VGC 2013 USA regionals revealed

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Count me in for the CA regionals. i can't get over the fact that the world tournament would be held in Canada. oh well i have 2 chances this year to qualify (better start planning out my team as soon as the rules are anounced).
I am So excited that worlds is in Vancouver,
I think it will be a larger turn out, because of the decreased costs, since your dollars are all worth more then our loonies except the occasional backwards day.
I was planning on moving to the coast after I get back from backpacking in south america anyways, now its just an extra boost!
Now, I hope all you "yankees" can control yourself, us canucks dont need another riot in that city. lol I can see it now, 400 pokemon fans rioting over Rays 4th time world championship win...
-_- looks like arizona might get left out of having a regional again such grand fun e.e
I've spoken with our PTO before (TCG side, but they handle it all), and they've been pushing for a return to AZ, especially with the big growth the TCG has had here (I mean 100 people just showed up recently for a prerelease, that is insane). And I mean realistically in terms of location, it's just as much a center stop for Cali, NM, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, and Texas to all reach just as much as ones being held in Cali, Colorado, and Texas are for us. But my understanding is locations currently are frozen without any really being added, they can't even really change the TCG events iirc. So yeah...nothing we AZ players can do about that otherwise. Just hoping one day it expands.
I'm also excited for the WC this year, considering I live in Washington, it'll only be a two hour drive from where I live up to Vancouver. I definitely expect more people to be there, and I hope they don't shove some sort of wintery Pikachu down our throats.


I hope you make a million dollars
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The list on nb didnt show SoCal for Spring so the op is probably wrong? I'm doing something every weekend in October so its not even a possibility :/

Edit: NB shows it under winter
Virginia sounds like a go for me since I live in WV, just have to hope that I don't get snowed in. Now if someone would be so kind to carpool me to either the Philly or Indiana regional since they are the closest fall events to me. I'm kinda surprised that there isn't a thread to help with carpooling and whatnot.


Man, I'd really hoped for a rules reveal at least; I really don't like the concept of having absolutely no time at all to prepare for a tournament that I usually get like half a year for, lol. I'm hoping that we at least get a month and a half (or something) after the reveal to screw around with new ideas.
I really hope that these aren't the only places that are running the VGC this coming up year. I was very upset that I couldn't participate in VGC2012 with it not being in Newark, NJ and all. I could always drive to Philly, but I feel that is very out of the way.

I'm not sure about how the Philly turn out was for VGC2012, but I always felt that the turn out in Newark was substantial compared to what I saw in videos from other areas, and I'm surprised they would leave it out for 2 years straight!
I'm not really anticipating this too much. I'm 14 and therefore have to do this through my parents. I can't go to nats without winning regionals, even though there is the LCQ, probably, and since I live in Houston, I have a week to situate myself in the new metagame and to have a successful team. However, since it's a week, I think the new metagame will be strikingly similar to the old one. What would annihilate me is if only the new Unova dex is allowed, which I hope it isn't, considering my only Pokemon on my team that's in the new Unova dex is Thundurus.
I'm not really anticipating this too much. I'm 14 and therefore have to do this through my parents. I can't go to nats without winning regionals, even though there is the LCQ, probably, and since I live in Houston, I have a week to situate myself in the new metagame and to have a successful team. However, since it's a week, I think the new metagame will be strikingly similar to the old one. What would annihilate me is if only the new Unova dex is allowed, which I hope it isn't, considering my only Pokemon on my team that's in the new Unova dex is Thundurus.

Luckily, we all have a couple of months to possibly make a back up team that would conform to the new Unova standards just in case. And we are also blessed to have access to the information that is in the B2W2 Japanese versions, so we can prepare and know how to make the most effective use of our week.
Luckily, we all have a couple of months to possibly make a back up team that would conform to the new Unova standards just in case. And we are also blessed to have access to the information that is in the B2W2 Japanese versions, so we can prepare and know how to make the most effective use of our week.
... Thank you so much for the idea! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I never thought about a backup team. Now I'll be ready. Thank you!
It's ironic how the Fall regionals is on the same day as my birthday. Anyone have any idea on what ruleset the people there are going to stick with?
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