League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

The defeat of canada eh?

That was totally worth delaying my trip to the bar. Fuckin loved all the stealing of buffs in those games, and lol gragas penta. Good shit. Enjoyed Dryus' teleport use...
LoL Username: Hurrdralisk
Ideal Role: AP Tank
Secondary Role: Jungler/AD Carry
Summoner Level: 25 (soon to be 26)
Anyone you want to be paired with in particular: Don't care


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
lol username: TheValkyries
ideal role: Tank
secondary role: Tanky DPS
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: Is no matter.
Random lurker here. Put me on reserve if there's too many poeple since this is like my second post here LOL.

lol username: ClawofBeta
ideal role: ANYTHING GOES (but I am a lousy jungler)
summoner level: 30
anyone I wanted to be paired with: Rayquaza2233, if he joins.
i wasn't going to sign up but i figured maybe we can get a low level game or something

lol username: porygon3
ideal role: I usually play tank/support since otherwise i'd be soloing with a game of 5 carries but i can play pretty much any besides jungle
secondary role: see above
summoner level: 12
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: nope
didn't tell me anything i didn't know but then again it's not caitlyn was hard to begin with. a great guide for new players, maybe some existing caitlyn players could benefit from it too. i liked your mention of using r to harass, too many people i see use it for the finisher then cry as someone tanks the shot. perhaps mention you can use it to break enemy positioning in a team fight, especially if you use it on someone who can't sustain health and doesn't want to get hit.


I'm the Mary!
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
the only source of defence the other team had was morde but even he was easily nuked, the problem was no one ever initiated and when someone did theyd always wait to see the outcome before deciding to attack or not.
the only source of defence the other team had was morde but even he was easily nuked, the problem was no one ever initiated and when someone did theyd always wait to see the outcome before deciding to attack or not.
Oh my god I hate this so much. I tend to play characters who are good at initiating team fights and in normals people who are more concerned with a good KDA than winning will always leave me hanging.

I just had a 3v3 that could have been ended at the 20 minute mark but our Jax wanted to finish with no deaths so it took like 15-20 minutes longer because he would b when we aced them so he could heal.
the only source of defence the other team had was morde but even he was easily nuked, the problem was no one ever initiated and when someone did theyd always wait to see the outcome before deciding to attack or not.
Um, dude, it seems like YOU were the only one who could initiate.
Um, dude, it seems like YOU were the only one who could initiate.
? Everyone on his team has an initiation move, especially looking towards Xin Zhao and Tryndamere but they were all silly in building FULL attack with no defence. That's why they were pussy-ing out
? Everyone on his team has an initiation move, especially looking towards Xin Zhao and Tryndamere but they were all silly in building FULL attack with no defence. That's why they were pussy-ing out
to be fair the other team was doing the same thing

except morde, who had thornmail, which should make him an easy target for kat

i mean apart from wukong and ashe ult they don't have any instant cc to stop kat ult so if she was smart about it she should be able to carry - or if rammus taunt took wukong/ashe out she'd be able to jump in on that

wukong also had a warmog's but no atma's so not really any justification there either

still the rest of your team is pretty stupid for building no armor against a 4 AD team :/
Kassadin and Olaf buffs make me blow a load. Also a smash attack on Mordekaisers lane sustain, which I think was very much needed.

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