in either world.

If someone you believe has voiced an incorrect statement its better to actually voice your opinion then to just "thumbs down" the post. This creates a conversation and is what helps people learn and gain insight. You shouldn't be afraid of clogging threads because healthy discussion is what Smogon is for. I see 0 benefit to adding a thumbs down reaction.
My argument is everything you're discussing is already happening with the Haha emote. While adding a dislike does not increase the dialogue, it also does not decrease it since everyone is just using Haha as an alternative to dislike anyways. If theyre going to be having the same level of conversation either way, why not include an option to do it in a way that's less toxic? I see no reason why there shouldnt be a dislike. And while you don't mind the clogging of threads I can tell you from my brief experience in OU forums that people very much do get bothered by people that talk a lot. Especially when its going over talking points that have been said over and over, a sentiment I've heard today.

People are basically disliking either way like we can agree on. I just feel bad that when I dislike it has to be in the frame of me being radically pissed off or calling the other person an idiot. I can just disagree.


ss ou fangirl
is a Pre-Contributor
People are basically disliking either way like we can agree on. I just feel bad that when I dislike it has to be in the frame of me being radically pissed off or calling the other person an idiot. I can just disagree.
^^^ this is basically the tldr of this, haha is demeaning and angry is well, angry or at least annoyed, a just polite 'you're wrong/i dislike this post' sort of reaction is something thats very clearly absent and worthwile

if theres technical reasons sure whatever i would put dislike over haha
Is there a thread in Smogon defining all syntax and key words/phrases (such as quote) for writing posts?
It appears the FAQ in the first post has some of these important keywords as well, but I would like it if all of them were organized into one place, rather than at the introduction of a question and suggestion thread.


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Is there a thread in Smogon defining all syntax and key words/phrases (such as quote) for writing posts?
It appears the FAQ in the first post has some of these important keywords as well, but I would like it if all of them were organized into one place, rather than at the introduction of a question and suggestion thread.
should be here
Given it's just been there for as long as I've been here (close a decade since I made the account, on Showdown longer) it's probably just some kind of inside joke.
Is there a thread discussing the stylistic changes made to showdown or the replay section? (because I think it is important, especially since the replay section is just less practical and has the style of a subforum straight from 2009).
the buttons' format is off, buttons would not be easily visible except on phones but on computer I don't see the point, no consistency with the rest of the pages (ladder, rank, calc, etc..)
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How to make your own avatar in PS?
You can't, at least not by yourself. If you want to get a custom avatar you either have to be a notable contributor to the forums or PS! in some way shape or form or you must have won some sort of tournament or other event with a custom avatar as a reward.
You can't, at least not by yourself. If you want to get a custom avatar you either have to be a notable contributor to the forums or PS! in some way shape or form or you must have won some sort of tournament or other event with a custom avatar as a reward.
why? like why specifically you have to be some kind of contributor or win a tournament?

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