Unpopular opinions

What I find weird about Typhlosion might be the proportions, as Quilava is basically the same thing but smaller, but doesn't look nearly as underwhelming.
Typhlosion honestly works better when it's on all fours instead of standing up. Perhaps one of the most underrated aspects of it (and one Game Freak does not portray enough of) is that it's the only Fire starter so far that has been functionally capable of moving on all fours (and for the most part, it's a quadruped, not a biped). Like this:

It looks neater in action because that backside not only has the firepads but it looks like it's wearing a cape, which is pretty cool.

Another showcase example of Typhlosion on all fours and in action, it looks pretty decent when it's not standing up.

Honestly I would much prefer if the 3D model made Typhlosion pose on all fours (like Quilava does) and looks more battle aggressive because its design works much better in a quadruped pose than a biped one. Its design is a bit basic but it's also a very expressive Pokemon especially in battle and it can change from looking friendly to looking like it's battle-ready and raging which is where its strength lies, especially in terms of pose and facial expression.

Also, it has the absolute most GOATed cry of all Gen 1-2 Pokemon ever, I mean this is absolutely godly:

Overall though Typhlosion should've really had its model have it post in a quadruped, battle ready stance because while its design is a bit basic, it's a very expressive Pokemon and it looks way cooler when it's on all fours and in a battle stance with its fire on. Expression and personality is really where Typhlosion shines, and they should delve more into that. Quilava and Cyndaquil on the other hand still have some of my favorite designs though: Cyndaquil is ADORABLE and I love it so much, Quilava's expression looks quiet, yet cool and confident and it's pretty cool on that merit alone.

But yeah, the Johto starters as a whole had rather simplistic designs as a whole which is why they tend to get shafted quite a bit, that is in addition to their battle capabilities being rather basic for their types collectively speaking. They definitely don't stand out that much compared to the other starters which is kind of unfortunate.
He goes on all fours when charging in Stadium and MD. Inversely, Colo has Linoone stand up
Makes you realize both are based on weasels/badgers
Another reason why I find Typhlosion very lackluster is the design. Looking at all the starters and how the 3rd form differentiates from the previous ones, the shift from Quilava to Typhlosion is very minimal, which is very disappointing. Charmeleon grows to a winged draconian monster, Bayleef becomes the green flowered dinosaur that is Meganium, Croconaw becomes the more ferocious looking Feraligatr, but this is just bigger Quilava.

Another reason why I find Typhlosion very lackluster is the design. Looking at all the starters and how the 3rd form differentiates from the previous ones, the shift from Quilava to Typhlosion is very minimal, which is very disappointing. Charmeleon grows to a winged draconian monster, Bayleef becomes the green flowered dinosaur that is Meganium, Croconaw becomes the more ferocious looking Feraligatr, but this is just bigger Quilava.

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Incineroar S tier... I see youre a person of culture


Ranting & Raving!
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It's a fairly early on gym, and little Timmy who doesn't know anything is going to get obliterated if those movesets where different. (...). Perhaps if it was a later gym, they would have a fairy move, but Pokemon wants little Timmy to have a mild adventure for his first time, even though it might be annoying to us.
... I'm sorry if I sound rude, but that's the dumbest argument I've heard!
Like, okay, they don't want it to be too hard so it doesn't have a Fairy move (also because the only Physical Fairy move it learns is Play Rough which is at level 54... even though it knows Slash but it learns that level 36... and if you're going to do that could give it Draining Kiss...). Fine, I can get that (though maybe in that case don't give Allister a Mimikyu, give him a Polteageist or Duskull instead), but you're saying their intent was to give a "mild adventure". Little Timmy didn't get the game to have a mild adventure, he wants action-packed battles! Heck, Mimikyu sort of works against that as, if Little Timmy's attention span is as good as a Goldfish, he'd get bored when his Pokemon doesn't 1HKO Mimikyu because he first has got to break its disguise.

Also, I find the argument that it would make Allister too tough funny considering Allister's ace is Gengar which is notoriously strong and if you're not prepared for it can likely sweep your team (it also comes with Hypnosis). Also his Cursola has Curse which is a pretty nasty thing to pull on a kid if their intent was to make it easy for them.

But you know what, that's alright, because what's the biggest penalty they'll get if they lose? Just some money, I doubt a little kid would be doing a nuzlocke, so honestly I don't think it's a big deal if you throw a few curveballs at kids. The kid may get sad/upset/angry/annoyed, but here's the thing about that: they'll not want to feel that way again so will go in prepared next time. Because they can retry as many times as they want. And if they can't get through with strategy eventually they're Pokemon will get to a level they can power on through (if they focus on doing raids they'll have tons of experience candies in no time to level up fast). "But what if the kid gives up"? Then they give up, but if a kid has gotten all the way to Allister I think that this point they feel invested in the game (and with the Pokemon they had trained) that I think the majority of kids will stick things through.

Seriously, where did this idea that kids have such a short attention span they'll drop the game if it presents them a little challenge come from? Is there some research that shows this is the case? This feels more like a stereotype thing than something which actually happens, I can only imagine the most inattentive kid just giving up something if it gives them even a small bit of challenge (and if that's the case I don't think they would have played the game long enough to get to Allister because they would probably not be able to sit through the story cutscenes). I've come to talk any excuse GF comes up with a grain of salt, because they either have lied or done things contradictory to excuses they've made it sounds like they made it up on the spot to get around the real reason which would put them in a negative light (aka they're lazy, interests are misplaced, and/or recently have been rushed to push out games when they need a few more years to make it more fully developed).

Incineroar S tier... I see youre a person of culture
BUT Charizard was put in B tier, thus any credibility goes out the window right there (it's at least S, maybe even it's own "Charizard Tier").
... I'm sorry if I sound rude, but that's the dumbest argument I've heard!
Like, okay, they don't want it to be too hard so it doesn't have a Fairy move (also because the only Physical Fairy move it learns is Play Rough which is at level 54... even though it knows Slash but it learns that level 36... and if you're going to do that could give it Draining Kiss...). Fine, I can get that (though maybe in that case don't give Allister a Mimikyu, give him a Polteageist or Duskull instead), but you're saying their intent was to give a "mild adventure". Little Timmy didn't get the game to have a mild adventure, he wants action-packed battles! Heck, Mimikyu sort of works against that as, if Little Timmy's attention span is as good as a Goldfish, he'd get bored when his Pokemon doesn't 1HKO Mimikyu because he first has got to break its disguise.

Also, I find the argument that it would make Allister too tough funny considering Allister's ace is Gengar which is notoriously strong and if you're not prepared for it can likely sweep your team (it also comes with Hypnosis). Also his Cursola has Curse which is a pretty nasty thing to pull on a kid if their intent was to make it easy for them.

But you know what, that's alright, because what's the biggest penalty they'll get if they lose? Just some money, I doubt a little kid would be doing a nuzlocke, so honestly I don't think it's a big deal if you throw a few curveballs at kids. The kid may get sad/upset/angry/annoyed, but here's the thing about that: they'll not want to feel that way again so will go in prepared next time. Because they can retry as many times as they want. And if they can't get through with strategy eventually they're Pokemon will get to a level they can power on through (if they focus on doing raids they'll have tons of experience candies in no time to level up fast). "But what if the kid gives up"? Then they give up, but if a kid has gotten all the way to Allister I think that this point they feel invested in the game (and with the Pokemon they had trained) that I think the majority of kids will stick things through.

Seriously, where did this idea that kids have such a short attention span they'll drop the game if it presents them a little challenge come from? Is there some research that shows this is the case? This feels more like a stereotype thing than something which actually happens, I can only imagine the most inattentive kid just giving up something if it gives them even a small bit of challenge (and if that's the case I don't think they would have played the game long enough to get to Allister because they would probably not be able to sit through the story cutscenes). I've come to talk any excuse GF comes up with a grain of salt, because they either have lied or done things contradictory to excuses they've made it sounds like they made it up on the spot to get around the real reason which would put them in a negative light (aka they're lazy, interests are misplaced, and/or recently have been rushed to push out games when they need a few more years to make it more fully developed).

BUT Charizard was put in B tier, thus any credibility goes out the window right there (it's at least S, maybe even it's own "Charizard Tier").
It gets worse.

Lil' Timmy will pull up against that Mimikyu with a Goon... And not hit it super-effectively.

So there's a grand total of nothing holding that argument up. :mehowth:


Ranting & Raving!
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Serebii said:
The Pokémon Company have announced a new ban wave is coming to Pokémon Sword & Shield and Pokémon HOME. In their notice, they make mention of how some players are using altered data and others are causing issues impairing the function of games or apps for others. Due to this, a new ban wave is to start for players who have been modifying their save data
Players hit by these bans will be restricted from online play in Sword & Shield, can't use trading features or can no longer use Pokémon HOME. This follows on from the agreement in the Terms of Service prohibiting save modification. TPC says that bans can be temporary or permanent and no refunds will be issued.
These measures will also be taken regularly in the future and more measures imposed if necessary.
Should this be concerning?:blobthinking:
Yes, especially with people defending anti-cheat in a mostly offline game. This is especially true with Switch still insisting to have inferior online to consoles and PC, even as someone who does not care about fidelity or specs.


Ranting & Raving!
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I found this cool post analyzing Marnie's character. I figured it belongs here because it brings a perspective people scarcely talk about, with most dismissing her as overrated, underwritten and only liked by pedophiles. Neat read, give it a whirl
It's not that there isn't hidden depths you can't infer about Marnie, it's just that she's very underutilized despite the game shining a spotlight on her the few moments she does appear in the game. She reminds me of Plumaria from SM in that regard, a lot of baggage she's carrying around but we're not allowed to see her unpack it. Though at least with Marnie we got to see the sort of ending & result of her character development, though we've missed out on a lot of the inbetween moments to feel really satisfying.

Now the reason for this I think is because she had to share the spotlight with not only 2 other rivals (Hau & Bede), but also because she had to share it with Team Yell. Moreso I think with the latter as GF seemed to decide when there was a Marnie/Team Yell encounter they either needed to do one or the other... where I think they could have easily had more moments where when Team Yell starts causing a ruckus she could appear to both chastise them and had some character moments also. And just in general the game could have maybe had Marnie, Bede, Hau, and other Gym Trainers seen hanging around routes & in town/the city (and a few times in the stadium) where you could get some additional moments of them you have to seek out that fills in the gaps of their character not necessary to know their story but help flesh them out. It'll also actually have made the world fill more "lived in" as the only time you see the other trainers taking the Champion Cup is inside the Stadiums where they're just hanging out in the main lobby.
... I'm sorry if I sound rude, but that's the dumbest argument I've heard!
Like, okay, they don't want it to be too hard so it doesn't have a Fairy move (also because the only Physical Fairy move it learns is Play Rough which is at level 54... even though it knows Slash but it learns that level 36... and if you're going to do that could give it Draining Kiss...). Fine, I can get that (though maybe in that case don't give Allister a Mimikyu, give him a Polteageist or Duskull instead), but you're saying their intent was to give a "mild adventure". Little Timmy didn't get the game to have a mild adventure, he wants action-packed battles! Heck, Mimikyu sort of works against that as, if Little Timmy's attention span is as good as a Goldfish, he'd get bored when his Pokemon doesn't 1HKO Mimikyu because he first has got to break its disguise.

Also, I find the argument that it would make Allister too tough funny considering Allister's ace is Gengar which is notoriously strong and if you're not prepared for it can likely sweep your team (it also comes with Hypnosis). Also his Cursola has Curse which is a pretty nasty thing to pull on a kid if their intent was to make it easy for them.

But you know what, that's alright, because what's the biggest penalty they'll get if they lose? Just some money, I doubt a little kid would be doing a nuzlocke, so honestly I don't think it's a big deal if you throw a few curveballs at kids. The kid may get sad/upset/angry/annoyed, but here's the thing about that: they'll not want to feel that way again so will go in prepared next time. Because they can retry as many times as they want. And if they can't get through with strategy eventually they're Pokemon will get to a level they can power on through (if they focus on doing raids they'll have tons of experience candies in no time to level up fast). "But what if the kid gives up"? Then they give up, but if a kid has gotten all the way to Allister I think that this point they feel invested in the game (and with the Pokemon they had trained) that I think the majority of kids will stick things through.

Seriously, where did this idea that kids have such a short attention span they'll drop the game if it presents them a little challenge come from? Is there some research that shows this is the case? This feels more like a stereotype thing than something which actually happens, I can only imagine the most inattentive kid just giving up something if it gives them even a small bit of challenge (and if that's the case I don't think they would have played the game long enough to get to Allister because they would probably not be able to sit through the story cutscenes). I've come to talk any excuse GF comes up with a grain of salt, because they either have lied or done things contradictory to excuses they've made it sounds like they made it up on the spot to get around the real reason which would put them in a negative light (aka they're lazy, interests are misplaced, and/or recently have been rushed to push out games when they need a few more years to make it more fully developed).
1577152924770 (1).jpg

Whole defense debunked, but I have 1 more illegitimate reason left. I guess they were lazy and forgot to put it in, or thought that the stab would be too strong. Which it is not. Maybe they wanted to have mimiku but keep that like "one type one sweep" system? I have no idea what im talking about!

But, But...!

Her ace, gengy from overwatch, Can be one shot murdered by a obstagoon, which almost every new player has, or one of the many OTHER ghost and dark types LITTLE TIMMY can get before her. All they need is a dynamax, and dynamax they (will probably) have. But, even if he did get a few moves off, he would not be able to completely kill it, because of the high level gap,... Wait I was supposed to defend Gf... AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

You will hate it, but ultra Sun and Moon are great games. Before you start screeching, lemme explain. This game IS pretty easy, but it pushed the 3Ds to its limits on graphics, and had some genuinely good cutscenes, even if they appear every 10 seconds. Also, mixing up gyms was a risk, but kahunas were GREAT. They shook it up, and allowed much different challenges in the trials before the kahuna, like the mimikyu one. Also, totem battles were genuinely hard, but fun. you can mock me, but they hit the designs, and the map. Even though progression is a full circle, it has literal gen 3 places. Like route 123, in Hoenn. ( I think, uhh, forest one) Like take Poin breaker coast: Greta waves smash against the roughened rock, sculpted form ancient volcanos. The springs bubble up, creating beautiful geysers. More reasons, but I'll cover them when Pikachu makes a new diss track.
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I found this cool post analyzing Marnie's character. I figured it belongs here because it brings a perspective people scarcely talk about, with most dismissing her as overrated, underwritten and only liked by pedophiles. Neat read, give it a whirl
Also, I want to add: I'm beginning to dislike these freaking Trainer cards. On one hand, it's handy to know some extra details that aren't neccessary for the story but help to give more insight to Galar and the npcs, Mustard and Peony prob being the best examples I can think of. But when it comes to more important characters having their backstory and personality explained in the card and nowhere else, that's a nono to me (Marnie and Bede being the worst case of this).


Ranting & Raving!
is a Community Contributoris a Top Smogon Media Contributor
Her ace, gengy from overwatch, Can be one shot murdered by a obstagoon, which almost every new player has, or one of the many OTHER ghost and dark types LITTLE TIMMY can get before her.
Are you doing that on purpose? Allister is a boy.

You will hate it, but ultra Sun and Moon are great games. Before you start screeching, lemme explain. This game IS pretty easy, but it pushed the 3Ds to its limits on graphics, and had some genuinely good cutscenes, even if they appear every 10 seconds. Also, mixing up gyms was a risk, but kahunas were GREAT. They shook it up, and allowed much different challenges in the trials before the kahuna, like the mimikyu one. Also, totem battles were genuinely hard, but fun. you can mock me, but they hit the designs, and the map. Even though progression is a full circle, it has literal gen 3 places. Like route 123, in Hoenn. ( I think, uhh, forest one) Like take Poin breaker coast: Greta waves smash against the roughened rock, sculpted form ancient volcanos. The springs bubble up, creating beautiful geysers. More reasons, but I'll cover them when Pikachu makes a new diss track.
I have no problem with the graphics and mechanics of USUM, it's the story that puts a sour taste in my mouth. In the blog post about Marnie that Yung Dramps posted, one of the points that the blogger expressed is that they felt Marnie's story had a more satisfying ending moreso than other characters who are arguably better written, then going to namedrop Lillie and include an image of her. Except, Lillie DID have a satisfying ending... in the original Sun & Moon story. After the Aether Paradise raid, Lillie changes into her "Z-Form", travels with the player to Poni Island, went with them to Exeggutor Island to get the flute (and have some character development/ship tease), traveled into Ultra Space where she confronts her mother's behavior, when Lusamine is defused from Nihilego she tells Lillie she has become beautiful, and at the end of the game leaves Alola with her mother in order to visit Bill in Kanto to try and defuse the Nihilego poison that's still inside Lusamine. It's a bittersweet ending but one which set up big promises such as Lillie going to become a trainer in Kanto & someday come back to Alola and do the Island Challenge for herself.

... THEN came USUM. In this version she doesn't travel with the player to Exeggutor Island so loses some little development there, doesn't travel into Ultra Space because Necrozma conveniently pushes Lusamine & Guzma out of it, watches before her eyes as Nebby is absorbed by Necrozma but doesn't do a thing instead letting the player go ahead as she tends to her mother & Guzma (thus is not there when we rescue Nebby from Necrozma), when we get back it's revealed Lillie had an entire conversation with Lusamine OFF SCREEN which apparently patched things up between them, since Lusamine is perfectly fine Lillie stays in Alola and its Gladion who leaves to better himself in Kanto (and does come back as an Island Defense challenger having added one of the Kanto Starters to his team), and during the Rainbow Rocket episode they make Lillie a pitiful trainer with only a Clefairy, doesn't do anything as you defeat the other villain team leaders, and gets taken hostage at one point. It's rather disgusting how they took the promise of SM of Lillie having an adventure in Kanto becoming a strong & independent trainer to her in USUM pretty much going back to being a shrinking violet.
Last edited:
Are you doing that on purpose? Allister is a boy.
oh wait it was a boy...


I have no problem with the graphics and mechanics of USUM, it's the story that puts a sour taste in my mouth. In the blog post about Marnie that Yung Dramps posted, one of the points that the blogger expressed is that they felt Marnie's story had a more satisfying ending moreso than other characters who are arguably better written, then going to namedrop Lillie and include an image of her. Except, Lillie DID have a satisfying ending... in the original Sun & Moon story. After the Aether Paradise raid, Lillie changes into her "Z-Form", travels with the player to Poni Island, went with them to Exeggutor Island to get the flute (and have some character development/ship tease), traveled into Ultra Space where she confronts her mother's behavior, when Lusamine is defused from Nihilego she tells Lillie she has become beautiful, and at the end of the game leaves Alola with her mother in order to visit Bill in Kanto to try and defuse the Nihilego poison that's still inside Lusamine. It's a bittersweet ending but one which set up big promises such as Lillie going to become a trainer in Kanto & someday come back to Alola and do the Island Challenge for herself.

... THEN came USUM. In this version she doesn't travel with the player to Exeggutor Island so loses some little development there, doesn't travel into Ultra Space because Necrozma conveniently pushes Lusamine & Guzma out of it, watches before her eyes as Nebby is absorbed by Necrozma but doesn't do a thing instead letting the player go ahead as she tends to her mother & Guzma (thus is not there when we rescue Nebby from Necrozma), when we get back it's revealed Lillie had an entire conversation with Lusamine OFF SCREEN which apparently patched things up between them, since Lusamine is perfectly fine Lillie stays in Alola and its Gladion who leaves to better himself in Kanto (and does come back as an Island Defense challenger having added one of the Kanto Starters to his team), and during the Rainbow Rocket episode they make Lillie a pitiful trainer with only a Clefairy, doesn't do anything as you defeat the other villain team leaders, and gets taken hostage at one point. It's rather disgusting how they took the promise of SM of Lillie having an adventure in Kanto becoming a strong & independent trainer to her in USUM pretty much going back to being a shrinking violet.
I forgot the entire plot of USUM. I think I replaced them with SM (or made them up). I think (?) it had a ok postgame WHY WAS I DEFENDING A GAME WHERE I ONLY PLAYED THE PRECURSORS uhhhhhhhhhhhhh im unqualified for this i did a dumb.
I have no problem with the graphics and mechanics of USUM, it's the story that puts a sour taste in my mouth. In the blog post about Marnie that Yung Dramps posted, one of the points that the blogger expressed is that they felt Marnie's story had a more satisfying ending moreso than other characters who are arguably better written, then going to namedrop Lillie and include an image of her. Except, Lillie DID have a satisfying ending... in the original Sun & Moon story. After the Aether Paradise raid, Lillie changes into her "Z-Form", travels with the player to Poni Island, went with them to Exeggutor Island to get the flute (and have some character development/ship tease), traveled into Ultra Space where she confronts her mother's behavior, when Lusamine is defused from Nihilego she tells Lillie she has become beautiful, and at the end of the game leaves Alola with her mother in order to visit Bill in Kanto to try and defuse the Nihilego poison that's still inside Lusamine. It's a bittersweet ending but one which set up big promises such as Lillie going to become a trainer in Kanto & someday come back to Alola and do the Island Challenge for herself.

... THEN came USUM. In this version she doesn't travel with the player to Exeggutor Island so loses some little development there, doesn't travel into Ultra Space because Necrozma conveniently pushes Lusamine & Guzma out of it, watches before her eyes as Nebby is absorbed by Necrozma but doesn't do a thing instead letting the player go ahead as she tends to her mother & Guzma (thus is not there when we rescue Nebby from Necrozma), when we get back it's revealed Lillie had an entire conversation with Lusamine OFF SCREEN which apparently patched things up between them, since Lusamine is perfectly fine Lillie stays in Alola and its Gladion who leaves to better himself in Kanto (and does come back as an Island Defense challenger having added one of the Kanto Starters to his team), and during the Rainbow Rocket episode they make Lillie a pitiful trainer with only a Clefairy, doesn't do anything as you defeat the other villain team leaders, and gets taken hostage at one point. It's rather disgusting how they took the promise of SM of Lillie having an adventure in Kanto becoming a strong & independent trainer to her in USUM pretty much going back to being a shrinking violet.
Lillie is terrible regardless of the game. Though I can somewhat agree that USUM removed the sole moment where she was sympathetic - the moment she grew a nerve in the Ultra Space and finally gave Lusamine the verbal beatdown she should have done ages ago.
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Lillie is terrible regardless of the game. Though I can somewhat agree that USUM removed the sole moment where she was sympathetic - the moment she grew a nerve in the Ultra Space and finally gave Lusamine the verbal beatdown she should have done ages ago.
In SM Lusamine is abusive, which basically explains everything Lillie and Gladion do, as they're survivors who are just getting free into the world. Lillie didn't wait to deliver the verbal beatdown, she had to grow and learn before she was capable of doing that, or even recognizing the possibility. USUM eliminates that part of Lusamine's char to make her more sympathetic, which renders Lillie's char nonsensical.

I actually really liked SM Lillie and decent chunks of the story, USUM just ruined it.


Ranting & Raving!
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In SM Lusamine is abusive, which basically explains everything Lillie and Gladion do, as they're survivors who are just getting free into the world. Lillie didn't wait to deliver the verbal beatdown, she had to grow and learn before she was capable of doing that, or even recognizing the possibility. USUM eliminates that part of Lusamine's char to make her more sympathetic, which renders Lillie's char nonsensical.
No, it's still there. I get the feeling the Ultra Recon Squad is a relatively new element, Lusamine still emotionally abused Lillie and Gladion, tried freezing the Type: Nulls, and experiment on Cosmog to open Ultra Wormholes. Really the only thing URS did was redirect her attention from Nihilego to Necrozma and to the idea she'll be "saving the world" (not to mention get a more understanding how to travel through Ultra Wormholes, she may have also wanted to protect Necrozma from the URS). Now the problem is the game didn't get that across, and worse since Necrozma is going to eat all of the world's light it makes her decision to sacrifice Nebby sound less monsterous & egotistical to more "the ends justify the means"/"for the greater good". Heck, Gladion seems to be onboard, instead of wanting to stop his mother he instead wants to join her when she's about ready to jump through the Ultra Wormhole with Guzma in USUM, only reason he doesn't is because Lusamine is still holding a grudge against her kids disobeying her.
For as much as the Pokemon fandom mocks the reasons Masuda gave for the Battle Frontier not being in ORAS, I think he has a point and these kids who were born around/shortly before the time ORAS came out are now going to restaurants (Or at least were a year ago) and their parents are just yeeting an iPad in front of them. The number of upvotes for "This is what the Battle Frontier is going to be in DP remakes" memes with pictures of the SwSh battle tower just can't compare to the number of sales for Pokemon games and at the end of the day the people who wanted the Battle Frontier in ORAS are just a very vocal minority.


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For as much as the Pokemon fandom mocks the reasons Masuda gave for the Battle Frontier not being in ORAS, I think he has a point and these kids who were born around/shortly before the time ORAS came out are now going to restaurants (Or at least were a year ago) and their parents are just yeeting an iPad in front of them. The number of upvotes for "This is what the Battle Frontier is going to be in DP remakes" memes with pictures of the SwSh battle tower just can't compare to the number of sales for Pokemon games and at the end of the day the people who wanted the Battle Frontier in ORAS are just a very vocal minority.
You're totally right that more families have iPads than 3DSes or Switches, but for the families that do have a Nintendo console, particularly a portable one, why would parents shove and iPad in a child's face rather than their Nintendo console with better games?

That's the flaw with the reasoning.
why would parents shove and iPad in a child's face rather than their Nintendo console with better games?
Implying that parents care about what trashy games their kids play. :psysly:

Despite never caring much for the Battle Frontier myself, I always thought "why include a Battle Frontier, the games sell just fine without it" is a silly way of thinking. Well duh, it's Pokémon, of course it'll sell without a Battle Frontier. I'm sure the games would sell just fine without music, so why does GF even bother with soundtracks? Who needs color either, let's go back to the classic black and white of the Game Boy (was it black and white? I never had an original GB). It doesn't mean GF shouldn't add those features for the people who like them.

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