Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2


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Good boy Darkness, keep these updates coming while I casually work on mine incredibly incredibly slowly. Anyway, I actually failed really bad at that gym puzzle.

Curtain shows fire:


is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Magma’s HQ?

No sooner had Winona woken up in an empty room then two Magma grunts appeared at the door.

“Maxie wants to see you. Come.” The pair grabbed her roughly by the arms and dragged her through a set of hallways until they reached a strange platform surrounded by blinking control panels and lights.

“What’s that?”

“Teleporter. Only way in and out of the Command sector.” Without another word, they shoved her in.

She reappeared, disoriented, in another completely different room, where two other Magma grunts immediately grabbed her and duct taped her hands. “You don’t have to worry about me escaping. I don’t even know where the fuck I am.”

This pair of guards silently dragged her through another few hallways to a storage room. Inside, they sat her down in a chair, then locked the door. A second later, a teenage girl in an official-looking Magma vest walked in.

“Hello, Winona. You may not know who I am, but I know you better then you think.”

“Do you?” Winona inquired.

“Yes, I know you. And I’d like to apologize for the guards treating you so roughly. There was no need for them to tie you.” The girl pulled out a pocketknife and started sawing at the tape.

“You’re really bad at this whole ‘villain’ thing. Everyone knows you always leave the athletic girl tied up so she can’t start kicking ass and taking names.” Winona paused. “By the way, what is your name? I know you know mine.”

The girl grinned. “I can’t even remember my given name; you can call me Courtney. See, here’s the thing. I don’t need you tied up to get what I want from you. I have all the collateral I need-your pokemon.”

Winona nodded; it was the obvious move. “So what happens if I, say, stood up with my free hands, took this knife, and killed you in a dramatic fistfight?”

“You continue your escape attempt. The sensor wired to my heart alerts the Magma guards that you attacked me, and they catch you in the hallway leading to the teleporter, which you can’t even use without a passcode that I’ll never give you. Then, one of your pokemon pays the price.” Courtney paused. “That enough explanation for you? Good, then we can start asking questions.”

“Can I ask you one first?”


“Why’d you untie someone bigger then you?” Winona jumped out of her chair and punched Courtney in the face. The smaller girl stumbled back against the wall; Winona lunged forward for another punch, only to have her right leg swept from under her. Courtney kicked at Winona’s head; she covered with her elbow and rolled away as Courtney drew the knife from her pocket.

The smaller girl stabbed at Winona’s stomach. She sidestepped while kicking Courtney in the back of the knee; the Magma admin’s leg buckled, and she fell to the floor. Winona threw her leg over Courtney’s neck and laid back on top of her, forcing the hand with a knife into an arm bar she had learned from Larsen back in his military days.

The two gasped for breath. “You reach for that radio, and I’m gonna snap your arm.”

Courtney reached for the radio. Winona lifted up with her hips and pulled down on Courtney’s arm, and a gruesome crack filled the room.
“ hurts...” Courtney whispered. Winona had stripped her of her Magma vest, her mask, and her gun and radio; her dimpled face was scrunched with pain from her broken right elbow.

“Sorry. I’m afraid I can’t let you see a doctor. Would kind of blow my cover and all. And seeing as you were threatening to kill my pokemon, I don’t have a lot of sympathy for you.” Winona She brought her fist down on the smaller girl’s broken elbow as she finished swaddling her wrists in duct tape.


“You’re really noisy, too. And you probably have a boot knife or something to cut yourself loose. Let’s take care of those too.” Winona mummified Courtney’s legs with the tape, then dragged her into the corner of the supply closet. Hidden by the filing cabinets, nobody would be able to find Courtney unless they were specifically looking.

“Now, I’m a good person,” Winona whispered, “So maybe I’ll only hurt you a little bit more.” She covered Courtney’s mouth with tape, then stomped on her nose, breaking it. “Have fun back here, by the way. Don’t think anyone will find you for a while.” Winona moved a filing cabinet from the far wall, completely hiding the bloodied girl.

Winona put on Courtney’s vest and mask, then wiped the blood off her shoes before leaving the room. She retraced her steps to the teleporter, before realizing that she didn’t know the code.

Instead of turning back to extract the code from Courtney, she ran through the hallways, looking for another way out. Her eyes flickered, watching the doors for signs that they were about to open. She didn’t even notice the near invisible wire strung across the hall. She fell flat on her face as a live flashbang grenade dropped from the ceiling, deafening her and filling her eyes with a blinding light. Hearing the noise, two grunts came out of a door and bound her again.

She had failed. Someone was going to pay.

2 days later
Lilycove Town

“Wally, where are we going? Thought you said we were going to find a way into Magma’s base.”

“This isn’t Mt. Pyre anymore. If we’re going to attack Magma’s base, we’re going to need some hardware. And someone trained.”

“So the police?”

“No, a friend of mine who’s in the Navy reserves.”


“Well, by reserves I mean a group whose cover story is that they’re in the reserves, and by a group I mean the Pokemon Warfare Application Team. And by that, I mean that if you talk about this to people who shouldn’t know about it they’ll throw you in a cage for a long time.”

“Oh.” We continued on to the door of a rather nondescript building, where Wally spoke into a microphone before being allowed in.

“We’re here to see Steven Stone.” he said.

“Wait. THE Steven Stone?” I asked?

“He’s here.” Steven emerged from a side door, his trademark silver hair gleaming in the utilitarian lights. “What can I do for you?”

“Let’s talk somewhere more private.”

“Alright, my room then.” We retreated to Steven’s room, which had a rather sexy touchscreen table in the center. “So, why me?”

“Because you know as well as I do that Magma’s getting more dangerous. They’re trying to awaken Groudon.”

“That’s interesting. It’s also a fool’s errand, because Groudon can’t be revived.”

“Well, they’re holding a gym leader hostage and they’re demanding the one thing that could possibly do it, so I’d take them more seriously.”

“Now you’re talking.” Steven tapped the table, and a map of the surrounding area. “Where do you think Magma’s base is?”

“My Gardevoir and Skarm’s Swellow are out scouting possible locations, we should hear back any time now.”

A distinctly female voice rang out behind us. “Or, I could just tell you.”

Steven drew a pistol seemingly from nowhere as he whirled around. “Who the hell are you?”

“I’m Courtney. I used to be a Magma member, but then...” She looked up, and her nose splint and black eyes together with her arm in a sling told the truth. “They said they wanted to revive Groudon, and they were serious. I told them I was scared of what Groudon might do, and I wanted to leave.”

“What did they do?”

“They let me onto one of their boats headed for town, but on the way there they dragged me into a little room on the boat and beat me. Then they tossed me in the water, thinking I wouldn’t know how to swim.”

“Do you have anywhere to go?” I asked.

“Nope; parents split up years ago and don’t want to see me, no other family. That’s why I joined Magma in the first place.”

“Tell you what,” Steven said, lowering his gun. “You handle a gun before?”

“They taught us all. I’m a decent shot.”

“If you can get us plans for the interior, as well as guard rotations, you’re in. Just draw it on here.”

Courtney set to work on the map while Steven continued talking. “Now, are you planning on bringing your Pokemon?”


“Don’t bring any that aren’t fully evolved and ready to go. If there’s one you want to bring who isn’t fully evolved, send them out now and let me take a look.

Wally shrugged his shoulders as I sent out Aron, King, and Ashe.

“Here’s the thing. I have this stuff called methevotamine. It’s a chemical that breaks down into Evotamine in the bloodstream, which is the chemical that causes Pokemon to enter the evolution process in high enough concentrations. I can inject it into your pokemon, and it will cause them to begin evolving within the next 5 minutes. But this isn’t a choice you want to make quickly; there’s no undoing it. What do you say?”

I thought of Winona and the lengths I was willing to go to to rescue her. “Do it.” Steven opened a cabinet and withdrew three syringes filled with a greenish clear liquid. He knelt next to Ashe, rolled up his sleeves, and-

“No. Not her. Inject the other two.”

“I don’t want you bringing a pokemon who’s not fully evolved. Only reason I’m letting Aron come is because he’s got skin that’s literally made of steel.”

“She’s sneaky and quick right now, but that takes months of practice. We need her stealth for this.”

Steven thought briefly, then nodded. “Your call.” He gently injected Tentacool, then held the plates of Aron’s leg and body apart with one hand while giving Aron the injection. Three cold fingers wrapped themselves around my wrist, and I looked town to see Ashe softly squeezing my hand. Thanks? Unhappyness? I didn’t know what she meant.

“This will be painful.” Steven said as my pokemon began to spasm. A few minutes later, their skin exuded a white glow that faded quickly, revealing their larger forms. “We’ll go after Magma in two days. They’ll need the time to get used to their new bodies.”

Two days later

On the deck of the boat, Steven took one last check over all of the weaponry we had with us. “We’re good.” He tossed each of us a pistol, and we hopped in the water, swimming into the base and climbing out inside the base. We entered a single file line, and I released Ashe into the middle of the group.

“She’s got great senses.” I whispered. “She can warn us if anyone’s coming.” Steven nodded, and motioned for us to go single file into the base.

Courtney followed in the back of the group, guiding us down the hallway. I was nervous about Ashe being so close to her, but I figured that Courtney had really changed sides judging by the beating she’d taken.

“Teleporter should be just down the hallway. Passcode is 5520.” Without a word, Wally and Gardevoir vanished. Code is good.

As we turned the corner, Courtney drew a syringe from her sleeve and jabbed it into Ashe’s back. My partner arched her back and cried out. Steven spun around.

“What the hell?!”

“She just started evolving. Who can tell when nature calls?” Ashe’s body glowed as she thrashed on the floor. Her limbs grew until she had arms like branches, legs like tree trunks, and the aroma of a field of flowers. Then the glowing stopped, leaving her gasping on the ground.

Before we could react, a door slammed open in the hallway we came from. Two Magma grunts flanked Courtney, who had drawn a pistol from somewhere. The Magma grunts pointed pistols of their own at Steven and I while Courtney pinned Ashe with her boot and held her gun to her head.

Steven tossed his pistol to me, and drew another one from his belt. “What do you want?”

“It’s simple. Skarm wants Ashe to stay alive, I want the Red Orb. You give me the orb, we back off and let you leave here. You don’t give me the orb, we shoot you and take it anyways.”

“It’s not that easy.” Steven said. “You’ve all got semis-mine’s fully automatic. Any one of you shoots and all three of you die.”

“We have one more person right now, and a whole base full of them waiting in the wings. If I’m not alive, how do you think you’re getting out of here?”

“So what’s the deal? You know we can’t give you the orb. You might as well shoot us now.”

“That might be best,” Courtney admitted. “Just give me the orb, I give you Ashe, and all of us walk out of here.”

“All right, I’ll do it.”

“Skarm, what the hell?”

“Trust me.” I unstrapped my backpack and tugged on the zipper. The Red Orb rolled out, and I pinned it with my foot. My pistol lowered itself towards the orb.

“Not good enough. I want Winona too.”

“Really, you’re not in a position to negotiate.”

“Let’s see how well your orb works for you once I’ve shattered it with a few bullets.”

The other end of the teleporter

Gardevoir preferred impressions and emotions to words, but the current circumstances demanded that she be direct instead of abstract. I’m still scanning, Wally. We should be cautious; I can’t sense any humans, but something is odd.

Don’t worry, Gardevoir. They’re probably out on a mission right now. From inside Wally’s head, Gardevoir could hear echoes of Skarm’s situation through Wally’s earpiece.

Wally, I’m serious, it’s not right. There’s something about this place that I can’t place. And Skarm is in trouble; we should go back and help him.

Courtney said the teleporters don’t go to the same location both ways. Wally stopped short. Look! There’s Maxie’s office. With some kind of strange poke ball inside.

Wally, let me teleport and get it---NO! NO! IT’S A TRAP! Gardevoir mentally shouted with everything she has, even throwing a barrier in front of her partner. It didn’t make a difference.

Wally tripped over a nearly imperceptible wire strung across the hallway. 2 slots opened both in front of them and behind them, and Electrodes rolled out from the walls, one tapping against Wally’s foot. They glowed red, beginning to detonate themselves.

“Gardevoir, I’m sorry.” he said. Through his mind, Gardevoir could hear the gunshots coming from the other side of the earpiece, a fight that Skarm and Steven couldn’t hope to win.

She braced herself with the milliseconds left to her, then teleported Wally away. She didn’t know where he went, and didn’t have time to wonder. Then, with all the focus she could muster as the blast waves approached, she teleported herself.

It is what it is.

Yes, this is a bastardly cliffhanger. No, I don't care.

Which of our heroes will still be alive come the beginning of Chapter 26? You'll have to wait 2 weeks or so.

And this update only makes sense if you know what's happened so far in the story, so newcomers won't know what the fuck is going on. sorry :(
Great Story, my compliments.
Although I'm a newcomer in the story, I think I got what happened :P and got into the story quite easily, although I of course don't know the deeper personalities and what happened in previous updates.
This sounds really cool! I would like to request a challange!

Pokemon Ruby
No trading; so please no trade evolution pokemon.
Easy Difficulty; I don't want a super hard challange, just enough that I don't get bored.
I would prefer a starter; I don't care which one.
Please give me some unique pokemon!
I would like to be able to use all needed HMs (Rock Smash, Strength, Surf, Waterfall, Dive) without needing HM slaves.

Take a Seedot named Suicide, you get later on more information

This Seedot was abandoned by its family and adopted by a family of Ludicolo.
But some day, his family came along and killed the Ludicolo while he was hiding.
Now he wants revenge.

1. Kill every Pokemon of the Seedot family.
#Solo every Pokemon in the Seedot evolutionary line
2. Loves his own parents
#Can't fight Pokemon in the Lotad evolutionary line

Now some Evolution rules.
1. Doesn't evolve, Seedot aren't too important, so you don't make the abundance of its family much bigger
# No extra rules
2. Evolves to Nuzleaf, Nuzleaf are decently important, it makes the abundance of its family a bit bigger
# Must use Bide at the start of every battle (See if others can kill you)(If you do this, you must have Bide when you evolve)
3. Evolves to Shiftry, Shiftry is very important, you make the abundance of its family much bigger
# Must solo all Grass and Dark types, if it faints you must immediately go back to the last Pokemon Centre you visited (Kill all of your family, beside the Lotad family)
4. Evolves with Explosion in its movepool
# Must use it against every Pokemon in the Seedot evolutionary line (Let them go away together with you)

So this thing is why there are almost no Seedot in emerald, glhf

Okay, take KFC the Torchic. This Torchic knows that he is very delicious chicken, and is afraid of any fat pokemon. Pokemon he considers fat are: Rock, Steel, or Ground types, or any pokemon that is over 220 lbs. Go here for weights. Now, he may battle these pokemon, but he must use only attacking moves, as he considers offense the best defense. He also must always have 3 attacking moves and one status move at all times. That's it! GL;HF!

Topher, take a female Tailow named Cindy. Cindy's mother was once forced from her flock, alone, weak, and with a broken wing, but a young trainer named Chris (me, but not my real name :P) nursed her back to health, and eventually took her all over Hoenn, and with her help defeated the Elite 4. When Cindy was born, Cindy immeadiatly learned how to fly, and split from her mother (she always was an independant one). As such, Cindy must learn Fly ASAP, and cannot fight in double battles. However, Cindy's true intention was to grow and help at trainer (you) defeat the Elite 4. Because of this, Cindy must solo 3 pokemon from E4 members, as well as 2 of the Champion's pokemon. Before this, however, Cindy wants to reach the utmost level of expertise before she evolves, meaning that she must solo Flannery. After she solos one of these, she may evolve. However, after she evolves, her mother's impared wing begins to affect her wing, disallowing her from battling at all until after the defeat of Norman, and the most powerful move she is allowed to learn is at BP 60, which she is only allowed 1 of. However, if she solos Wiona OR 25 trainers, you have allowed her to gain confidence enough and heal enough to be able to use any BP move. Also, she wants to attack on at least 2 fronts, being a very stratigic girl, and must hold at least 1 status move at a time (this move is up to you). Finally, to complete her mission, be sure to bring her to Pacifidlog Town to reunite with her mother and Chris, her trainer, and complete her mission, allowing you and your whole team to live happily ever after! <3

-Learn Fly ASAP, and keep forever
-Cannot fight in double battles
-Solo 3 E4 pokes, and 2 of the Champions (take your pick)
-Solo Flannery to evolve
-After evolution, allowed 1 60 BP move and Fly as only moves above or at a BP of 60
-Can solo Wiona or 25 trainers to ingore the above restriction
-Keep at least 1 status move at all times if possible
-Try to visit Pacifidlog Town after you defeat the Elite 4 for her
-Have fun with one sentimental challange! (at least for me)
-Good luck!

Topher, get a lovely RNG challange. Please catch RNG before the second gym.

I have a lovely poke for you, named RNG the ...(any Pokémon that can evolve twice). RNG is a fan of RNG and bases his challenges on it. It may learn a total of [2] damaging moves, while all of your moves must be off [3] different types ASAP, and they must stay at that number. Its moves may have a maximum BP of [140] including STAB. RNG may evolve for the first time at level [20] after soloing [2] gyms and evolve a second time at level [41] after soloing [1] other gym leaders. For every time RNG faints, throw away [17] of your most expensive Pokéballs, or [12] of your most expensive items. You may heal RNG a maximum of [2] times per battle. For every [11] times its health falls into orange, you must use [8] consumable items on it to make it feel better. After fainting [16] times, it will get extremely mad at you and refuse to battle the next [9] trainer battles. If a teammate [faints=1] of its health, RNG [must switch in=1]. To prove its worth, have it solo at least [3] elite four and champion Pokémon per fight of [2] members.

Topher, I shall give you something that will be quite a challenge early-game but almost restrictionless late-game, just to keep in mind.

Take Peeko the Wingull.
Peeko loves riding on the open sea etc. etc., so must be the lead in your party when you are in the sea. He loves old men, much like his owner, so he must solo Wattson (challenging bit) and then learn and keep shock wave as a memento of the occasion. It refuses to fly over the sea, it can use fly to the nearest town, but the sea is so fun to ride over it just has to seize the opportunity. It wants to defeat lots of other old men too, since after 10 defeats of old men it can use it's other HM, probably fly. It refuses to be on Dewford until it learns fly itself.

Topher, you have a serious lack of Electric types. Take a Magneton named Magneto, caught in New Mauville. Its ability must be Magnet Pull; unfortunately the polarity of its magnets is reversed, so it is not able to switch out against enemy Steel types. To use Magneto in battle, your battle type must be set to "SET". Good luck!


is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Your description of easy sounds for me like medium, but I reserve one topher

Take a Seedot named Suicide, you get later on more information

This Seedot was abandoned by its family and adopted by a family of Ludicolo.
But some day, his family came along and killed the Ludicolo while he was hiding.
Now he wants revenge.

1. Kill every Pokemon of the Seedot family.
#Solo every Pokemon in the Seedot evolutionary line
2. Loves his own parents
#Can't fight Pokemon in the Lotad evolutionary line

Now some Evolution rules.
1. Doesn't evolve, Seedot aren't too important, so you don't make the abundance of its family much bigger
# No extra rules
2. Evolves to Nuzleaf, Nuzleaf are decently important, it makes the abundance of its family a bit bigger
# Must use Bide at the start of every battle (See if others can kill you)(If you do this, you must have Bide when you evolve)
3. Evolves to Shiftry, Shiftry is very important, you make the abundance of its family much bigger
# Must solo all Grass and Dark types, if it faints you must immediately go back to the last Pokemon Centre you visited (Kill all of your family, beside the Lotad family)
4. Evolves with Explosion in its movepool
# Must use it against every Pokemon in the Seedot evolutionary line (Let them go away together with you)

So this thing is why there are almost no Seedot in emerald, glhf

Edit: Hope you make the thread a bit more active
Accepting Snaquaza and CJorex!

Still need 4 more for a Fire Red medium gauntlet
While I wait for my challanges to be given, i might as well give some out myself! Reserving an Oddish that I will edit in!

EDIT: Sorry it took so long, but take Druggie the Oddish! He is sadly addicted to drugs, so must know at least one "powder" move, as well as Acid, at all times. He may evolve whenever, but must eventually become a Vileplume. You may get over his addiction by soloing 50 "cleansing" Water-types, and that gets rid of his movepool restrictions. You don't have to "cleanse" him, but if you do, rename him Purified.


is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
If people have read my scramble diary type thing, please respond with what you thought about it and do critise.
Well Darknesscrusher, it think it was good and I wish I could make those types of updates, it is filled with creativity and humor, although I would like an overview of your team


is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Btw, Darknesscrusher, are you already looking forward to my Heatmor :P (and that Sewaddle trio, how are they going to solo Chandelure and Skyla)
Snaquaza, that is accepted. I just need a little clarification; if I evolve Suicide to Shiftry, does the Bide restriction still apply as a Shiftry like it does as a Nuzleaf?


is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
No it doesn't, it is apart, a challenge for nuzleaf and one for Shiftry, but be aware, you have to do none if you evolve it with explosion, beside the simple basic rules


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Topher, take this challenge that I made like 8 pages ago but got rejected. It fits your challenge better than it did his anyway. :P

Take crossdress the male mawile.

Crossdress, is, of course, a crossdresser. He wants everyone to think he is a girl, and as such wears that skirt that all Mawile have, and a silk scarf (fround in a house in dewford). It is all going well for crossdress, all of the female pokemon look at him with a glint in their eyes at his feminism and his scarf, and he gets invited out shopping and everything else. Obviously, as the deceiver pokemon, there is a plan behind this. Crossdress wants to wipe out all male pokemon on the planet, because then everyone will come to him as a breeding partner once he reveals that he is actually a male. He only has enough trust in your (male) starter and the first male pokemon you catch after you catch Crossdress to tell his plan to, and they agree to it! This means that only those three pokemon may battle male pokemon (unless it collides with one of their challenges) and those three pokemon may never harm a female. With an exception. The female gym leaders happened to figure out their plan, maybe because Crossdress told your starter and other dude what it was at a gym leader conference in the girl's bathroom, who knows. Anyway, your three pokemon figure this out, and must solo one of these gym leaders each. (Oh, by the way, no extra searching for a pokemon you want to be male for this challenge. You get what you get!) These gym leaders, if you didn't know already, are Flannery, Winona and Liza. Yes, you would only be able to harm Liza's pokemon and not Tate's, and your partner pokemon would only be able to harm Tate's pokemon. If, somehow, all of the pokemon you get after Crossdress are female, Crossdress must solo two of those gym leaders, with your starter solo'ing only one.
Furthermore Crossdress figures he has the ability sheer force, so he must learn the first 2 moves with side effects he can get, and if the side effects happens he must switch out out of distraught. This also means that any moves with side effects you get, as TMs too, and Crossdress can learn them, he must. This means stuff like shadow ball or sludge bomb. Oh, but no switching out on the solo's. He is too determined to stop the plan from failing to notice.

Enjoy! :P
Topher, take this challenge that I made like 8 pages ago but got rejected. It fits your challenge better than it did his anyway. :P

Take crossdress the male mawile.

Crossdress, is, of course, a crossdresser. He wants everyone to think he is a girl, and as such wears that skirt that all Mawile have, and a silk scarf (fround in a house in dewford). It is all going well for crossdress, all of the female pokemon look at him with a glint in their eyes at his feminism and his scarf, and he gets invited out shopping and everything else. Obviously, as the deceiver pokemon, there is a plan behind this. Crossdress wants to wipe out all male pokemon on the planet, because then everyone will come to him as a breeding partner once he reveals that he is actually a male. He only has enough trust in your (male) starter and the first male pokemon you catch after you catch Crossdress to tell his plan to, and they agree to it! This means that only those three pokemon may battle male pokemon (unless it collides with one of their challenges) and those three pokemon may never harm a female. With an exception. The female gym leaders happened to figure out their plan, maybe because Crossdress told your starter and other dude what it was at a gym leader conference in the girl's bathroom, who knows. Anyway, your three pokemon figure this out, and must solo one of these gym leaders each. (Oh, by the way, no extra searching for a pokemon you want to be male for this challenge. You get what you get!) These gym leaders, if you didn't know already, are Flannery, Winona and Liza. Yes, you would only be able to harm Liza's pokemon and not Tate's, and your partner pokemon would only be able to harm Tate's pokemon. If, somehow, all of the pokemon you get after Crossdress are female, Crossdress must solo two of those gym leaders, with your starter solo'ing only one.
Furthermore Crossdress figures he has the ability sheer force, so he must learn the first 2 moves with side effects he can get, and if the side effects happens he must switch out out of distraught. This also means that any moves with side effects you get, as TMs too, and Crossdress can learn them, he must. This means stuff like shadow ball or sludge bomb. Oh, but no switching out on the solo's. He is too determined to stop the plan from failing to notice.

Enjoy! :P
I hate to be the second one to reject this challange, but I have to. It's way too complicated and hard. I'm sorry.


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Just so you know you really don't have to bold the a in challange. Actually, just say challenge, everyone else does.

Without all of the back story, here is the challenge. Just so you know:
-Must be male
-Must always hold a silk scarf
-Partners with your (male) starter and next male pokemon you catch after Mawile
-Unless colliding with another challenge, only those 3 pokemon may hurt male pokemon
-Unless colliding with another challenge, those 3 pokemon may not hurt female pokemon
-Each of the pokemon must solo one gym leader each. Flannery, Winona or Liza. (Not Tate)
-If all pokemon you get after you get Crossdress or female, then Mawile must solo 2 of the gym leaders
-Must learn first two moves with side effects
-If you get a TM with a side effect, and mawile can learn it, you must teach it to him
-If the side effects on the move happen then Mawile must switch out
-The last restriction is lifted during solos.

Let me know if you still think it is too hard.
Just so you know you really don't have to bold the a in challange. Actually, just say challenge, everyone else does.

Without all of the back story, here is the challenge. Just so you know:
-Must be male
-Must always hold a silk scarf
-Partners with your (male) starter and next male pokemon you catch after Mawile
-Unless colliding with another challenge, only those 3 pokemon may hurt male pokemon
-Unless colliding with another challenge, those 3 pokemon may not hurt female pokemon
-Each of the pokemon must solo one gym leader each. Flannery, Winona or Liza. (Not Tate)
-If all pokemon you get after you get Crossdress or female, then Mawile must solo 2 of the gym leaders
-Must learn first two moves with side effects
-If you get a TM with a side effect, and mawile can learn it, you must teach it to him
-If the side effects on the move happen then Mawile must switch out
-The last restriction is lifted during solos.

Let me know if you still think it is too hard.
It helps a little, but another thing I don't like about it: Liza and Tate's pokemon don't have genders, as they are Solrock and Lunatone. So I don't know whose pokemon is whose. And it will be way too tedious to solo all males and not battle any females (besides the gyms mentioned). So unless you actually change the challAnge, it's still rejected. I'm sorry.
This sounds really cool! I would like to request a challange!

Pokemon Ruby
No trading; so please no trade evolution pokemon.
Easy Difficulty; I don't want a super hard challange, just enough that I don't get bored.
I would prefer a starter; I don't care which one.
Please give me some unique pokemon!
I would like to be able to use all needed HMs (Rock Smash, Strength, Surf, Waterfall, Dive) without needing HM slaves.
I'm gonna try to start giving more challenges again. Reserving a Torchic for you!

EDIT: Okay, take KFC the Torchic. This Torchic knows that he is very delicious chicken, and is afraid of any fat pokemon. Pokemon he considers fat are: Rock, Steel, or Ground types, or any pokemon that is over 220 lbs. Go here for weights. Now, he may battle these pokemon, but he must use only attacking moves, as he considers offense the best defense. He also must always have 3 attacking moves and one status move at all times. That's it! GL;HF!
I'm gonna try to start giving more challenges again. Reserving a Torchic for you!

EDIT: Okay, take KFC the Torchic. This Torchic knows that he is very delicious chicken, and is afraid of any fat pokemon. Pokemon he considers fat are: Rock, Steel, or Ground types, or any pokemon that is over 220 lbs. Go here for weights. Now, he may battle these pokemon, but he must use only attacking moves, as he considers offense the best defense. He also must always have 3 attacking moves and one status move at all times. That's it! GL;HF!
That challange is accepted! I love Torchic anyway!
Time for me to ease myself back into this thread! Reserving a Tailow for you, topher!
(and btw, I've gotten so used to saying challange I can't spell it any other way XD)

EDIT: Topher, take a female Tailow named Cindy. Cindy's mother was once forced from her flock, alone, weak, and with a broken wing, but a young trainer named Chris (me, but not my real name :P) nursed her back to health, and eventually took her all over Hoenn, and with her help defeated the Elite 4. When Cindy was born, Cindy immeadiatly learned how to fly, and split from her mother (she always was an independant one). As such, Cindy must learn Fly ASAP, and cannot fight in double battles. However, Cindy's true intention was to grow and help at trainer (you) defeat the Elite 4. Because of this, Cindy must solo 3 pokemon from E4 members, as well as 2 of the Champion's pokemon. Before this, however, Cindy wants to reach the utmost level of expertise before she evolves, meaning that she must solo Flannery. After she solos one of these, she may evolve. However, after she evolves, her mother's impared wing begins to affect her wing, disallowing her from battling at all until after the defeat of Norman, and the most powerful move she is allowed to learn is at BP 60, which she is only allowed 1 of. However, if she solos Wiona OR 25 trainers, you have allowed her to gain confidence enough and heal enough to be able to use any BP move. Also, she wants to attack on at least 2 fronts, being a very stratigic girl, and must hold at least 1 status move at a time (this move is up to you). Finally, to complete her mission, be sure to bring her to Pacifidlog Town to reunite with her mother and Chris, her trainer, and complete her mission, allowing you and your whole team to live happily ever after! <3

-Learn Fly ASAP, and keep forever
-Cannot fight in double battles
-Solo 3 E4 pokes, and 2 of the Champions (take your pick)
-Solo Flannery to evolve
-After evolution, allowed 1 60 BP move and Fly as only moves above or at a BP of 60
-Can solo Wiona or 25 trainers to ingore the above restriction
-Keep at least 1 status move at all times if possible
-Try to visit Pacifidlog Town after you defeat the Elite 4 for her
-Have fun with one sentimental challange! (at least for me)
-Good luck!

Hope you enjoy! If you need anything changed, let me know!
Time for me to ease myself back into this thread! Reserving a Tailow for you, topher!
(and btw, I've gotten so used to saying challange I can't spell it any other way XD)

EDIT: Topher, take a female Tailow named Cindy. Cindy's mother was once forced from her flock, alone, weak, and with a broken wing, but a young trainer named Chris (me, but not my real name :P) nursed her back to health, and eventually took her all over Hoenn, and with her help defeated the Elite 4. When Cindy was born, Cindy immeadiatly learned how to fly, and split from her mother (she always was an independant one). As such, Cindy must learn Fly ASAP, and cannot fight in double battles. However, Cindy's true intention was to grow and help at trainer (you) defeat the Elite 4. Because of this, Cindy must solo 3 pokemon from E4 members, as well as 2 of the Champion's pokemon. Before this, however, Cindy wants to reach the utmost level of expertise before she evolves, meaning that she must solo Flannery. After she solos one of these, she may evolve. However, after she evolves, her mother's impared wing begins to affect her wing, disallowing her from battling at all until after the defeat of Norman, and the most powerful move she is allowed to learn is at BP 60, which she is only allowed 1 of. However, if she solos Wiona OR 25 trainers, you have allowed her to gain confidence enough and heal enough to be able to use any BP move. Also, she wants to attack on at least 2 fronts, being a very stratigic girl, and must hold at least 1 status move at a time (this move is up to you). Finally, to complete her mission, be sure to bring her to Pacifidlog Town to reunite with her mother and Chris, her trainer, and complete her mission, allowing you and your whole team to live happily ever after! <3

-Learn Fly ASAP, and keep forever
-Cannot fight in double battles
-Solo 3 E4 pokes, and 2 of the Champions (take your pick)
-Solo Flannery to evolve
-After evolution, allowed 1 60 BP move and Fly as only moves above or at a BP of 60
-Can solo Wiona or 25 trainers to ingore the above restriction
-Keep at least 1 status move at all times if possible
-Try to visit Pacifidlog Town after you defeat the Elite 4 for her
-Have fun with one sentimental challange! (at least for me)
-Good luck!

Hope you enjoy! If you need anything changed, let me know!
I guess accepted, but only because I like Taillow. God this wil be hard though.
Topher, get a lovely RNG challange. Please catch RNG before the second gym.

I have a lovely poke for you, named RNG the ...(any Pokémon that can evolve twice). RNG is a fan of RNG and bases his challenges on it. It may learn a total of [1-3] damaging moves, while all of your moves must be off [1-4] different types ASAP, and they must stay at that number. Its moves may have a maximum BP of [50-150] including STAB. RNG may evolve for the first time at level [20-30] after soloing [1-3] gyms and evolve a second time at level [36-46] after soloing [1-3] other gym leaders. For every time RNG faints, throw away [10-25] of your most expensive Pokéballs, or [10-15] of your most expensive items. You may heal RNG a maximum of [1-5] times per battle. For every [5-20] times its health falls into orange, you must use [5-15] consumable items on it to make it feel better. After fainting [5-20] times, it will get extremely mad at you and refuse to battle the next [5-20] trainer battles. If a teammate [faints=1 / has less than 25%=2 / 50%=3] of its health, RNG [must switch in=1 / may never switch in=2] (2 also counts for teammates). RNG may fight Pokémon of the following types, excluding solo’s. Dual type Pokémon are fair game even if only one typing is represented:
For every type, RNG a number between 1 and 3 with 1 and 2=may fight and 3=may not fight: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Ground, Rock, Steel, Poison, Bug, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dark, Fighting, Dragon.
To prove its worth, have it solo at least [1-4] elite four and champion Pokémon per fight of [1-5] members.

Have fun and good luck with the RNG. PS: if the RNG causes inconsistencies/ impossible combinations, say so and I will look into it.
Topher, get a lovely RNG challange. Please catch RNG before the second gym.

I have a lovely poke for you, named RNG the ...(any Pokémon that can evolve twice). RNG is a fan of RNG and bases his challenges on it. It may learn a total of [1-3] damaging moves, while all of your moves must be off [1-4] different types ASAP, and they must stay at that number. Its moves may have a maximum BP of [50-150] including STAB. RNG may evolve for the first time at level [20-30] after soloing [1-3] gyms and evolve a second time at level [36-46] after soloing [1-3] other gym leaders. For every time RNG faints, throw away [10-25] of your most expensive Pokéballs, or [10-15] of your most expensive items. You may heal RNG a maximum of [1-5] times per battle. For every [5-20] times its health falls into orange, you must use [5-15] consumable items on it to make it feel better. After fainting [5-20] times, it will get extremely mad at you and refuse to battle the next [5-20] trainer battles. If a teammate [faints=1 / has less than 25%=2 / 50%=3] of its health, RNG [must switch in=1 / may never switch in=2] (2 also counts for teammates). RNG may fight Pokémon of the following types, excluding solo’s. Dual type Pokémon are fair game even if only one typing is represented:
For every type, RNG a number between 1 and 3 with 1 and 2=may fight and 3=may not fight: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Ground, Rock, Steel, Poison, Bug, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dark, Fighting, Dragon.
To prove its worth, have it solo at least [1-4] elite four and champion Pokémon per fight of [1-5] members.

Have fun and good luck with the RNG. PS: if the RNG causes inconsistencies/ impossible combinations, say so and I will look into it.
I will accept this, on two conditions. 1. Can I catch RNG after the 2nd gym? I will already have 3 by then, which will be too much anyway. 2. I don't want to do the can battle/can't battle type thingy. It just seems like it will get tedious.

EDIT: Nevermind about the "can I catch it after the 2nd gym". I'm gonna use a Ralts! I'll do the RNG later; I still don't want the can/can't battle types though.

EDIT2: Kay thanks!

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