Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

There's still a few issues with your challenge. First off, I used a Riolu literally just two scrambles ago, and that was in my Black run too, also Gen V. I feel kind of bad asking you to change the Pokemon again, but I'd really like it if I didn't have to use the same Pokemon again so soon. Also your response makes me realize we must have very different ideas of what constitutes an individual restriction, since I only counted 6 between the two Pokemon I was given at the time of my response to you. I didn't count stuff like unique solos since that can only be done by one Pokemon anyway, and I bundled tightly related restrictions together as well (IE Joey's not being able to use items in battle and not being able to hold items). Do you care to clarify what constitutes a single restriction, or do you want to leave it up to my discretion? Also, there's a very large loophole in the challenge that needs to be closed; as it is right now, I could easily just find a place with wild Pokemon that share a move in common with Copier and very quickly grind away all 10 restrictions. This is even worse with Copycat since I don't even need to bother finding Pokemon that use the same move, I can just grind it out against wild Pokemon (or even random trainers) until I've used Copycat enough times to remove all my restrictions. Once you fix these issues it should be good to go though.

It looks pretty good, though maybe a tad easy. It might actually be a lot harder in practice than it looks though. If you want to bump up the difficulty a little bit more (say, by adding more conditions under which I must use Rest or giving me a challenging opponent to solo with it) then please do so, but if you don't want to mess with it any more that's OK. I'm taking it in any case so I'll add it to my list of accepted Pokemon. Just make sure you edit your post with any changes and let me know if you do decide to up the difficulty. I'll also give you a Snivy in a moment. I'll either edit this post or make a new one with it within the next hour or so.

I'll give you a Pokemon too, but I thought I had better point out that there's no Cyrus battle in Pokemon Pearl between when you get the Bicycle and when you fight Crasher Wake (you might be thinking of Platinum version). As such, you're going to need to find a different game event to mark the transition between Wave 2 and Wave 3.
If anyone wants to give me a mon that'd be appreciated. To recap I'm playing pokemon X, I can trade, and I want it pretty difficult.

I already have 3: Chespin, Fennekin, and Abra
Take a Snivy and name it Patience. Patience believes that everyone should just slow down and stop rushing around all the time. Good things come to those who wait after all! True to his own teachings, Patience refuses to immediately attack with a damage deal move upon entering battle, and instead must use at least one status move before attacking. It believes in taking the slow, steady way to victory, so it can only ever learn one attacking move at a time (if you end up with more than one, select one of them and pretend that it's an empty move-slot rather than an actual move until you can replace it with a status category move). No solos for this one because you have enough of those as it is...

- Snivy named Patience
- Must use 1 status move before it can attack. Resets every time Patience switches in.
- Can only have 1 attacking move at a time

Battle Scissor
Take a Shuckle and name it Brute. This Shuckle hates the weakling members of its own kind, who never fight with strength, but instead rely on things like poison and weather to wear down their foes while they hide in their shells. No, Brute knows that the only REAL way to take on foes is with OVERWHELMING FORCE! As such, Brute may never use a status move that does not boost his offensive stats (Speed, Attack and Special Attack). Also, Brute wants the most powerful moves available to it, to better crush his foes. He must always only learn the most powerful (highest BP) move of each type available to him. For example, if you have both the TMs for Rock Tomb and Rock Slide, he MUST learn Rock Slide, and once you obtain the Stone Edge TM you must immediately replace Rock Slide with it. Yes, this means he can never have more than one move of a type at once. His moveset should have 4 non-status moves ASAP, though one slot can be replaced with an offense boosting move. To prove his might and that brute force is the truest way for Shuckle to fight, he must solo at least 4 Johto 4 Gym Leader Pokemon, 3 Elite 4/champion Pokemon and (if you do post-game), 3 Kanto Gym-leader Pokemon. Hint: Power Trick DOES count as an Attack Boosting move, and is therefore legal for it to use.

- Shuckle named Brute
- No status moves other than those that boost Speed, Attack and Sp. Attack
- Only one move of each type at a time, must be highest BP move available to it
- Must fill moveset with 4 attacking moves or 3 attacking moves and 1 boosting move ASAP.
- Must solo 4 Johto Gym leader Pokemon, 3 E4/champion Pokemon and (assuming post-game) 3 Kanto Gym-leader Pokemon

Enjoy your useful TM sucking, weak as balls, delusional Shuckle :D You said "Give me everything you got" so I delivered. Good luck, you'll need it!

Take a Meditite and name it Prisoner for Wave 3. This little Meditite did some veeeeeeeeeeery bad things (you don't want to know) and now it's serving time with you. It's like community service; the courts hope that being with a good trainer will cause it to get a better attitude. They don't trust it though, so in order to keep it from running away it's been given an Iron Ball which is chained to its feet at all times. This Iron Ball prevents it from using its usual high flying kicking moves, and really from doing anything with its feet at all. It's not really clear what Prisoner did to earn this punishment (that's classified!), but perhaps a clue lies in its crippling fear of genderless Pokemon. Prisoner refuses to fight any Pokemon without a gender, and must switch out immediately if it encounters one. Oh, and just in case you get any ideas, it can't learn any move that'd allow it to remove its Iron Ball (IE, Fling). You wouldn't want it running away on you and getting into who knows what kind of trouble, would you now?

- Meditite named Prisoner
- Must hold an Iron Ball at all times (you can get one from the Sinnoh Underground pretty easily)
- Cannot learn any kicking moves
- Cannot fight Genderless Pokemon
- Cannot learn any moves that would rid it of its Iron Ball

Take a Smeargle and name it Derpgle. DERPGLE is a derp that is too derpy to know when he probably shouldn't sketch a move. Because of this, he must always use Sketch before he uses any other move. Derpgle might be derpy, but he sure does like nature! Every time you enter a new Route he must lead your party until you encounter a wild Pokemon, which he then must solo. Because when you're as derpy as Derpgle is, loving something means accidentally killing it when trying to play with it. Derpgle loves to draw new things, so he must learn Sketch every chance he gets to, replacing his oldest move with it every time. Finally, Derpgle wants to help, but is too stupid to know when he's more of a bother than a help. Because of this, he has a tendency to randomly pop into battle whenever he feels you're in need of help. We're not sure what he perceives as "needing help" though; he just pops into battle about 1/4 of the time for no discernible reason. Once he's in battle, he's too derpy to realized he's outmatched. Because of this, he cannot switch out until he wins or faints. For all his issues though, Derpgle is just too darn cute for you to leave fainted, so you must immediately stop what you're doing and revive him whenever you exit a battle with him fainted (if possible). Just remember, Derpgle loves you!

- Smeargle named Derpgle
- Must use all instances of Sketch he knows before he is able to do anything else
- Must lead party until a wild Pokemon is encountered on every new route
- Must learn every instance of Sketch he can, must replace oldest move with it.
- At the start of the battle, use this to RNG a number between 1 and 4. If you get 4, Derpgle must switch in. (You can use other methods like flipping two coins to determine if it needs to switch in or not, it just needs to be a 1 in 4 chance).
- Once Derpgle is in battle, it cannot switch out unless forced out by Roar, Whirlwind etc.
- If Derpgle is fainted at the end of a battle, it must be revived ASAP.

Good luck with that. You said you wanted hard, so yet again, I delivered. I hope you like random bullshit! But seriously, have fun!

There, that covers everything I think. I wonder when people are going to start realizing that when you ask for people to give you "very hard", you're really asking for trouble :P Anyway, enjoy your challenges everyone!
There's still a few issues with your challenge. First off, I used a Riolu literally just two scrambles ago, and that was in my Black run too, also Gen V. I feel kind of bad asking you to change the Pokemon again, but I'd really like it if I didn't have to use the same Pokemon again so soon. Also your response makes me realize we must have very different ideas of what constitutes an individual restriction, since I only counted 6 between the two Pokemon I was given at the time of my response to you. I didn't count stuff like unique solos since that can only be done by one Pokemon anyway, and I bundled tightly related restrictions together as well (IE Joey's not being able to use items in battle and not being able to hold items). Do you care to clarify what constitutes a single restriction, or do you want to leave it up to my discretion? Also, there's a very large loophole in the challenge that needs to be closed; as it is right now, I could easily just find a place with wild Pokemon that share a move in common with Copier and very quickly grind away all 10 restrictions. This is even worse with Copycat since I don't even need to bother finding Pokemon that use the same move, I can just grind it out against wild Pokemon (or even random trainers) until I've used Copycat enough times to remove all my restrictions. Once you fix these issues it should be good to go though.
I considered each requirement being a distinct restriction, even if they were very similar (so for your example, I count that as 2 restrictions).

I'll replace the pokemon with a Sigilyph, and all requirements on the move Copycat are also given to Mirror Move. In addition, you may NOT intentionally battle wild pokemon just to copy their move. And, to make it harder, Copier must use the move the foe uses that round, not the last move the foe used (so, if they move first, you copy their move, but if you go first, you must pick the same move as them). The restriction upon evolving is lifted (because Sigilyph can't evolve), and Sigilyph will no longer cry out the next battle if ignored at the roller coaster.
Not "intentionally" is pretty loose, since I could just run across a lot of compatible Pokemon while training. How about simply making it so I can only strike one restriction per an area (as it would be counted in a Nuzlocke) using wild Pokemon? That'd prevent me from just grinding the same one out over and over completely while leaving a lot less ambiguity to the restriction. Also the change to having to having to use the same move the opponent used on the same turn is unreasonable because it'd make removing restrictions completely random. I can't know what move the opponent is picking beforehand, since most of the time the AI picks moves completely at random, meaning I'd just have to get lucky. I'm pretty sure the idea behind copying is to actually copy a move, not hope that you randomly end up using the same one. It made a lot more sense the way you had it before. Also I'm going to need you to edit your post where you gave me the Pokemon to reflect these changes so I can link to it on my rules/guidelines post for others to easily find.

Speaking of which, I still need 1 more Pokemon for my scramble. The rules and guidelines, along with links to challenges already accepted are here. I'd also like to point out that Ultimathunder, Battle Scissor, Birdcrest, and icy780 all still need Pokemon for their scrambles! I linked the topics where you can find information about their scrambles in their names in the previous sentence.

And to all of you who I just mentioned (Ultimathunder , Battle Scissor , birdcrest and icy780 ), I STRONGLY recommend that if you want to fill your roster of Pokemon more quickly that you link to your post where you laid out your rules for your scramble in either your signature or in any posts you make on this thread asking about more pokemon. Also, linking in that post to all the Pokemon you've already received also helps a lot, since it means people don't have the scroll through large sections of the thread looking for what Pokemon you've already been given. If you're anxious to start your scramble faster, following this advice should help you out a lot!
Not "intentionally" is pretty loose, since I could just run across a lot of compatible Pokemon while training. How about simply making it so I can only strike one restriction per an area (as it would be counted in a Nuzlocke) using wild Pokemon? That'd prevent me from just grinding the same one out over and over completely while leaving a lot less ambiguity to the restriction. Also the change to having to having to use the same move the opponent used on the same turn is unreasonable because it'd make removing restrictions completely random. I can't know what move the opponent is picking beforehand, since most of the time the AI picks moves completely at random, meaning I'd just have to get lucky. I'm pretty sure the idea behind copying is to actually copy a move, not hope that you randomly end up using the same one. It made a lot more sense the way you had it before. Also I'm going to need you to edit your post where you gave me the Pokemon to reflect these changes so I can link to it on my rules/guidelines post for others to easily find.
The first idea sounds fine. I wasn't thinking about the randomness for the same-round, so I shall change it back.

I'll go ahead and edit the post.
The first idea sounds fine. I wasn't thinking about the randomness for the same-round, so I shall change it back.

I'll go ahead and edit the post.
Alright, sounds good. Rereading the edited post there's a couple things I'd like have clarified. One, after the Nimbassa coaster thing you say to half the number of restrictions you have and to round the result to get how many restictions are left, but you forget to specify whether I should round up or down. Since it's dividing by 2, the only possible results I could get are whole numbers and numbers that end in .5 (which could round either way), meaning this is an important question to ask.

Secondly, the last bit about soloing the elite 4 members with Mirror move. Do they have to be all in a row? If so, can I start the soloing run whenever I want during the Elite 4, or does it have to be right from the start? Or do I simply solo as many Elite 4 members as I can throughout the challenge, and the new set of restrictions is applied after I've defeated the Elite 4 (meaning they apply only to the post-game)? Does the champion count as part of this, or is she seperate?

So yeah, basically that last bit just needs a lot of clarification overall so I know what I'm actually supposed to do there. I need to know when I can do the solos, if the Champion counts and exactly when the new restrictions apply.

I know I've kind of put you through hoops and I'm sorry about that! This should be the last thing, especially since I'm not asking for any changes, just clarification.

And to those of you who are asking for more challenges for your own scrambles... you know, people might be more inclined to give you Pokemon if you gave them Pokemon in return! While you're not required by the thread rules to do so, it would be REALLY helpful to everyone else if you took the time to give out some Pokemon for other people to use. If you're worried about not doing it properly, I wrote a guide on how to give out good scramblemons a couple years ago, and despite the time that's passed it's actually still up to date (in fact it's still linked on the OP of this thread)! The key to having lots of fun and successful scrambles is for EVERYONE to contribute, so please, join in! It's actually pretty fun to come up with creative challenges, so you should give it a shot!
Alright, sounds good. Rereading the edited post there's a couple things I'd like have clarified. One, after the Nimbassa coaster thing you say to half the number of restrictions you have and to round the result to get how many restictions are left, but you forget to specify whether I should round up or down. Since it's dividing by 2, the only possible results I could get are whole numbers and numbers that end in .5 (which could round either way), meaning this is an important question to ask.

Secondly, the last bit about soloing the elite 4 members with Mirror move. Do they have to be all in a row? If so, can I start the soloing run whenever I want during the Elite 4, or does it have to be right from the start? Or do I simply solo as many Elite 4 members as I can throughout the challenge, and the new set of restrictions is applied after I've defeated the Elite 4 (meaning they apply only to the post-game)? Does the champion count as part of this, or is she seperate?

So yeah, basically that last bit just needs a lot of clarification overall so I know what I'm actually supposed to do there. I need to know when I can do the solos, if the Champion counts and exactly when the new restrictions apply.

I know I've kind of put you through hoops and I'm sorry about that! This should be the last thing, especially since I'm not asking for any changes, just clarification.
As long as Copier defeats that pokemon belonging to the E4 (and I did mean to include Iris) without it being damaged or inflicted with status, or with Copier recieving a boost, with just Mirror Move, it counts. It does not have to be consecutive, nor does it have to start from the beginning. And yes, all of the challenges chosen from those 15 apply to the post-game only (not the E4 battles).

I meant to round (using standard less than .5 down, while greater than or equal to .5 up). If you have a restriction half-removed due to Mirror Move, then that half is subtracted from the current number of restrictions before division (so it can end in .25, .5, .75, and .0). Round it to integer values, though.
As long as Copier defeats that pokemon belonging to the E4 (and I did mean to include Iris) without it being damaged or inflicted with status, or with Copier recieving a boost, with just Mirror Move, it counts. It does not have to be consecutive, nor does it have to start from the beginning. And yes, all of the challenges chosen from those 15 apply to the post-game only (not the E4 battles).

I meant to round (using standard less than .5 down, while greater than or equal to .5 up). If you have a restriction half-removed due to Mirror Move, then that half is subtracted from the current number of restrictions before division (so it can end in .25, .5, .75, and .0). Round it to integer values, though.
Oh I didn't realize that half- mirror moves counted towards that, it makes a lot more sense now. Alright, in that case everything is set an your challenge is accepted! Sorry for putting you through so much, but I think we got a really good challange out of it in the end!

And for everyone else, I still need 1 more Pokemon! Click here to see my rules/guidelines for the challange. Also, don't forget about the other people who still need Pokemon that I mentioned in this post! If you need help coming up with good Pokemon to give, check out this guide. Good luck to everyone on your scrambles!
Be patient, recently people have been waiting for WEEKS to get their challenges filled. 25 minutes is hardly a long wait. Also, it's against the rules to use "bump" posts on this forum (it's considered spam).

Honestly I was going to give you something but I wasn't expecting this level of impatience. I think I'll wait until I'm in a better mood to give you one. It's not like you're going to be starting soon anyway (like I said, it takes upwards of 2 weeks these days to get a full challenge unless you pester people constantly or happen to come at a time when the thread is particularly active).
Jigglysbestpuffer take Chikorita as your starter. Nickname it Healer. It can only ever know 1 attacking move and 1 STAB move. (Except when you first get it, then get it to the requirements).
It must always hold a Berry ASAP. If it loses the Berry, it must get a new one ASAP.
No other restrictions.
Jigglysbestpuffer1567 Take Pidgey the Pidgey. Pidgey's goal is to be the best pidgey, like no other was. As such, it may not evolve. Ever!

It also needs to be verrsatile, so it must know a normal-type move, a flying-type move, a move of neither of those two types, and a status move.

It also needs to have POWER! It must always know the strongest moves it can learn (which means Fly and Return for STAB, and it must use TM Return as soon as you get it, which must be the first Sunday you play it and get access to Goldenrod Department Store). For these purposes, Return counts as 102 power and Frustration as 1 power.

It must solo Falkner, to prove himself strong, and then must solo all trainer-owned Pidgeys, because he is the best.
icy780 take a Weedle. Nickname it "Rare". It must always hold a rare item. Must solo Siebold's Starmie as a Beedrill. That's all!
PS. Nuggets, Fossils, and RareCandies are all rare, and others.
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Because of the release of Pokebank i can finally restart my White, so lets go with that.

-Can trade but rather not use it outside of evolving.
-Fairly challenging but nothing too frustrating.
-No specific nature restrictions. (things like "must be -Atk" or such is ok)
-No more than 2 of any type.
-A surf/fly user would be nice but isnt required.
-In the event i dont have a starter as one of my 6, i'll roll a dice to determine my starter.
-If anyone feels like trolling me stunfisk would probably be a good choice.

thats basically it i think

- Foongus named Gus!
- Cannot particiapte in Double, Triple or Rotation Battles.
- Must have 2 ways of inflicting status on opponents at all times ASAP. (other than Effect Spore)
- Cannot use draining moves or use any other method of healing while in battle.
- Effect spore must afflict 10 trainer owned Pokemon before GUS! can evolve, including one Gym leader Pokemon.

-Beat 5 Trainersfor Kiggy to recognize your superiority.
-defeat 20 mons using passive damage from either Burn or Fire Spin to Evolve into Lampent.
-Will'o Wisp and Fire Spin cannot be forgotten once learned.
-Solo Iris without passing level 50 To evolve into Chandelure.
-Solo Grimsley to prove the power of his ghostly flames!

-May only use stab moves.
-Must beat any pokemon with a design based off of a man-made object.
-May evolve after Clay's gym is beaten, after evolution the beating man-made object restriction is lifter.
-After evolution, may only kill one pokemon per battle.

-Teach a status move ASAP and use it first whenever Toy switches in. (doesnt apply if he leads the party)
-Must solo Marshal, afterwards the above restriction is lifted.

-No 100%/perfect accuracy moves, nor can it boost its own accuracy through moves/items.
-Toss 10 items every time it faints.
-Can't hit for SE damage.
-Must solo one gym leader of my choice.

-Must be -Speed nature and cant be used in battle if he is faster than 3 or more of the pokes in my party
-Cant learn any moves that can boost speed, if speed is boosted must switch out, if speed is lowered it cant swtich out
-Must have a sound move before evolving to emboar
-once evolved to emboar the 2nd restriction is no longer in effect
-can only use flame charge in battle till outspeeding once, and cant switch out before then
-if he reaches +6 speed against a gym leader he can fight in the E4
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Alright, I'm the mood to give you a challenge now.
Take a Miltank and name it FUWhitney. It can never learn any of the moves that Whitney's Miltank has ever known across all games (Banned moves: Stomp, Milk Drink, Rollout, Attract, Body Slam, Rest, Sleep Talk, Return, Fire Punch, Defense Curl, Earthquake, Bide or Reversal) because it hates that Whitney's Miltank has made Miltank so hated by people everywhere. She wants to restore the good name of Miltank everywhere, so she gives out Milk to everyone she battles, hoping to ensure that she never leaves a bad impression on anyone. (This means you must buy and then discard a MooMoo Milk for every trainer you fight with FUWhitney). Good luck on you're scramble, you'll need it since someone gave you an un-evolvable Pidgey... You really should put some basic rules on your challenges to prevent stuff like that :P.

- FUWhitney the Miltank
- Cannot learn any moves Whitney's Miltank has ever known
- Must buy and discard 1 MooMoo Milk for every trainer you battle with FUWhitney ASAP

Hey Hydrattler, I'll gladly give you a challenge! Take a Foongus and name it GUS!(exclamation point included). GUS! is a little awkward and hates social interaction, so it can never participate in double, triple or rotation battles. He's kinda... unclean, so he must always have at least two ways of inducing status conditions other than his ability. He also can't use draining moves, because being an introvert, being around other Pokemon drains him of energy, it doesn't refill it! You can't heal him when he's on the battlefield for the same reason (the items would have no effect!). In order to evolve his abravise personality (Effect Spore) needs to infect at least 10 trainer owned opponents, including a Pokemon owned by a Gym Leader.

Good luck, have fun!

- Foongus named GUS!
- Cannot particiapte in Double, Triple or Rotation Battles.
- Must have 2 ways of inflicting status on opponents at all times ASAP (other than Effect Spore)
- Cannot use draining moves or use any other method of healing while in battle
- Effect spore must afflict 10 trainer owned Pokemon before GUS! can evolve, including one Gym leader Pokemon

You made a mistake in your challenge for Icy. You tell him to catch a Weedle, but to solo Siebold's Starmie as a Butterfree. Either you mean for him to catch a Caterpie or solo Siebolds Starmie with a Beedrill :P, so you should probably specify which one. Personally, I'd go with the Weedle - Beedrill because he wanted a hard challenge, and Beedrill is a lot worse than Butterfree.


Alright, I'd also like to point out that I still need one more Pokemon for my own Scramble before I can start, and I'd really appreciate if someone would get me one. Also, other people still waiting for Pokemon include Ultimathunder , Battle Scissor , birdcrest, and icy780 as well as the two people I just gave Pokemon to. If you haven't given them Pokemon already, please do so! Don't be selfish and just ask for scrambles for yourself, make sure to give to others as well!
Alright, here's some Pokemon to give out! I'll give out more later too, I'm running out of time and need to start my Friday twitch stream soon!

Take a Nidoran M and name it Specialist. Specialist knows that in the human world, specialists get all the best paying jobs and all the prestige. So it wants to be one too! Only it doesn't quite understand the definition of "Specialist" so it thinks that means using nothing but special moves! ASAP, Specialist can only use moves of types considered "special" in Generation 2. As Specialist becomes more, er, "specialized" it begins to evolve and become stronger, so apparently though he's misguided his ideas still worked! Specialist can evolve into Nidorino after learning his first special attacking move, and can evolve again after learning his second. Hidden Power counts if it happens to be a special type, but you have to be 100% sure of its typing before counting it. Even after he has evolved, Specialist continues to specialize. By the Elite 4 all 4 of Specialist's moves should be special attacking moves.

Not sure, but I only counted 5 Pokemon so far for your scramble. Let me know if you still need one, I'm not sure and I don't have time to make one up right now if it turns out you don't. Also, I thought you were going to do one for me? :P

Same here as for chaostothemax. I know you posted your challenge a month ago, but let me know if you want your 6th Pokemon!

You only got a few for yours too, let me know if you still intend on doing yours if you get your Pokemon

Same deal here, my count shows you still being one short. If you're still interested let me know!

And that's all I have time for now, I'll be back later! Yes, I did go back over a month to cover all the people still missing mons...
After a lot of Deliberation and looking through available moves for the nidoran-m line I'm afraid it's going to be annoyingly difficult to complete this challange, and thus the challange difficult is not within the set perameters. specialist unfortunately is rejected.

Because of the release of Pokebank i can finally restart my White, so lets go with that

-Can trade but rather not use it outside of evolving
-Fairly challenging but nothing too frustrating
-No specific nature restrictions (things like "must be -Atk" or such is ok)
-No more than 2 of any type
-A surf/fly user would be nice but isnt required
-In the event i dont have a starter as one of my 6, i'll roll a dice to determine my starter
-If anyone feels like trolling me stunfisk would probably be a good choice

thats basically it i think

- Foongus named Gus!
- Cannot particiapte in Double, Triple or Rotation Battles.
- Must have 2 ways of inflicting status on opponents at all times ASAP (other than Effect Spore)
- Cannot use draining moves or use any other method of healing while in battle
- Effect spore must afflict 10 trainer owned Pokemon before GUS! can evolve, including one Gym leader Pokemon
Alright Hydrattler, time to do for you what you STILL haven't done for me ¬_¬

Take Erechkigal the Chandelure, (Use Kiggy for the name if the full name doesn't fit)
Erechkigal is not exactly a kind pokemon, and without a sufficient show of power can get rather violent. After catching him He will refuse to partake in battle until you have defeated 5 trainers, only then will he recognize you as his superior.

At this point he'll show distinct tendancies to watching his foes burn. wishing to fuel his fires with his defeated opponent's souls. As such he will be too weak to evolve into Lampent until the passive damage from burn and/or Fire Spin has defeated 20 pokemon, whether wild or trainer mons. A fan of the moves that gained him this newfound power, you cannot replace Will'o Wisp or Fire Spin even after he evolves.

After evolving into Lampent he'll realize he is more than just a pokemon of fire. His burning soul was once that of an Arcanine whom had been slain by a Dragon-Type in ages past, the memory brought to light by the evolution. As such he will now refuse Dusk Stones for further evolution until he solos the Opulecid gym leader without passing level 50, insisting on burning all of Iris' pokemon and wanting to claim the soul of the Haxorus for his fuel. Only now can you evolve him to Chandelure where he will now want to prove his mastery of both fire and the darkness. As such needs to solo Grimsley to prove that, even at a type-disadvantage, he has true power.

So in Summary:
  • Beat 5 Trainersfor Kiggy to recognize your superiority
  • defeat 20 mons using passive damage from either Burn or Fire Spin to Evolve into Lampent (Will'o Wisp and Fire Spin cannot be forgotten once learned)
  • Solo Iris without passing level 50 To evolve into Chandelure
  • Solo Grimsley to prove the power of his ghostly flames!
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Gym Update #2

I finally got past the second gym after some troubles with time and playing my scramble challenge. I managed to get Pampered the Furfrou, Toaster the Charmander, and OmNom the Tyrunt! Oh boy, here we go to the third gym...

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