Unofficial Tournament Applications & Schedule (READ ME!)

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underdog of the year
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Hi! You may have noticed that there have been very few, if any, unofficial tournaments that have started in the past couple of months. This is partly because we wanted to rework unofficial tournament structure but mostly because our resident unofficial tournament workhorse Oglemi has recently moved on to bigger and better things. We're going to take this opportunity to change several things that will improve how unofficial tournaments are run, so if you are interested in hosting or playing in them, please read on!

1. The tournament queue will now run on a monthly basis, as per Ciele's suggestion in a discussion about unofficial tournaments over a year ago. This will fix several issues with our tournament queueing process, including the enormous (read: several months) wait to host a tournament after you apply for it. It will also let us be somewhat more selective with the kinds of tournaments we accept, meaning that the selection of tournaments we include will be of overall higher quality.​
Additionally, running them on a monthly basis also lets us plot out exactly when signups for each unofficial tournament will run, so if you are interested in a certain one you will know exactly what day they will be posted! Running it this way means that unofficial tournaments aren't dependent on one another, so if one tournament is going slowly it won't affect others in the queue and make it even longer for people who are excited for a certain tournament to start.​
2. Unofficial tournaments will now have regulated deadlines. One of the primary issues we wanted to fix with unofficial tournaments is that they are far too long to hold interest, especially with little reward, and lengthy deadlines (or even a lack of deadlines, depending on the host) are a huge roadblock to having efficient tournaments. As a rule of thumb, signups for unofficial tournaments will be expected to be open for 3-4 days, and each round will be expected to be roughly a week in length. Exceptions can be discussed if they would be necessary, but having mandated, regular deadlines will make unofficial tournaments that much easier to participate in and not completely disregard because a round takes three weeks. Also...​
3. We will be striving to minimize extensions given. This is not to say that we will remove extensions altogether because they are the correct activity decision in certain situations, but there will be a major focus on minimizing extensions granted in order to keep our tournaments running smoothly. This will especially be in effect for later tournament rounds; nobody wants to see tournament finals go on for a full month because nobody can be bothered to actually schedule a match with their opponent.​
4. Eventually, we would like to implement tournaments that happen at a certain time every year as well (a good example being Secret Santa late in the year) to add prestige to them and a sense of an unofficial tournament schedule. These tournaments would largely be ones that have been well-received in prior editions, meaning that you can look forward to some of your favorite unofficial tournaments every month much like the official tournament schedule. We're not 100% ready with a plan for this yet, but stay tuned (and let me know if you have any ideas you want to share)!​


So, how will the monthly queue work?

In general, the last two weeks of each month will be used as an application period; myself or one of the other TDs will post in this thread to remind everyone that tournament applications for the next month are open, so follow this thread if you are interested. It would be best to post your application as soon as possible to get the most consideration, because if you submit on the last day we might already have a plan of which tournaments we want to run for that month. Submissions will also NOT carry over to the next submission period because that would re-create the backlog we have been struggling with, so you must resubmit for every monthly period if your tournament was not outright disapproved.

Once we're set with which tournaments are happening for the next month, we will post that applications are closed and give a schedule of tournament signups, including the host and a brief description of the tournament. It will look something like this:
Tournament applications for April are CLOSED! Here is the sign-up schedule for April:
April 10th: Dumb Tournament, hosted by Zebraiken | what a dumb tournament LOL!​
April 15th: Who Cares, hosted by Zebraiken | zzz​
April 20th: and so on, hosted by Zebraiken | yada yada​
The schedule for sign-ups won't necessarily be every five days or whatever, we'll figure it out as we go along. For April, since we are starting mid-month, we will open applications immediately and create a schedule as soon as we have one we're happy with. From there, we will follow the pattern described above (so there will likely be two application periods in quick succession in April).

In order to proceed with a monthly-based tournament queue, we unfortunately have to wipe all our current backlog clean and start anew, meaning that anybody who has applied to host a tournament recently and hasn't had a response will need to re-apply by simply posting a new thread. Those of you who have already been approved and just weren't added to the queue earlier will receive stronger priority for inclusion, but I implore you to realize that we will only have a limited amount of available slots per month and that it is likely some tournaments (even ones that have been previously approved) might not make the cut. If there is a surplus in great tournament applications and we feel like there will be enough player activity to merit it, we may also consider expanding the number of slots in the future.

To apply for an unofficial tournament, post a thread in here outlining the format and any special rules your tournament will have. The amount of details you put into this post is up to you, but it needs to be detailed enough that the complete tournament format can be understood by reading the thread. For example, if you want to host a Best-of-Three USM OU tournament with no Z-Crystals, it would technically be enough to post "bo3 standard usm ou with z crystals banned" because every relevant detail is included there. If your format is more complicated, you need to give more details. Additionally, please state your availability for the month ahead when you post an application. It helps a lot when making a schedule that doesn't conflict with anything.

This thread will be locked so that we can use it to give queue updates, but if you have any questions or feedback on these changes, feel free to PM or VM Quite Quiet) about them. I will also probably change the thread title once it's no longer an announcement. Thank you for reading!
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underdog of the year
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Tournament applications for April are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for April 2016:

April 12th/13th - Battle Spot Singles, hosted by DragonWhale | Bo3 in Battle Spot Singles
April 17th - No Complaints, hosted by SparksBlade | DPP BW ORAS OU Bo3 with some... fixes to each metagame
April 22nd - 1v1 me bro, hosted by horyzhnz | ORAS tournament in which you can call out your next opponent
April 26th - The Unscrupulous Tiering Director Tournament III, hosted by Swede | Players receive two bans when they sign up that apply to all players, and bans are removed as players lose
April 30th - GSC NU, hosted by Raseri | GSC NU Bo1, using the tier list located here

If signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for May will open April 17th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month.

If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer them. =)
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underdog of the year
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Tournament applications for May are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for May 2016:

May 2nd - First Blood II, hosted by antemortem | Bo3 tournament where you lose if ANY of your Pokemon get knocked out
May 7th - Anything Goes Tournament, hosted by Megazard | Bo3 tournament in the ORAS Anything Goes metagame (more information here!)
May 13th - Liar's Rule 3, hosted by jacob | Bo1 ORAS OU tournament where you must tell your opponent what you're doing on each turn, and can lie twice (more in later rounds)
May 18th - What's Your Mega, hosted by Eevee General | Bo1 ORAS OU tournament where players can ONLY bring Pokemon that have the ability to mega evolve
May 23rd - Tournament of Second Chances (BW OU edition), hosted by Crestfall | Bo3 double elimination BW OU tournament with a ruleset designed to promote skill as the deciding factor for who wins
May 28th - Seeded ORAS OU, hosted by Isa | Standard ORAS OU tournament where participating players are seeded by skill level (seeding method to be disclosed by signups)

Thank you to all of our hosts for the time and energy they spend putting together and running these tournaments! I genuinely appreciate each and every one of you (and that also goes for you too, April hosts, since I didn't add this last time!).

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for June will open May 17th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month.

If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer them. =)


underdog of the year
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Sorry for being a few days late!

Tournament applications for June are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for June 2016:

June 6th - Rainbow League II, hosted by Reymedy | Players are randomly given a nation (based on PKMN colors) and can only use Pokemon of that color, fighting to be the champion of their nation & the Rainbow League
June 11th - Most Uber Tournament Ever IV (MUTE IV), hosted by SparksBlade | 5-man ORAS Uber team tournament with teambuilding restrictions every round
June 16th - Randbats Tournament, hosted by Steven Snype | Bo3 randbats tournament, becomes Bo5 in top 32
June 21st - STABmons Deluxe, hosted by wishes (formerly unfixable) | Bo3 tournament with a spin on standard STABmons - removal of (almost) all bans!
June 27th - DPP PU, hosted by Honko | Based on these usage stats, duke it out in DPP PU (Bo1)

Thank you to all of our hosts for the time and energy they spend putting together and running these tournaments!

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for July will open June 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month.

If you have any questions, please let me know and I'll do my best to answer them. =)


underdog of the year
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Tournament applications for July are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for July 2016:

July 7th/8th - DerDomme Cup IV, hosted by Sapientia | Win one MILLION pokedollars and a spot in the DerDomme Cup Hall of Fame in this GSC UU tournament!
July 12th - Three For One, hosted by Earth | ORAS NU 3-man team tournament!
July 17th - BW Ladder Tour, hosted by Prague Kick, Enki, and Tricking | Qualify for playoffs by topping the ladder during the four qualifying weeks, then beat out the rest for the BW OU crown!
July 24th - Crew Battles Tournament 2, hosted by Joshz, and Ryoma Nagare | ORAS OU team tournament in the style of crew battles! (click here for more information on how PKMN crew battles will work)
July 31st - Smogon Superstars, hosted by TDK | Watch the best of the best duke it out in ORAS OU / BW OU / DPP OU in this double elimination invitational tournament!


Thank you to all of our hosts for the time and energy they spend putting together and running these tournaments!

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for August will open July 17th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.
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underdog of the year
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Tournament applications for August are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for August 2016:

August 3rd/4th - No Johns (ADV), hosted by Funkasaurus | Play your ADV sets as quickly as you can - rounds fly by and all johns and jims will be exeggcuted by Funk
August 8th - DP OU Tournament, hosted by Terraquaza | Return to the era before Bullet Punch Scizor and Extremespeed Dragonite in this DP OU tournament
August 12th - Tournament of Thieves 3, hosted by Crestfall | You and all of your opponents can ONLY use teams available in the RMT section, following the round-specific rules given by Crestfall
August 16th - Sunset Colosseum III, hosted by DeltaFlame | Based on the Sunset Colosseum from Pokemon Battle Revolution, pick a team from a pool of randomly selected Pokemon and outbuild your opponent
August 21st - Second Annual ADV Ubers Tournament, hosted by Minority Suspect | Best of 3 ADV Ubers tournament - brush up on your ADV Ubers knowledge here
August 26th - BW1 Dream World OU Tournament, hosted by Lemonade. | Take a trip back to the days where Shadow Tag Chandelure was a real-but-not-actually-real thing - more information here
August 31st - ORAS UU Swiss Tournament, hosted by Huston | Simple as the title, a Bo3 swiss-cut tournament in the ORAS UU tier

This month is jam-packed with the most unofficial tournaments we've held in a month so far! Huge thank-you to our hosts for volunteering and running these tournaments!

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for September will open August 17th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.


underdog of the year
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Top Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Tournament applications for September are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for September 2016:

September 8th/9th - World's Longest OU Tournament, hosted by Lutra & others | A new idea for a cyclical all-gen OU tournament to be run year-round - keep an eye out for signups for more information!
September 12th - Smeargle Cup, hosted by idiotfrommars | 6v6 doubles Smeargle-only battle, no repeating moves & items
September 16th - Russian Roulette, hosted by teal6 | Submit a condition to the bin when you sign up, and if you lose, you must fulfill a randomly-chosen condition from the bin
September 20th - Battle Tent, hosted by boxofkangaroos | Half your team is randomly generated Rental Pokemon - if you win, you can swap up to 3 of your Rental Pokemon with your opponent!
September 24th - Speed Matters, hosted by Crestfall | ORAS Ubers tournament where no Speed-boosting moves, items, or abilities are allowed (including Trick Room & priority moves)
September 28th - NU: Back to the Future II, hosted by The Quasar | Bo3 ADV NU, DPP NU, and BW2 NU

Huge thank-you to our hosts for volunteering and running these tournaments, and thanks for being patient with the schedule this month!

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for October will open September 17th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.
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I've never felt better in my life
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Tournament applications for October are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for October 2016:

October 5 - The Forgot to Use (FU) Tour, hosted by 5gen - A trip to the ORAS FU tier before the generation shifts
October 12 - All Stars Tournament #2, hosted by X5Dragon - Use a combination of Pokémon ranging from the OU to PU tier, try to identify the hidden gold stars in the pile of pyrite
October 19 - The Ghosting Tournament IV, hosted by rozes - ever thought TD's were boring for restricting friendly advice giving during games? Here's your chance!
October 26 - The Gauntlet IV, hosted by Crestfall - as rounds go along, your Pokémon that have fainted in the previous round(s) are removed from the pool of legal Pokémon you may use

Thank you to all of our hosts for the time and energy they spend putting together and running these tournaments! If something is wrong I blame being new ^_^

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for November will open October 17th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.
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I've never felt better in my life
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Tournament applications for November are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for November 2016:

November 4 - The First Ever Semiofficial Cross Evolution Tournament, hosted by lightninging - This Other Metagame will make you think twice about Darwinism, as any NFE Pokémon can now "evolve" into a fully evolved Pokémon!
November 8 - Smogon Regional Tournament v3, hosted by Crestfall - Fight through the regions of the Pokémon games using only the Pokémon released in the appropriate generation!
November 11 - Worlds Longest Other Tier Tournament, hosted by Elise, miltankmilk and Quote - Fight in ORAS Ubers, UU, RU, NU, PU, LC and Doubles for as long as you wish in a low-pressure tournament format!
November 15 - Double Trouble Little Cup Version, hosted by Conni - Duke it out with your favorite Little Cup Pokémon, but this time in the Doubles Format!
November 18 - SM Live Release Tour, hosted by idiotfrommars - With the release of SM, there'll be a quick live tour for people to prove their worth. Winner gets a custom title!
November 20 - SM Release Tournament, hosted by Valentine - Shortly after the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon, a release tournament will be held in the OU format. Who has the best initial grasp of the new metagame?
November 25 - Sun and Moon LC Tournament, hosted by The Quasar - Just like the name implies, there'll be a tournament in the new SM LC metagame shortly after release. Will your ideas be the one shaping the new metagame?

With SM being released mid-November, we're holding all the ORAS tours before that date as interest is likely to wane a bit after that point.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for December will open November 17th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.
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I've never felt better in my life
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Tournament applications for December are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for November 2016:

December 8 - Build a Team Tournament (S/M Edition), hosted by HotFuzzBall - are you the kind of player who needs guidelines when designing your team? Do you enjoy using unconventional Pokémon? This is the tour for you!
December 12 - The BST OU Tournament II, hosted by Crestfall - try to find the ideal combination of Pokémon when restricted by their BST! Sorry Kyurem-Black, you're probably not great.
December 16 - DPP OU Tournament, hosted by The Quasar - are you saddened that Smogon Tour's last DPP game has been played? Don't fret - get your DPP OU kicks in this tour.
December 20 - The 7th gen Bash!, hosted by bullets12 - get creative with your team, using one of each new SM gimmick - one Tapu, one UB, and one Alolan form.
December 23 - Proposed Mix and Mega Tournemant, hosted by Quantum Tesseract - do you enjoy the Mega mechanic, but wished that more Pokémon had access to it? Here you go, try this Other Metagame!
December 27 - SM OU Top Down Knock Down, hosted by idiotfrommars - This tournament starts with Pokebank OU, but each round the top 6 most used Pokemon will be banned, leading to unique Metagames each round!

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for January will open December 17th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.
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ne craint personne
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Tournament applications for January are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for January 2017:

January 8 - The Sun/Moon Walkthrough Tournament, hosted by Vinc2612 -TypeC- Did you finish the Sun&Moon campaign and want more ? Well don't worry, because this tournament where the pool of Pokémons, TMs etc. is directly dependant on what is available to you during each stage of the game.
January 12 - The Terrorist Cup, hosted by Funkasaurus -TypeB- Albeit a bit racist, this tournament where all the Pokémon must be able to explode is always a blast to play ! DPP OU will be the generation used.
January 15 - RBY OU Global Championship, hosted by Mister Tim -TypeA- This tournament is going to give you your daily dose of Chansey Freeze wars, Tauros speed ties and other special events belonging to the Generation we all know and love. Did I say that there's a 50$ cashprize for the winner ?
January 20 - Little Cup Training Camp, hosted by Conni -TypeB- As its name suggests, this tournament will put your LC skills to the test by proposing an unique custom rule per round.
January 24 - The Metronome Cup, hosted by matthewc20090 -TypeC- A bunch of cute Pokémon obliterating each others each turn by using Metronome.
January 28 - Pro Choice III, hosted by Crestfall -TypeB- You like having the choice ? Well guess what, you'll have only one shot at making the right one in this DPP tournament where every Pokémon of your team will have to carry a Choice item.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for February will open January 17th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.
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Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
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TFP Leader
Tournament applications for February are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for February 2017:

February 5th - Highlander Tournament III, hosted by Mr. Perry -Type C- The tournament all about picking the right Pokemon, and then counterteaming tour opponent better than they counterteam you.
February 10th - It's a Trap - GSC OU, hosted by Whydon -Type B- What would happen if you could trap Pokemon in GSC? Find out in this tourmanent that adds the ADV trapping abilities to GSC OU.
February 15th - Type Restriction IV, hosted by antemortem -Type B- Just like it sounds, each round one additional type will be banned from use. This will put your teambuilding to the test when important typings might disappear in an instant.
February 20th - Just Like Old Times, hosted by Marcop -Type A- A Bo3 of SM OU, SM Ubers, and SM UU tournament.
February 25th - Neon Colosseum SM UU, hosted by HotFuzzBall -Type B- You get half your team assigned based on numbers you pick, and then you have to build with them all. Doesn't that sound like fun?

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for March will open February 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for March are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for March 2017:

March 5th - Liar's Rule 4, hosted by JACOB - Bo1 SM OU tournament where you have to tell your opponent your next move, but can lie twice.
March 10th - Hidden Type Tour, hosted by Quantum Tesseract - Bo3 Hidden Type Single Elimination tournament.
March 14th - BW constrain, hosted by The Quasar - BW OU tour which restricts the legal Pokemon each round.
March 19th - SM Ubers Groups, hosted by Huston - SM Ubers tournament that starts as a Round Robin and continues as a Single Elimination tournament.
March 24th - The Official Circlejerk Tour 1, hosted by TDK - Team tournament where you group yourself up into teams of 5 to compete.
March 29th - ORAS OU Throwback Tour, hosted by Yoshizilla315 - Standard Bo3 ORAS OU tournament.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for April will open March 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for April are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for April 2017:

April 4th - Trigger Warning Tour, hosted by Drew -Type B- SM LC Tournament where you get to pick a Pokemon that you nor your opponent can use throughout the tournament.
April 9th - Top-Down Knock-Down Tour, hosted by Malekith -Type B- A DPP OU Tournament where the most used Pokemon each round will be banned for every future round.
April 14th - Snorlax Cup, hosted by Conni -Type A- Prove who's the better Snorlax trainer in this Bo3 RBY, GSC, and ADV OU tournament.
April 24th - XY Re-Release Tour, hosted by z0mOG -Type B- A tournament that uses the XY OU tier as it was before suspect tests and ORAS came along.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for May will open April 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Extra note: We had a notable lack of proposed tournaments this month, so this is everything that was submitted for approval. I do hope this won't be a continuing trend, and that more tournament suggestions will come in the future.
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Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for May are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for May 2017:

May 6th - Ketchum Cup, hosted by michaeloche -Type B- Only Pokemon that the Pokemon Trainer Ash Ketchum has owned at some point are legal to use during this tournament.
May 11th - XY Ubers Tour, hosted by Lacus Clyne -Type A- Tired of Primal Groudon on every team? This tour is a throwback to the old XY Ubers metagame before it was released.
May 16th - F**k Z-Moves, hosted by HotFuzzBall -Type B- A Bo3 of SM OU / UU / Ubers where Z-moves aren't allowed.
May 21st - Balanced Hackmons League, hosted by Balanced Freakmons -Type C- A 3v3 Balanced Hackmons team tournament.
May 26th - Rigged, hosted by Vertex -Type A- A standard SM OU tournament, but the bracket will be rigged. If it's possible to get paired aganst your friends, you will!

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for June will open May 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.
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Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
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TFP Leader
Tournament applications for June are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for June 2017:

June 3rd - Helping Hand Tournament III, hosted by McMeghan -Type B- The third iteration of this tour, where the only sets legal are those submitted by the participants.
June 8th - Ubers Pentathlon I, hosted by Mysterious M -Type A- A Bo5 Ubers tournament that revisits the ADV, DPP, BW, ORAS, and SM versions of the Ubers metagame.
June 13th - Limitless Cup, hosted by Marcop -Type B- Each round a selection of items will be banned from use.
June 18th - Gods Among Us, LC Edition, hosted by The Quasar -Type B- Each round a current LC Ubers resident will be dropped back down to LC for that round only.
June 23rd - Overused ft. BH Cup, hosted by Mr. Perry -Type C- The tour where you apply the rules of Balanced Hackmons to the OU legal Pokemon, what could go wrong?
June 28th - Little Cup Playhouse League, hosted by Conni -Type C- Teams of 3 playing SM LC together against other teams.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for July will open June 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
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TFP Leader
Tournament applications for July are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for July 2017:

July 4rd - Top Down Knock Down, RU Edition, hosted by MiyoKa -Type B- After round 1 the most common Pokemon from the previous round will no longer be allowed.
July 9th - The Third Annual ADV Ubers Tournament, hosted by Minority -Type A- A standard Bo3 ADV Ubers tournament.
July 14th - Filling the Generation Gap (SM Edition), hosted by HC -Type B- Teams have to contain Pokemon that come from different generations, without repeats.
July 19th - The All Gen Tournament, hosted by BKC -Type A- A Bo7 tournament containing every iteration of the OU metagame.
July 24rd - Most Uber Tournament Ever V, hosted by SparksBlade -Team tour- Returning from least year, teams of 5 will fight against each other in SM Ubers to find which is the best team.
July 29th - No Johns GSC, hosted by Funkasaurus -Type A- Exactly what it says on the tin, GSC OU with very short deadlines.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for August will open July 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for August are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for August 2017:

August 3rd - Romancing the Stone, hosted by Eevee General -Type B- SM OU tour where each player will be randomly assigned a Mega Stone that they have to use in their team during that round.
August 8th - Mogon Tour, hosted by Marcop -Type B- Bo3 of SM OU, ORAS OU and BW OU where the S ranked Pokémon from the respective generation are banned.
August 13th - The Equal Opportunity Tournament 3, hosted by Genesis7 -Type A- SM OU tournament where only players who have no tournament wins under their name are allowed to compete.
August 18th - Smogon Superstars, hosted by Tony -Type A- Only the top players compete against each other in this tournament.
August 23rd - Not My Type Tour, hosted by Drew -Type B- SM LC tournament where each round one type will be banned.
August 28th - STABmons Tournament, hosted by Stan Soojung -Type B- Standard bo3 STABmons tournament.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for September will open August 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for September are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for September 2017:

September 3rd - Sweet 16, hosted by Indigo Plateau -Type B- SM OU tour where every pokemon is worth points based on their VR ranking and your team cannot exceed the set point limit.
September 7th - Battle City 3, hosted by p2 -Type A- Th third iteration of the Battle City tour, previously hosted by Zebraiken. Each player have chips they wager against others and go to playoffs when they reach 8 chips.
September 11th - Smogon Omaha 4, hosted by Lady Salamence -Type C- SM OU tour with players having to build teams from a public pool of Pokemon along with a private pool of their own.
September 15th - BL Mons Matter, hosted by NintendoKenny -Type B- Bo1 SM OU tour where each team has to use at least two Pokemon from BL.
September 19rd - RBY OU Double Elim, hosted by Huston -Type A- Standard RBY OU double elimination tournament.
September 23rd - All-Gens Randbats, hosted by Jellicent -Type C- Bo7 of every Random Battle format on PS!.
September 27th - SM Tour Tournament, hosted by Genesis7 and Klefkwi -Team tour- 8v8 Team tournament featuring every Smogon SM tier.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for October will open September 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for October are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for October 2017:

October 4th - Top Down Knock Down, NU Edition, hosted by MiyoKa -Type B- After round 1 the most common Pokemon from the previous round will no longer be allowed.
October 9th - Ban Investments, hosted by HotFuzzBall -Team Tour- 3v3 SM OU/NU/LC tour where you can ban Pokemon that the opposing team are not allowed to use.
October 14th - GSC Legendless, hosted by Malekith -Type B- GSC OU without any legendaries.
October 19th - Draft your team (of 6 mons), hosted by Lemonade -Type C- Bo1 SM OU tour where both players in a matchup meet up to make their teams together.
October 24th - DPP Grand Slam, hosted by Eseque -Type B- Bo5 DPP Ubers/UU/NU/PU/LC tournament.
October 29th - Losing Winner or Winning Loser?, hosted by ludicrousman -Type C- Bo1 SM OU tour where you build your opponents team and the winner is whichever team that won, so you'll have to try and lose with your opponents team.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for November will open October 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Another reminder to everyone that if the tournament isn't completed by December, it may not contribute for Championship points.

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for November are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for November 2017:

November 4th - Top Down Knock Down, BH Edition, hosted by Flamestar -Type C- After round 1 the most common Pokemon from the previous round will no longer be allowed.
November 9th - The Button Clicker Tournament, hosted by BKC -Type A- Bo3 SM/ORAS/BW OU tournament where you will only have a few seconds per turn to move so you'll have to work fast.
November 14th - Monotype Ubers, hosted by Hassin627 -Type B- SM Monotype tournament but each team are allowed to use 2 Ubers Pokemon on it.
November 19th - ADV Grand Slam, hosted by Eseque -Type B- Bo5 ADV Ubers/UU/NU/PU/LC tournament.
November 24th - Scrabblemons Tournament, hosted by CriticalMeme -Type B- SM OU tournament where each round a word will be given and your team's Pokemon have to spell out the word.
November 29th - The Good Old Days - A Mix and Mega Tournament, hosted by Quantum Tesseract -Type C- Bo3 SM Mix and Mega tournament, but nothing that was release after the start of the generation is legal.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for December will open November 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Do note that it's highly unlikely that anything that starts this month has time to complete in time for Smogon Championship to enter its final phase.
Last edited:

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for December are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for December 2017:

December 4th - ORAS Ubers Cup, hosted by Lacus Clyne -Type B- Standard bo3 ORAS Ubers tournament.
December 8th - Tyranitar Cup, hosted by Finchinator, dk, and soviet -Team Tour- 3v3 Team tournament featuring ADV, DPP, and BW OU.
December 12th - USUM OU Nuzlocke Tour, hosted by Exploudit -Type B- USUM OU tournament where you can't continue to use Pokemon that faints in your battles.
December 17th - The PU Divisional Season, hosted by Cofaiclus -Type B- Mostly a standard USUM OU tournament with round robin.
December 21st - [Currently Unnamed], hosted by sedertz -Type B- USUM OU Both players post their team at team preview before the match continues.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for January will open December 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

The last unofficial tours to be hosted in 2017, have a great ending to the year everyone, and we'll come back next year.

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for January are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for January 2018:

January 8th - "You've got no Pex" Tour, hosted by Celticpride -Type A- USM OU bo1 tournament where Toxapex is banned.
January 16th - The Alolan Trial, hosted by SparksBlade -Type A- Bo3 where you an your opponent together decide which three tiers will be played.
January 24th - Neon Colosseum II, hosted by HotFuzzBall -Type B- Bo1 where each round is a different tier of an USM metagame with a twist; you get half your team assigned based on numbers you pick, and then you have to build with them all.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for February will open January 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Smogon Championship 2 announcement should happen sometime soon; which may change how unofficial tours are factored into the points gained from them.

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for February are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for February 2018:

February 1st - Ghosting Tour V, hosted by z0mOG -Team Tour- Team tour with ghosting involved.
February 6th - The Regional Tournament IV, hosted by Colonel M -Type C- Each round only allows Pokemon from a specific region to be used.
February 11th - The LC Classic, hosted by HSOWA -Type B- Bo3 ORAS/BW2/DPP LC tournament.
February 16th - TurBo3, hosted by dekzeh -Type C- Bo3 SM OU tournament where you play all three sets at once.
February 21st - The ADV BL "bartoat the toat" Tournament, hosted by Rewer -Type B- Bo1 ADV BL tournament.
February 26th - NU: Back to the Future (some version), hosted by The Quasar -Type B- Bo3 ADV/DPP/BW2 NU tournament.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for March will open February 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Quite Quiet

A tomahawk of honesty in the skull of lies
is a Site Content Manageris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Smogon Media Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
TFP Leader
Tournament applications for March are now CLOSED.

Here is the unofficial tournament signups schedule for March 2018:

March 4th - No STAB Tour III, hosted by Celticpride34 -Type B- Bo3 SM OU tournament where you aren't allowed to use STAB-boosted moves on your Pokemon.
March 10th - DPP OU Doubles, hosted by Cofaiclus -Type B- Bo3 DPP Doubles OU tournament.
March 15th - The Brazil Fantasy, hosted by HANTSUKI and Noblesse Oblige -Type B- SM OU tour that unbans a lot of things that were removed early into the generation.
March 20th - The ZU Open, hosted by Aaronboyer -Type B- Standard Bo3 ZU Tournament (no it is not FU).
March 26th - Duo-type Doubles, hosted by NintendoKenny -Type B- Bo1 Double Elim doubles tournament where all your Pokemon has to share two types to be legal.

As always, if signups for a particular tournament aren't posted by the day after they're listed here, let me know and I'll hound the host. Tournament applications for April will open March 16th and will close around the end of the month, so please make sure to submit your tournaments quickly to ensure full consideration. If your application for a previous month was not included (and was not outright denied), you must reapply to receive consideration for the following month. You can just bump the thread to do so, no need to post another.

Sorry about the delay, I have been fighting a high fever all week and even though I asked any other TD to put the tours I had already said yes to into the schedule none of them ever did. And I'm still too sick to care so here I'm publicly calling out all of them for ignoring me when I ask for something simple.
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