Metagame Views From The Council

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The way I see it, Sleep Clause should change so it aligns better other clauses and Smogon policy.

Like imagine if OHKO moves were introduced today and instead of simply banning them outright, we just had the OHKO prevent you from using OHKO moves after KOing a target. Or if instead of banning Minimize and Double Team, we decided that if the opponent misses 2 times in a row, you have to switch out and can't use evasion moves when it's the last Pokemon. Funny how those made up suggestions also can be replicated on cart too, while current sleep clause.

Additionally, all I see with keeping current sleep clause is going to cause more problems with tiering policy. If we modify the game for Sleep and Freeze, why not modify the game for other aspects too to make the game? I think it'd only be fair to be more open to things like paralysis clause or flinch clause or what ever that changes mechanics rather than ban X move/ability/item if sleep clause still will let sleep moves fail against a second target.
This entire thing smells of sour grapes of people wanting darkrai banned even though it was proved it was mid.
a- on the vr isn't mid. besides that, new tech and sets for darkrai and other new/reintroduced mons are still being explored, so i don't think we can definitively say anything has been "proven" to be mid yet
Like are people really saying a shitty unreliable set, even more easy to respond than NP+3, who might screw you over and done better by a better mon (I.Valiant) who doesn't use it because it's a shitty unreliable set is the reason to ban it? Why not do the same to Gengar, Milotic or Alolatales as well?
sure, it's unreliable. that's actually part of the problem. being so unreliable means that you can't rely on it hitting if you're playing against it either. switching in a sleep absorber has a 40% chance to not work, which can put you in a worse position than if it'd hit. as for the others, they're not in the conversation because darkrai is the one that keeps inexplicably picking up games
When turd2 started posting replays of "Darkrai being broken because Sleep-Hax" people spent like 3-4 pages saying it was a bad set and he kept winning because a mix of many factors like lucky, bad plays and overall bad match-up to darkrai.
i can't speak for everyone else, but i was dunking on him because his arguments were bad, not because he was wrong. also because he argued for like 3 pages about the merits of retesting skymin, and i'm gonna give a bit of a harder time to someone who's argued for the dropping of ubers that are blatantly too strong for ou. like lugia, to pick a completely random example
Unless you can prove sleep as an whole is broken I don't see a reason to ban it all
we needed to mod the game to balance it and this discussion happened anyway. between that and just pointing at the rng, i think that's pretty significant evidence that sleep is uncompetitive
During my run at the suspect at ND
i'd love to hear more about your natdex suspect run! you can tell us all about your experience here
I get it the focus is sleep as a whole but the main post kinda seems to paint Darkrai either as the the main villain or the straw which broke the camels back and seriously I don't see Darkrai as an issue, so I say either do nothing, let the meta keep going or just ban moves who guarantee sleep which I also don't agree as well since this isn't Gen 5 were sleep resets on the switch.
this is a valid position. no matter what your thoughts on darkrai or sleep are, i think there are more pressing issues (as in "issues with pressure" :kyurem::kyurem::kyurem:) at the moment, and it might be a good idea to say "let's just discuss it again later"
this is a valid position. no matter what your thoughts on darkrai or sleep are, i think there are more pressing issues (as in "issues with pressure" :kyurem::kyurem::kyurem:) at the moment, and it might be a good idea to say "let's just discuss it again later"
This is kinda why I hate whenever anything that has been concrete for generations, the sleep clause, freeze clause or obvious ubers, is brought back up it just leads to endless bickering that gets us nowhere. People do have good arguements on why sleep as a whole should be banned, why we should ban darkrai and why we should do nothing. I think topics like this should be done at the end of a generation because their is not as many things that have higher priority most of the time. A time like now just distracts us from more important topics at this time. I get why people do want to talk about it and I would be more inclusive to the idea about talking about big changes, if people weren't so, to put it nicely, passionate, about the topics.
Honestly; I was desperately hoping that the "drowsy" condition from Pokemon Legends Arceus would find its way into SV and replace sleep, but sadly that dream never came true. :darkrai: Darkrai isn't the issue, sleep is; this has been a multi-generation issue that has never been more pressing than it has now. It's an uncompetitive mechanic, and at this point, I'm leaning towards sleep as a condition to be looked at seriously and as a high priority.

This is kinda why I hate whenever anything that has been concrete for generations, the sleep clause, freeze clause or obvious ubers, is brought back up it just leads to endless bickering that gets us nowhere. People do have good arguements on why sleep as a whole should be banned, why we should ban darkrai and why we should do nothing. I think topics like this should be done at the end of a generation because their is not as many things that have higher priority most of the time. A time like now just distracts us from more important topics at this time. I get why people do want to talk about it and I would be more inclusive to the idea about talking about big changes, if people weren't so, to put it nicely, passionate, about the topics.
In all honesty - once an eventual Roaring Moon suspect hopefully sends that mon packing, I'll be pretty happy with where the metagame is at... except for sleep. With Tera especially, sleep has become even more potent, MU-fishy, and uncompetitive - and, let me tell you, if I had to pick between Tera and sleep going for good, I'm going to say sayonara to sleep every single time.
Honestly; I was desperately hoping that the "drowsy" condition from Pokemon Legends Arceus would find its way into SV and replace sleep, but sadly that dream never came true.
it might next gen! i suspect—and this is of course just a theory—that the reason a lot of pla mechanics (most notably, shiny noises) didn't make it into sv was because sv was already well into development (or what passes for "development", the game was clearly unfinished on release) before pla's development started, so we got a lot of quality-of-life improvements in pla that were immediately ripped away from us simply because of timing. this is 100% hopium but fuck it, i believe they can occasionally do something good for once
it might next gen! i suspect—and this is of course just a theory—that the reason a lot of pla mechanics (most notably, shiny noises) didn't make it into sv was because sv was already well into development (or what passes for "development", the game was clearly unfinished on release) before pla's development started, so we got a lot of quality-of-life improvements in pla that were immediately ripped away from us simply because of timing. this is 100% hopium but fuck it, i believe they can occasionally do something good for once
I'm guessing that PLA was started just a bit before SV's development, as we got the back hit mechanic that was in PLA. I'm guessing that they introduced the easier to introduce mechanics into SV, and next gen they will implement the rest. But what do I know, I ain't a game developer.
for the love of god do not bring anything from PLA into the main games. wasn't sneasler enough to you people.

Anyway, I feel like theres plenty of merit of making a sleep clause policy thread for gen 9, but I do think that if it cant be solved quickly (and it cant because people have been debating and testing and retesting sleep for years now) itd be better to shelf this line and focus on stuff like moon, kyurem etc. I don't really like sleep either but itll probably take a long time to solve this and I think thats bad time management for now.
I think honestly it comes down to 3 things here.

1) Would things be more fun without sleep?

Yes. Getting a mon slept isn't particularly fun. Yes spore and sleep powder have some counter play but the counter play isn't particularly interesting as they boil down to grass types, gholdengo, and just choosing what mon to sac.

2) Would things be more competitive without sleep?

Probably. Hypnosis is particularly coin flippy and even the accurate sleep moves have a high variance with the wide range in number of turns a mon can be asleep. But spore and tan definitely have competitive value despite that.

3) Sleep Clause

Sleep as we've known for basically forever is only allowed with an obscure Nerf that's not cartridge compatible. If Pokemon stadium never had sleep clause we'd never be here.

In summary, we've made an obscure rule to a game that doesn't make it more fun nor competitive... So why have the rule?
Honestly, this whole thing feels like a bit of a circlejerk response to a luck-based building trend similar to when we were freaking out over Quick Claw when that monoclaw team was trending. Hypnosis Darkrai isn’t a meme, but it’s not particularly consistent either, and I think it’s really not something so pressing that it requires any kind of action at all, let alone immediate action. All that’s happening is that people trying out HypnoRai has suddenly thrust sleep under the microscope again. It’s a dumb, uncompetitive mechanic. So is Quick Claw. Do we need to ban it? I dunno, maybe, maybe not. We didn’t end up banning Quick Claw, but we did ban King’s Rock last gen, so clearly sometimes we do have to draw the line somewhere. But banning Darkrai because of it would not only be a total kneejerk overreaction to a set that isn’t even “mathematically” that good a set, it would be just kind of a bad tiering decision in general.

One more thing. Remember when SwagPlay Klefki was taking a lot of degenerate luck-based wins in gen 6 and we banned Klefki as a result?

I do not support a entire ban of Sleep as a whole. As a few have echoed here, I wish in an ideal world that "Drowsy" was the innate form of the mechanic; Where if you are to stay in while drowsy, you sleep for however many turns. This is mostly my personal fanfiction however.

From a player POV, I do not find the mechanic itself to be problematic. I find the Pokemon that use it and take advantage of it to be an issue; Darkrai, Iron Valiant. There is a reason these two single handedly make the mechanic pop into our minds, besides the obvious grass types that use Spore. I do not specifically find these Grass types to be problematic innately, and consider it one of the perks of the Grass type itself to have a viable way to deal with threats. With that being said, I would rather every sleep abuser simply have "yawn" instead to make this infinitely less annoying lol.

I consider the phasing ability of Sleep and its ability to counter problem threats to be more useful than not. Sure, I find as many do, it deeply annoying that sleep is random in terms of landing and also waking up. But I think that the usefulness in locking down key threats to be more interesting and useful than not; I have used Yawn very often to deal with Mons that would otherwise trash entire games. Is this cheesy from select povs? sure, but I find it equally dreadful that I have to hop through many hoops to stop a Tera's setup sweeper in a sea of them to slow down the tide of a game enough to claw back with it too. (Ban Roaring Moon and its multi headed hydra brothers.)

I support a do nothing or do not ban approach at this moment. While I do genuinely understand the supporting of banning the moves, I do not personally believe its worth doing while there are many, many other pressing issues that would potentially reduce and/or lessen the raw impact of sleep fishing as a whole. Until the Metagame is in a semi stable position, I will have to go with a do nothing vote for now. :wo:
No one is discussing this here if not for Darkrai. No one runs Hypnosis on ATails or Iron Val. 1 pokemon turns out to be busted due to sleep and now we want to get rid of sleep all together. Hazards are far more cancerous and prominent but no lets divert attention to sleep which was nowhere near the radar a month ago.
No one is discussing this here if not for Darkrai. No one runs Hypnosis on ATails or Iron Val. 1 pokemon turns out to be busted due to sleep and now we want to get rid of sleep all together. Hazards are far more cancerous and prominent but no lets divert attention to sleep which was nowhere near the radar a month ago.
There is an argument here for Darkrai making Hypnosis notorious, but Iron Valiant and ATails ABSOLUTELY did historically ran Hypnosis. However, this move is uncommon, because they obviously have better set with better purpose than doing a slightly weighted coinflip, which in turn makes Sleep on these mons MUCH more devastating when it does happen because you do not expect it from them compared to dedicated Spore users.

The same could be said about Darkrai, because Hypnosis set isn't even its most popular one (albeit a LOT more popular compared to Hypnosis Valiant), people cannot expect it to run Hypnosis or click it most of the time. It has 2 other sets that's a lot better than fishing for sleep, which is Choice Scarf to hit Booster speed mons, or NP + 3 attack for wallbreaking. The thing that made it notorious, as I previously said, is that Darkrai is often associated with Sleep-inducing move thanks to Dark Void and its identity as a Pokemon, so people subconsciously want to run Hypnosis on it, instead of Darkrai being more of a problem than say Iron Valiant.

Comparing it to hazard is also intellectually dishonest. Landing hazard on the field isn't an instant win, and it's just the climate of the meta. Hypnosis set isn't mainstream, which is why it's very difficult to prepare for it, and it's very frustrating if it hits, because it feels like you are losing to a "gimmick". This, in my opinion, is why people want it banned. With all that being said, I think Sleep DOESN'T NEED to be banned, but if it was, I would totally understand it.
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I do believe Sleep is a fundamentally uncompetitive mechanic and fully support the ban. We have already banned evasion, King's Rock, Swagger etc instead of their most prominent abusers and Darkrai is not the only Sleep Abuser either. I think the only real loss from banning sleep is Yawn which is a cool phazing move rather than a straight up sleep one. However if I need to sacrifice Yawn utility to get rid of the mechanic I don't mind it.

Sleep Clause is ancient and a product of different times so at least reviewing and discussing it is a good thing in the end.
So this is almost entirely a niche subject, and I'm not sure how much relevancy this has to the discussion of a sleep ban since this is not even close to an OU-tier mon I'm gonna be referencing, but on the basis that this could affect the entirety of showdown, I'm going to speak up anyways. If sleep-inducing moves are banned, what happens to moves that *can* inflict sleep? Would Relic Song on Meloetta be unusable? Are we going to dumpster an entire mechanic of an already mid Pokemon to save Darkrai in OU? If Relic Song still works, would it just be modded to block sleep? Would it still be allowed to inflict sleep as the sole exception? It seems like banning sleep as a whole opens a lot of complicated situations, the least of which being this confusing little conundrum involving Meloetta, that could just be avoided by sending the Pokemon that's been Ubers for the past 4 generations, back to Ubers.
We ban sleep moves, nothing happens to Relic Song or Meloetta, it can still inflict sleep, and since we get rid of sleep clause mod Relic Song actually becomes consistent with it's actual mechanics. I really don't see any issues here. We're making things less complicated, including for Meloetta


bike is short for bichael
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Arguments in this thread that say "do nothing" or in any case "don't ban sleep-inducing moves" really need to deal with the reality that the way sleep currently functions in our current metagames is a game mod. So far I've just seen people ignoring this fact to talk about Darkrai being the issue or at least the REAL instigator of this discussion rather than any innate problem with sleep as a mechanic being the cause, forgetting that if we were forced to abide by cartridge mechanics, there would be no doubt in anyone's mind that Darkrai and many other sleep inducers would be broken or uncompetitive. Those who oppose banning sleep-inducing moves and favor Sleep Clause ought to demonstrate why sleep as a mechanic is worth preserving at the expense of consistent tiering policy. Any argument that does not address this issue is not worth taking into account.

Caveat: I do think that if Sleep Clause is swapped for a ban on sleep-inducing moves, the latter category should be restricted to moves whose only function is to induce sleep and induce sleep on the turn the move is clicked. Yawn is a perfectly healthy move that gives certain passive mons a way to prevent setup and I see no reason to throw out the baby with the bathwater by creating an indiscriminate Clause against sleep-inducing moves instead of simply banning the individual moves that are problematic.


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Chiming in with some quick thoughts here as a council member who's been in favour of Sleep Moves Clause > Sleep Clause for years now, while also thinking it's a much better change for this gen than previous generations.

1) For me there's been different standout offenders with sleep over the course of the gen, especially Red Card Amoon early on as well as cheesy stuff like SD Hypno Val, but for the current meta the big 3 for broken sleep are Hypno Rai, CM Hypno Val (with Hex Tera Ghost), and Lilligant-H on sun teams. All three of these mons can run away with games with a little bit of luck (40 percent to get at least one free turn with Hypnosis, and 50 percent for Sleep Powder). These odds are too low to claim consistency from the users' perspective, but still higher than everything else that would be considered "hax" from an opponents' perspective.

2) The counterplay spread for sleep users is pretty poor. The 3 sleep users I mentioned are very fast, especially the latter two which are often faster than entire teams. Direct counterplay to the sleep move is pretty rare outside of Ghold/Glisc, and both are pretty bad into Rai, + increasingly poor into the ever-widening range of offensive threats that we've been getting (including Wake/Gouging Fire that are found on Sun with Lilligant). Everything else is pretty limited in terms of proper use cases with teams that dont make the tech into a liability.

3) Sleep sacking is usually a bad response to these threats. In context, you have to remember that these mons are being paired with some of the most powerful offensive threats ever made, and the expected response with sleep sacking is to go into one of your mons (often u dont really get to choose much because this has to be at least a passable switchin), sack it to sleep, switch out IMMEDIATELY, and then hope you brought a second switchin, otherwise you're gonna be going to a third mon and probably taking damage to revenge kill. Even in the better version of this scenario, you've left a mon on 0 sleep turns and the sleep mon can still double or just switch out. This is especially true of Lilli-H, who is very useful as speed control for sun builds (actually a top tier style!) and has fantastic natural coverage thanks to the recent DLC where it gained Triple Axel. The issues with sleep sacking also come into play when combined with the odds calculations mentioned in the first bullet point - should I be going to Clefable to revenge Lilligant-Hisui if there's a 50 percent chance that this play will sack my Clefable for no reason? Should I have cleared the high building bar of always double-layering Lilligant checks/always carrying a priority that can kill Lilligant (it could still tera)? Is it even an affordable risk to be making decisions like this when Walking Wake and Gouging Fire are warming up to knock your socks off?

4) Following on from the last point, the ineffectiveness of sleep clause has been largely covered up by the fact that the only sleep users in past gens were either mons that were awful outside of sleep (Breloom), mons that do their job perfectly fine without having to risk putting anyone to sleep (Gen 8 Blacephalon), or defensive Grass types that generally had a wider range of mid-ground switchins (and therefore a wider choice of sleep sacks for the opponent + an immediate passivity issue that occurs once they've blown their sleep). Now that we have mid-level fast offensive mons that can run sleep as part of a decent set, it becomes more clear that the nerf we implemented on sleep all those years ago may not have been as universally effective as we thought.

And before anyone says "shouldnt have freed Darkrai", we had a solid two weeks where no one on high ladder was using HypnoRai and what we learned was that Darkrai is roughly the 7th best Dark type in OU, somewhere around B rank viability, and has some actual utility to offer to the tier. The fact that there's a jump from "balanced and B rank" to "wait should we ban this" off of one move is perhaps a sign that we underestimated how good sleep was even in a Sleep Clause metagame.

People can say "it's not sleep it's Rai" all they want, but I can say "it's not Rai it's sleep" with just as much validity. Unlike most debates between banning a pokemon and banning a broken element of said pokemon, the non-pokemon ban actually has a good tiering argument behind it. The only reason we're in this position in the first place is because we decided to nerf a broken mechanic instead of ban it, something we'd never do in this decade. All of this is before we even consider the way sleep is used on multiple pokemon right now.

5) Sleep fucks with the balance of Gen 9 specifically. Despite the insanely power-crept mons that we have been receiving all generation, and the crazy concept of Tera, this meta has (mostly) functioned well on a competitive level. This is largely down to a few interactions that do just about enough to keep the meta honest, instead of letting people succeed off of randomness. Two of the main ones that we see all the time are Tera4Tera and Kingambit revenge killing. Essentially the idea here is that if you load one of the many super fast and super powerful mons that we have access to, and then use the Tera button to smash through something that normally checks it, you can then mark down that your opponent can't Tera anymore, and cleanly respond to that Tera threat with one of your own Tera types, or a boosted Kingambit Sucker Punch. Most of the same concepts apply when you run into a threat that is fast and breaks through everything without Teraing - you use defensive Tera or Kingambit to stop the threat, live to fight another day, and then hope to win now that you're playing against things that dont beat ur whole team. Unfortunately, fast strong sleep users can kinda bypass these aspects of the metagame - defensive Teraing or Sucker Punching into a sleep move is deeply unappealing, and in this case you're often banking on them straight up missing the sleep move.

For an example of this, imagine a Kingambit trying to revenge kill a +1 Ghost Tera'd Valiant (pretty reasonable situation). The Kingambit player has an option to either Sucker Punch raw (and risk Vacuum Wave or Encore), or make the safer play and Tera to live all moves and KO with Kowtow Cleave. If the Valiant player is using Vacuum Wave, they will probably click that and do a small amount of damage if the Kingambit Teras. If the Valiant player is using Encore, they have a 50/50 choice to make between attacking for chip as Gambit Kowtows or predicting the Gambit Sucker with CM -> Encore. If the Valiant player is HypnoHex, most of the playing aspects on both sides get replaced with an RNG check - Hypnosis covers Gambit Sucker Punching, and 60 percent of the time it will cover Gambit Teraing. If the Gambit makes the safe play that covers the most options (Tera Kowtow), they still need to wake up instantly to not die to +1 Ghost Tera Hex. Note that in this situation, while the HypnoVal user does have a higher chance of coming away with absolutely nothing (miss Hypno and die), they also have a higher chance of coming away with everything (dead Tera Gambit). On top of that, they've managed to achieve all of this without making a decision on their end beyond the preset "I Ghost Tera and then click Hypnosis when Gambit tries to revenge me". This type of situation also applies with Gambit vs Lilligant, and it also applies with other defensive Tera mons vs Darkrai. If you defensive Tera your Gking vs Fairy Rai, then you have 80 percent odds to either dodge the Hypnosis or wake up in time to get a big hit off. This sounds great! until you realise the other 20 percent of outcomes is u losing ur Tera + Darkrai check and then probably losing the game afterwards. In these cases the sleep user is effectively saying they're not gonna try and break their opponent down through any normal, non-RNG reliant means, and instead opt for a choice that will take the outcomes out of both players' hands. This was always a pretty risky thing to allow.

6) Sleep fucks with the game in general. Something that is pretty much universal across almost all metagames is the idea that offensive teams need to be able to pile pressure onto specific defensive staples as a way to overwhelm them and get a winning position, while defensive teams want to cover threats and have a backup plan where possible against top tier threats. Mons that use setup + sleep can bypass this to an extent, since you can play a sequence of clicking setup as they go to their first answer -> clicking sleep to decommission that answer -> hitting the second switchin with a boosted move. The result of this is that instead of working off the normal mons fundamental where a mon just has to avoid a 2HKO and retaliate well in order to be considered a defensive answer, you're now left with a much more difficult standard of having to switch into a pokemon that already got a free turn to boost.

This becomes relevant when preparing for Darkrai with a balance or BO team, because a large portion of otherwise fine Darkrai counterplay is left to either risk the sleep rolls or try to sleep sack -> actual sack to get the second answer in without dying. After turd2's Darkrai rampage about a week ago, I decided to look into what defensive cores could work against HypnoRai reliably, and there are some decent balance cores that can answer it (normally involving some sort of Spdef water + Unaware + Zamazenta complex), but it is very resource-intensive and not particularly friendly to finding new structures. Outside of these structures, you can still do some things in-game to force Darkrai to hit its moves as much as possible, but this is only for creating odds, not for creating clear paths - without pretty specific counterplay, you can still get posterized by turd2/Ojama/Vert with some slightly bad luck. As I mentioned in previous posts on the metagame thread, I do think it's good to have some more healthy mons that can make balance teams sweat a bit, but in order for this to actually help balance the metagame, you need to be able to link good performances from those mons back to good decisions in the builder or in-game. Adding an RNG check to using and playing against balance helps nothing - it only hurts good players no matter what side of the game they're on.

While some aspects of this dynamic can be cool - when Vert uses sleep mons he'll always try to consider whether it's actually worth it to click the sleep move overall - there will always be players that mostly aim to click the funny button and see how far their Darkrai can go. This approach is brainless enough that even the weak (less than 50%) odds of getting at least one turn of sleep start to become unfair for other players to deal with.

7) I'm suggesting a sleep ban because it's an easy, tiering-friendly way to address at least some of the meta-related BS that's going on right now and the arguments against it are less convincing to me than the arguments against the mons we could target right now. This does not mean I'm opposed to looking into other aspects of the meta - I think this meta is disgusting as hell right now! I don't think banning sleep will magically fix all of that! However, parsing through which mons are broken and which mons are just really strong in such a power crept meta with confounding factors like Tera is an endeavour that will take some time, and unlike previous DLCs we do not get an easy way to reset these decisions if it turns out we made a mistake. So yes, in a sense it isnt coincidental that I'm bringing up sleep a couple weeks after DLC 2's release - I think that when there's a good decision available we should take the opportunity to make it, cause lord knows that tiering this meta isn't gonna get any simpler in the near future.
I can't believe i missed the start of the sleep discussion

Okay, so, getting the obvious out of the way : yes sleep adds randomness to the game. Yes, the game is already very random. Yes, we have other random stuff that is very destructive, paralysis for one. But at least, a paralysed mon can exert pressure at all times despite it. Now i'm not saying it's a 1 for 1 comparison, they're very different, but sleep's random 1-2 turns in a row on top of the guaranteed turn is just too good at relieving pressure. and Yes, obviously, you can switch out, but that also takes a turn.
And when you considier that the accuracy of sleep moves is not great aside from spore, it effectively adds more randomness to the mechanic.

In any case, sleep clause is a broken stipulation. I know it isn't a hot take, but it's current state is just a remnant from 1 game, so long ago.
The idea itself of limiting sleep sure isn't bad, it's only the current implementation. Simply making it illegal to click a sleep move if an opponent's pokemon is already sleeping. And if you get locked into your sleep move ? Be forced to switch out, i guess. And if you're trapped ? Then make the pokemon use the sleep move ! It's not like pokemon locked into sleep powder and trapped is gonna do anything else than waste it's pp until it struggles. And it's also because your opponent forced you to.
Or, yk, do it another way. there are plenty that do not straight up break game mechanics.

But enough, i was trying to not repeat points already made.
So instead, i'll just answer something i saw and can't find anymore, about why change from the status quo and something about burden of proof : precisely for all the reasons that are being cited for the ban, because it has no reason (or is seen as such if i try to stay neutral) to stay like this any more than it already has.

Is sleep broken ? I can't say for sure, even though i sure do have an oppinion, but if it is unviable due to randomness, or overpowered due to randomness, it points to the same core problem of a mechanic that is too random to be balanced
If we're going to begin considering moves that prevent turns from playing out multiple times in a row, are we going to ban Serene Grace or Parafusion too? Parafusion/flinch has a much greater statistical chance of working out than Sleep does. I don't think this is really about Sleep, it's very clearly about Darkrai. Again, this argument about Sleep being uncompetitive because of the RNG really just feels like a complaint about being unable to strategically manage probabilities and even then it's just an excuse to avoid having to ban Darkrai.
If we're going to begin considering moves that prevent turns from playing out multiple times in a row, are we going to ban Serene Grace or Parafusion too? Parafusion/flinch has a much greater statistical chance of working out than Sleep does. I don't think this is really about Sleep, it's very clearly about Darkrai. Again, this argument about Sleep being uncompetitive because of the RNG really just feels like a complaint about being unable to strategically manage probabilities and even then it's just an excuse to avoid having to ban Darkrai.
I think this should be reiterated

while you are asleep, you have a 100% chance to not move
If we're going to begin considering moves that prevent turns from playing out multiple times in a row, are we going to ban Serene Grace or Parafusion too? Parafusion/flinch has a much greater statistical chance of working out than Sleep does. I don't think this is really about Sleep, it's very clearly about Darkrai. Again, this argument about Sleep being uncompetitive because of the RNG really just feels like a complaint about being unable to strategically manage probabilities and even then it's just an excuse to avoid having to ban Darkrai.
On the topic of Parafusion, it requires you to actually first get the opponent paralyzed without them wiping the floor with you when you try to use Thunder Wave, then it requires you get Jirachi in to click Iron Head, then the opponent can just swap into a steel resist and will eventually break through and kill Jirachi.

The whole stigma around sleep is that its one move. You click one move and now the opponent can't move for at least a turn, but on average 2. Hypnosis is a chance for sure, its a gamble... its RNG based, but if we banned Bright Powder and King's Rock on a 10% chance, (which I didn't agree with personally but for the sake of consistency) why would we keep Hypnosis on a 60% chance, or god forbid Spore on a literal 100% chance. If there was a move that was an instant freeze, even at 50% accuracy it would be banned SO QUICK. Freeze is basically sleep with slightly different mechanics albeit much harsher mechanics than sleep, but the core function of preventing movement is there. The only reason we don't have a freeze clause is because the best thing we have is Ice Beam for that.

Personally I could go either way. If sleep stays, cool. I think it can still be worked around in the meta, but if it goes, cool as well. Making a competitive game more skill based is always a plus in my eyes. Especially one with rating ladders and tournaments with prize money, more skill means more deserving winners. Otherwise with a luck based meta, Unfortunate won't even begin to describe our series. :toast:
lmao this just smells like sour grapes

Did someone lose a tournament game or something where the opponent hit hypnosis?

This is the same as when you beat your scrub little brother in Mario kart and then they whine about things being "cheap" or "unfair" b/c they can't cope with the L.

If there's actually some serious consideration behind all this, then there needs to be consistency in how "uncompetitive" is defined, become smogon rules are make-believe at the end of the day. You can't just cherry-pick sleep. It's a game of luck: sleep is stupid, freeze is stupid, para is stupid, random secondary effects are stupid, low-accuracy moves are stupid, etc....

IMO, it would be something like defining a threshold for the chance of either player missing a turn as a result of the move, and then banning everything below that threshold.
lmao this just smells like sour grapes

Did someone lose a tournament game or something where the opponent hit hypnosis?

This is the same as when you beat your scrub little brother in Mario kart and then they whine about things being "cheap" or "unfair" b/c they can't cope with the L.

If there's actually some serious consideration behind all this, then there needs to be consistency in how "uncompetitive" is defined, become smogon rules are make-believe at the end of the day. You can't just cherry-pick sleep. It's a game of luck: sleep is stupid, freeze is stupid, para is stupid, random secondary effects are stupid, low-accuracy moves are stupid, etc....

IMO, it would be something like defining a threshold for the chance of either player missing a turn as a result of the move, and then banning everything below that threshold.
I don't think it really is a matter of "no skill", sleep is generally not quite a matter of "degenerate fishing"
from my understanding, it's more of a matter of "what does this add", what does sleep, a mechanic undeniably very powerful, and invoking luck a lot, add to the game that we want to keep it, or substract that we want to kick it
The problem I have is there's a line being drawn for moves like yawn and Spore. While sleep is a questionable mechanic, it feels more like it's the inconsistent moves, mainly hypnosis that people are having an issue with. If we're going to ban sleep moves, it should be everything that's not a secondary effect I think and not picking and choosing.
I find it really funny how we were all shitting on DaddyBuzzwole before dlc for thinking hypnosis darkrai was going to be broken and now we've done a hard 180 and are looking into banning sleep of all things.

There are like, what, 5 pokemon that use 1-turn sleep at all? Off the top of my head I can think of breloom, lilligant, amoongus, valiant, and darkrai. 3 of them are pretty unambiguously broken at all. If a mechanic is broken on 2 things but fine on 3 others, then you ban the mons rather than the mechanic. It's why Annihilape is banned instead of rage fist because primeape is fine with it.

Pokemon will always have hax, and it will always have game-deciding hax. I regularly see games decided because darkrai flinchs a tusk, ival crits a hatterene, or kyurem freezes a gambit. That's not even to mention the massive tera and sucker punch mindgames that boil down to luck that the community has decided are completely fine. It's a luck-based game, we either accept that or go play chess with lavos.

i think the main thing everyone should take away from this debate is to never doubt me again
you have no idea how unbelievably hyped I am for that daddybuzzwole villain arc
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