League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Right now i just bought veigar and HOLY crap I got his AP upwards of 600+. I bought him cause he looked lie the black mage in ff1. Mana regen is a must but with leona as my partner are ocmbos seem to go together.
mordekaisr nerf hoorah. No more 3v3 stomping now~

also interesting to note is that the tenacity items are all now at 35, meaning they now tie with Merc Treads. Maybe they can now become viable?
Pots now stack ffs yes I am such a noob at using multiple pots

Age of Kings

of the Ash Legion
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
might as well

lol username: Radilgy
ideal role: tank
secondary role: solo top or support
summoner level: 25
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: hard carries, otherwise idc
Right now i just bought veigar and HOLY crap I got his AP upwards of 600+. I bought him cause he looked lie the black mage in ff1. Mana regen is a must but with leona as my partner are ocmbos seem to go together.
Veigar is the ultimate burst mage, but he needs to land Event Horizon to get off any real power from his combo.
lol username: ExfSharpshooter
ideal role: AP carry, Tank
secondary role: Mid, bottom AP
summoner level: 11
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: Someone that can help me level up and learn the game in more detail.
Riven is apparently a good jungler. Decent speed, okay health, but excellent ganks.

Of course we'll have to see if she's totally OP in lane before we can justify jungling her.
Just wanted to say.. Shen's "small" buffs turned out to be pretty big ones imo. His jungling speed has increased by ALOT; due to stronger base attack and Ki Blade upgrade. Ki Blade is actually worth leveling now.. at least to lvl 2.
ki strike is his passive
vorpal blade is the sword throw which you should max anyway because it's amazing poke + sustain
Mordekaiser nerf really isnt as bad as i thought it was going to be. If I hit them with a siphon they still really cant harass me. Thought minion waves are alittle pain in my ass. But his creeping death is always a nice way to solve that issue.


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shen's jungle is still pretty slow and his ganks are horrible. the best thing about his jungle is that he keeps his health up pretty well.
Just wanted to say.. Shen's "small" buffs turned out to be pretty big ones imo. His jungling speed has increased by ALOT; due to stronger base attack and Ki Blade upgrade. Ki Blade is actually worth leveling now.. at least to lvl 2.
shen jungle is 4:20 which is really slow

until they make him a stronger laner or there's a metagame shift from ad+support bot, i don't think we'll be seeing much more of him

however one possibility is that tanky dps solo lane shen becomes extremely popular and everyone starts building him trinity force atmog's
Mordekaiser nerf really isnt as bad as i thought it was going to be. If I hit them with a siphon they still really cant harass me. Thought minion waves are alittle pain in my ass. But his creeping death is always a nice way to solve that issue.
it really doesn't seem to be a big deal; he can farm and harass and be an enormous jackass as much as he wants still, he just has to be more careful when pushing a lane.
wriggles/mercs/hog/wit's end core real good

shen finishes level 4 clear at full health, when i did it i cleared in 4:30 but i'm sure that could be optimised with a good leash

it's still slow, slower than warwick and probably equally sustainable. if i can find a long sword path i'll write it up because long sword works really well for warwick

taric has cute burst at level 6 but the ult really does not scale that well i mean 250 damage isn't much at level 11


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
It's really not supposed to be much, it's just a replacement for the biggest thing that was holding Taric back. Now you can forgo the heavy mana item without fear of running out of mana in the middle of every team fight.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
The math has always supported the "other" tenacity items so the buff only helps a little. The underlying problem still exists in that they waste another item slot, in addition to Boots, where Merc Treads just rolls both things together. That said, most games don't last long enough to fill out in 5-6 end-game items anyway and this will at least make them more appealing purchases in the meantime.

Shen would be cool tanky AP, since his ult has a massive ratio now, but he's pretty hard to itemize being manaless and having only one damaging ability to boot. (I'm looking at you, Rylai's.) He's not completely horrible solo top or jungling though, at least then he gets enough gold to be tanky where his damage is still sorely lacking. And compared to Warwick for jungling, at least he can pretend to threaten a pre-6 gank since he has a ranged attack and taunt... But I never liked Warwick either, so whatever.
Are all the streams usually linked on the LoL main site? I'm back in the mood to play a bit, but I just wanna see how people at the top play to learn a thing or two
In regards to Taric I think the changes do a pretty good job of filling out his niche and I'm pretty pleased about it as someone who mained him leveling. I think just by the nature of his skillset he'll probably always be the worst teamfighter of the supports -- one control move means he's not going to compete well with Alistar, Janna, or even Sona in that department, and his sustain is pretty weak compared to the other four main supports in a teamfight(though Taric is slightly better now in that with the Shatter and Radiance changes he can at least be an Aurabot a bit), and his damage lategame is still bad due to lack of farm like the other supports... though even then he doesn't scale as well as Janna or Soraka.

What I think this patch does a good job of, though, is make him the best offensive laner now (even better than Alistar since Taric supplies a decent bit more damage on his own). He had some nice aggressive lanes before with some notables like Caitlyn, Vayne(who I liked better with Alistar before but), and Cassiopeia and it's only going to be easier to get kills in those lane now that Radiance adds a meaningful chunk of damage during the second half of the laning phase(and in Cass's case that it adds AP instead of just AD now). The changes to Shatter kind of support this too even though the damage drop hurts more than the cooldown helps in regards to bursting people down(especially since it's too mana expensive to really exploit that to harass...), since at least now you're not putting your carry in unnecessary danger when you use Shatter to go for a kill. I think it makes a lot of other laning partners make more sense with Taric too, since if you have a partner with some CC and you coordinate it well you can Radiance->Shatter->Dazzle from melee range now that that gives the same stun duration as using it from range and then the whole combo is like a 25% damage output boost from what Taric was doing during the Talon patch because you get the benefit of the new AP aura on Shatter and Dazzle. I like him with Ashe a lot more now in particular, level pretty easy to set-up a kill at 6 or 7 now. The changes aren't going to change Taric as a character much but it makes his laning phase even better to compensate for his sketchy lategame, and at least he can support his team better with Shatter and Radiance's auras now... it's a pretty good solution, I think. It's a pity it's not more feasible to get some AP on him as a support to help out offensively a little more, but ah, well... I think I'm going to start going Philos->Kage's and running a couple AP blues and reds to improve the burst a little at low levels. I think Taric is still someone you really need to win the lane with to be "worth it" but I'm a fan of the changes.

I haven't played her since the patch because I was pretty busy yesterday but I like the little change to Sona's heal, too. The one thing I complained most about when I saw the support changes last patch was how hilariously bad her heal was at level 1 and to a lesser extent level 2(what the FUCK is a 25hp heal. seriously), especially since her laning phase is pretty much a disaster if you don't get a couple points in her nuke early to prevent it from being too easy for your opponents to harass. I'm glad to see the heal restored to reasonable levels at the beginning of the game, especially since part of the rationale for nerfing all the heals last patch was late-game scaling which Sona couldn't do to begin with. I felt like I was having to play more aggressively than was wise during the Talon patch as Sona because if I just let them whittle us away I couldn't keep up if my carry didn't let us get pushed to the tower(and if they didn't have a comp that could just dive us there), which should be remedied by this seemingly minor change. I think Sona is in a really good place right now, the bugfixes last patch were a big help and now I think her numbers are about where they should be.
The problem is that you can now build Taric as an AP solo top lane. He's got really good sustain with a powerful Q heal, he doesn't have to worry about mana because he can actually afford to autoattack, and he has a much more powerful nuking combo now along with a reliable close-range stun.
uh yeah i haven't logged in for 4 months, but....(!)
lol username: BlocksRcool
ideal role: Only certain champions that shan't be said
secondary role: ad carry
summoner level: 30
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: don't care..

MY SMURF (mainly play this now, i can play my main whenever though)

lol username: CheezRcool
ideal role: bruiser/jungler
secondary role: ad carry
summoner level: 24 (and rising)
anyone you want to be paired with in particular: don't care
I don't see how that is a problem. I wouldn't mind if every support could solo a lane.
the problem is that he isn't a support anymore

he's a tanky DPS carry where support is secondary and forcing the enemy top out of lane while never missing a CS due to his large AoE is his primary goal

he has no need to carry CV, he has no need to max his heal first; on the other hand he has roughly a 450 magic damage AoE nuke at level 6 while healing himself constantly and having at least 40 extra armor by level 5 if you max W first

considering that most opposing top carries are physical based (unless in EU meta) that's pretty big

his damage isn't as huge as a standard carry's but he farms very well, basically never dies, has a pocket stun, and is pretty great in a teamfight now.
the problem is that he isn't a support anymore

he's a tanky DPS carry where support is secondary and forcing the enemy top out of lane while never missing a CS due to his large AoE is his primary goal

he has no need to carry CV, he has no need to max his heal first; on the other hand he has roughly a 450 magic damage AoE nuke at level 6 while healing himself constantly and having at least 40 extra armor by level 5 if you max W first

considering that most opposing top carries are physical based (unless in EU meta) that's pretty big

his damage isn't as huge as a standard carry's but he farms very well, basically never dies, has a pocket stun, and is pretty great in a teamfight now.
This sounds a lot like the Soraka craze that happened after her rework. I think it's more likely that because he is comparatively so much better at succeeding offensively that it seems like he is much better. He still is very good at supporting a carry with his utility, and his abilities are definitely more beneficial for a duo lane than a solo, even if they can be applied significant success in a solo lane

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