Media Videogame thread

While we're talking steam, I think the Stanley Parable is steam exclusive (maybe? idk) and it's really bloody good, strongly, strongly recommend it. It's simultaneously very funny and thought-provoking, though it doesn't have conventional gameplay and is fairly short
If you like Star Wars, the Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) series is really fucking good. Even if you're just indifferent to Star Wars, I still believe the games are good enough to warrant playing them both. I know that both are available on xbox, but playing on PC is better if only for the KOTOR 2 patch which fixes a lot of bugs and adds more content to the story. Probably some of the best money I've ever spent on a video game, and two games I can't believe I hadn't found earlier.
Gotta recommend Steam. The majority of my PC games I bought there. It works well and I especially like being able to find discussions for whatever game I want to play. Tons of early access games if that is your thing.
My friend always recommends Dark Souls, but I keep getting killed by a giant dragon. He liked seeing my reaction. I'll try the others though.


Detail Disoriented
is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
NX launch confirmed to be March of next year, though the exact date is currently unknown. The new Zelda is also confirmed to be for Wii U and the NX, and will be a launch title for the latter.
This news really makes me feel out of touch with current gaming. I've hardly been able to play any console games over the past four years or so for lack of time between classes, so I never bothered to pick up a Wii U, and now that Nintendo's beginning to move on from it, it's probably not worth it to get one now when I can hold out for another year for the NX. Plus, there are still plenty of games from the last generation sitting on my backlog that I haven't had the chance to work on yet (Okami for Wii, Tales of Xillia for PS3, Majora's Mask for 3DS, among others), so I feel like I shouldn't bother investing in a new console when I already have unplayed games for platforms I already own.

Seriously, could anyone really not see this one coming? I can even imagine some executives saying "hey, it worked for Twilight Princess, let's just do the exact same thing all over again!"
I don't really mind it so much. If the strategy hooked people onto Zelda the last time, why not do it again? It expands the audience of the game to both those who are ready for the new console and those who are still satisfied with the Wii U as it is.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
I never played the Wii version, just the GameCube one, but I assume this was due to the motion controls?
The motion controls weren't exactly bad... but the gameplay left something to be desired compared to the combat in previous Zelda games. And the world being arbitrarily flipped didn't do wonders either. All in all, it made a mediocre Zelda game a bit worse.


Detail Disoriented
is a Top Artist Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
I wouldn't say the port to the Wii made the game any worse. I felt that controlling the bow, clawshot, boomerang, etc. was more interesting with the pointer control than it would be with a control stick, in that you had better agency and precision in your aim. And the motion controls for swordplay definitely got me engaged with the game far more than I had been in similar games with a Gamecube controller, even if it did amount to some admittedly unintuitive waggling of the Wiimote + Nunchuck.

Of course, it was about 6 years ago that I last played it... and I never actually played the Gamecube Twilight Princess to compare with the Wii version, and TP was the first Zelda I ever played in the first place. I'm willing to acknowledge my own bias toward this game and this specific version of it.

Regardless, now that I think about it, we still don't know how the controller for the NX will operate, outside of some speculation presented by some patent documents. If the new Zelda tries to integrate some experimental control scheme or gimmick using the Wii U's tablet controller, there could be issues translating that to an entirely different controller.


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Let me put it another way. Zelda is one of the few major sword and board series of games out there, the other being Dark Souls. Now in no version of Twilight Princess could you raise your shield, it was automatic. And the lack of that feature sliced dimensions off the of the gameplay that new moves didn't make up for, let alone being engaged because you could waggle a stick until everything died. Now the Wii version isn't DIFFERENT in this regard... but I'd bet some money that this change was a direct result of making a Wii version. Like you say, when you put two games onto two very different systems, you have difficulty in translating. So the Wii version made every version a bit worse, probably. And even then, I don't think aiming the bow (etc.) worked as well as in Skyward Sword.
Persona Q was pretty fun. A bit imbalanced (offensive magic falls off really hard compared to physical attacks and light/dark is way overpowered) but the Persona Fusion/customization mechanics are great and better than the mainline Persona games and the puzzles in the dungeons were really good, I think it's actually better than Etrian Odyssey games in that department which is kind of funny seeing as it's basically an EO game with some Persona slapped on top. Some great music too, Laser Beam is one of my favorite cheezy JRPG hip-hop tracks.
Persona Q was pretty fun. A bit imbalanced (offensive magic falls off really hard compared to physical attacks and light/dark is way overpowered) but the Persona Fusion/customization mechanics are great and better than the mainline Persona games and the puzzles in the dungeons were really good, I think it's actually better than Etrian Odyssey games in that department which is kind of funny seeing as it's basically an EO game with some Persona slapped on top. Some great music too, Laser Beam is one of my favorite cheezy JRPG hip-hop tracks.
The P3 version of that song is objectively better, but both sound noticeably worse ingame because PQ is probably the worst offender of the 3DS's awful sound compression holding back an otherwise good soundtrack. Some of the random dialogue you hear sounds like it was recorded underwater.
Also, yeah, I wish the game didn't devolve very quickly into spamming instant kills in every regular battle and boosting until you can take out bosses with 2 or 3 physical attacks.
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Dawn of War 3... It's finally coming...

Ok, that aside, I've been trying out the Unreal Tournament Pre-Alpha. Well, the graphics are a little hazy, and it does lag a bit on the bigger and more detailed maps, and it even crashes at times, but it's still Unreal Tournament, and it's a pre-alpha; it's not fully optimized yet. Shock Rifle FTW.

Oh, and for anyone who knows what DWANGO5 MAP01 is, you might enjoy this:

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Is this the right place to say how disappointed I am about Nintendo's plan for E3 this year?
To think that I would once regret for not giving a fuck about Zelda...though I would be disappointed regardless.

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