The Fysical Phitness Thread

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dam i'm gonna have to try the whole backwards thing, sounds like sound intense stuff. thanks for your other tips too, i've definitely heard 'get your knees up' before without really knowing what it meant, lol.
idk about the whole backwards thing man. if you're a sprinter, you don't need too much mileage I guess so it's feasible, but running backwards left me completely wrecked and I pretty much had to bag the next 2 days (only 1 run each, no longer than 4 miles, as opposed to the usual 2 runs a day of 4 and 8). not helpful in my opinion. if you're a sprinter, you can take lots of days off I guess because it's more about developing strength and explosive power, which sort of responds better to intense bouts of exercise, as opposed to day after day of lots of miles. still, I dunno if it's worth losing the next 2 days. maybe you recover faster as you do more backwards running like that. idk

i've got this problem with when warming up for a run of any sort, and i was wondering if you guys might know what's happening. every time i do a couple of warmup laps of jogging/striding, this muscle on the outside of my lower leg on both of my legs tightens up pretty badly. doing some research on wikipedia, i think it's the peroneus longus (, but i'm not entirely sure. however after i finish a couple of warm-up laps and stop to stretch it out, it's perfectly fine for the rest of the run. should this be something to worry about, or should i just stretch it out beforehand to try to prevent tightness, or what?
I have the same problem sometimes. I found that on whichever leg is the problem, hopping around on one foot + balancing on a ball with that foot (to get the ankles moving in all directions I guess) makes the problem go away. my lower legs are always the most trashed out of my whole body. so much so that I'm thinking about getting one of those special pairs of compression socks. I don't normally buy into that type of shit but a couple of really fast people (who therefore know what they're doing) say they help. idk. try hopping around and stretching a lot during the day
another meet...

First time running the 400, god that race is hell. 56.9 which isn't too good, alright for my first time I guess.

Also another PR in the triple, 38'9''. Triple's turning into my favorite event, it's a lot of fun and less pressure than races.
So I just bought this

and it seems great for the reasons that it's supposed to help you with a whole lot of stuff (in before "LIKE MASTURBATION?????") after continued use and it's super portable. It's supposed to strengthen your hands and wrists which for me can be helpful for gaming, (so says the company,) volleyball, and shooting (primarily with handguns where all the support is in your hands and wrists). I will let you all know how well it does or doesn't work in a while. (Also for reference it is the medium tension - 7 pounds [3.2 kilograms] per finger; the range that this company offers is from 3-11 pounds [1.4-5 kilograms] per finger

Does anyone else have anything like this for fitness purposes on the go? Obviously dumbells could work but they're rather cumbersome

Edit: Also I don't play any instruments, but this seems like it could be very useful for somebody who plays a brass instrument like a trumpet
So I just bought this

and it seems great for the reasons that it's supposed to help you with a whole lot of stuff (in before "LIKE MASTURBATION?????") after continued use and it's super portable. It's supposed to strengthen your hands and wrists which for me can be helpful for gaming, (so says the company,) volleyball, and shooting (primarily with handguns where all the support is in your hands and wrists). I will let you all know how well it does or doesn't work in a while. (Also for reference it is the medium tension - 7 pounds [3.2 kilograms] per finger; the range that this company offers is from 3-11 pounds [1.4-5 kilograms] per finger

Does anyone else have anything like this for fitness purposes on the go? Obviously dumbells could work but they're rather cumbersome
When I was at physical therapy for golfer's elbow, I used one of those. It helps strengthen your forearms and hand muscles a bit, but don't expect it to make all that much of a difference. I might be wrong with that though, since I already had really strong hands and forearms though from tennis, so you might want more opinions...
I have a ProGrip. I got it to strengthen my hands for barre chords on the guitar, but it's also just fun to squeeze when you're doing homework or something.
Man that's really sad. I read that it was because he didn't want his wife to leave? Either way it seems every source says it wasn't for suicide. That's a big blow to Kenya, even running in general to an extent

damn stat thanks for making me sad :(
So I hit the gym pretty regularly, usually five times a week ranging for anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes a day. I focus on back, arms, and chest, and I get my leg workout and cardio from playing DDR at home (500 calorie burn a day). I do abs three times a week (usually, not lately unfortunately), for 20 minutes a day (11 workouts). I like to think I eat pretty healthy - about 200g of protein a day, 100-170g of carbs, and 70g of fat on average. I take a generic CostCo multivitamin, and eat a good amount of fruit and veggies (this is a recent thing though).

Yet, despite all of this, my stomach is still convex. On a good day I can see my abs through it, but when I'm wearing a shirt it still looks like I have a gut. I rarely drink, only on Fridays and Saturdays, and even then it's only a few beers and a few shots f vodka or gin at most. Does anyone have any idea why I can't get my flat stomach, and how to fix my problem? My parents suffer from the same problem, and although they don't do anything close to what I do exercise-wise, I'd hate to think it's a genetic thing.

Also that stupid underarm flab that most people call a tricep? How to I tone that? I hate how it jiggles -___-
So I hit the gym pretty regularly, usually five times a week ranging for anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes a day. I focus on back, arms, and chest, and I get my leg workout and cardio from playing DDR at home (500 calorie burn a day). I do abs three times a week (usually, not lately unfortunately), for 20 minutes a day (11 workouts). I like to think I eat pretty healthy - about 200g of protein a day, 100-170g of carbs, and 70g of fat on average. I take a generic CostCo multivitamin, and eat a good amount of fruit and veggies (this is a recent thing though).

Yet, despite all of this, my stomach is still convex. On a good day I can see my abs through it, but when I'm wearing a shirt it still looks like I have a gut. I rarely drink, only on Fridays and Saturdays, and even then it's only a few beers and a few shots f vodka or gin at most. Does anyone have any idea why I can't get my flat stomach, and how to fix my problem? My parents suffer from the same problem, and although they don't do anything close to what I do exercise-wise, I'd hate to think it's a genetic thing.

Also that stupid underarm flab that most people call a tricep? How to I tone that? I hate how it jiggles -___-
completely change what you do because it sucks. DDR as a leg workout is useless and you will gain no muscle from that. You do way too many ab workouts, and squats/deadlifts are the best ab exercises anyway. "Focusing on arms, back and chest" sounds exactly like a scrub program and it won't be effective at all. Look into a beginner's strength training program (stronglifts, starting strength) because it will be way more effective.
dear anyone who runs,

i have heard you are supposed to breathe through your nose, not your mouth, when you run. is this true? if so, what are the benefits / why is it better? cos after my workout i ran breathing only through my nose and it was hell. i hope there is a good reason for me deciding to do this. please tell me there is.

i will probably like you for a little over a day if you tell me so
dear anyone who runs,

i have heard you are supposed to breathe through your nose, not your mouth, when you run. is this true? if so, what are the benefits / why is it better? cos after my workout i ran breathing only through my nose and it was hell. i hope there is a good reason for me deciding to do this. please tell me there is.

i will probably like you for a little over a day if you tell me so
When I used to be in track, they told us to breathe in our nose and out our mouth. Breathing in your nose helps keep your lungs from having spasms because your nose works as a sort of air purifier. Don't know if it's true or not, but for me at least when I run in the cold I have less asthma attacks if I breathe in through my nose.

edit: Btw, I want to start squatting and deadlifting; any big tips for me? Like how heavy should I start off doing them? I tried deadlifting for the first time recently and only did like 65lbs in case I had the form wrong. The only time I ever tried weighted squats I had the bar on my back and it for some reason was hurting my shoulder. I think I was gripping it wrong.


Walking the streets with you in your worn-out jeans
is a Contributor Alumnus
Stylish Interval I just breathe through my nose because I don't get as thirsty lol, I've gotten used to it since that's what I've always done since I was like 8, so I'm used to it. A quick google search recommends breathing only through your nose, but I don't see any significant drawbacks to breathing through your mouth or doing a mix...
just breathe in whatever way gets the most oxygen into you. having good endurance basically means your muscles can operate aerobically at high intensity rather than anaerobically. so endurance comes from the ability to use oxygen more efficiently i.e. more capillary beds in your leg muscles to get the oxygen there faster, more mitochondria in the muscle cells to use more of it at once, etc etc.

you can't do any of that without oxygen. the best way to breathe is the way that gets the most oxygen into your body. more oxygen available = more oxygen used = more aerobic rather than anaerobic function = a good thing.

in other words, breathe in whichever way is most comfortable or natural to you
Right now I'd say I'm in the best shape I've ever been.

I've been playing basketball everyday for around an hour, and lifting pretty heavy at the gym. I was always a really skinny guy, I've been working hard at bulking though and have put on a lot of weight recently and started breaking my weight gaining plateaus, or whatever you want to call it.

I'd say my main problem right now, however, is just trying to find an organized schedule that works for me with exercises. I go to the gym everyday, but I kind of just switch between upper body one day and lower body the other. If anyone has a schedule they do that works well available they want to post that might be cool!
speaking of schedules oh boy do i have one that kills me now

I just finished this. Holy. Shit. That was my reaction. That was intense. Only did it with 65 lbs and it was still killer. Was reading up on how some people did this on their off days to improve conditioning for sports (especially football), so I decided I'd do it too, just cos I can. Should I have done it on a workout day to try it out? Debatable. Am I glad I did it? Hell yeah. Gonna do this Tues / Thurs / Sat up until two-a-days start and then just do it on Saturday until the season starts and then stop.

Otherwise I've been just following SL still and enjoying it. In case anyone cares (ha!) this is my workokut for today and then the one for friday (before i have to stop lifting for a week and a half due to a trip to france):

Squat 80 5x5
OHP 70 5x5
DL 150 1x5

Squat 85 5x5
Bench 90 5x5
BBR 135 5x5

And I'm going to deload on BBR back to 115 when I come back to lifting because 1) I'm barely comfortable with my technique right now and 2) I'm not going to be able to pull 140 after two weeks of not doing it. Bench is going up by 10 until 120 (depends on how I feel at 110) because I don't want to start soccer benching the same or less than I was when I started this in late april.


Also mixmaster.mewthree have you considered starting strength / stronglifts for working out? easy to follow workouts and you'll make gains in no time. people in this thread do both so you'll have people who are familiar with what you're doing. idk man if you're just screwing around (just saying that loosely, no offense meant or anything) you might as well try this out!


red eyes no visine
is a Team Rater Alumnus
I've actually been told that breathing through your nose for long distances full blast will be the equivalent of going 80% in a round of an MMA match, and can help you recuperate in much less time than normally, such as 30 seconds. So I'm guessing it makes your breathing patterns dramatically better.
I've actually been told that breathing through your nose for long distances full blast will be the equivalent of going 80% in a round of an MMA match, and can help you recuperate in much less time than normally, such as 30 seconds. So I'm guessing it makes your breathing patterns dramatically better.

i am going to look into this cos if this is true i'm never breathing with my mouth again. (actually i'm just spewing shit right now but idc)


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
think i'm in love with the chick in that video, Stylish. what a trooper.

looks right up my street tbh, but unfortunately it's a combination of like 4 exercises I can't do atm because of my knee problems. lately i've just been blasting the weighted press ups/chin ups and bench press to keep all the load off but i'm getting back to a good level still, i think. honestly working out is a pain when you basically can't do any exercises that involve being upright (and no fucking way am I using any weights or bust). Gonna introduce some seated dumbbell work next week and maybes give a more in-depth update towards the end of the summer (unless i fail horribly in which case i'll probably just not post at all)
haha ikr lee? she was p. good. and i hope you have good luck over this summer! i wish for you to be better and to succeed!

also, did 5x5 45, 95, 130 and 3x5 140 today on bench. made me feel really good. only had time for bench and didn't want to ruin my legs since i'm flying (lex to detriot to switzerland) and then having a train ride after (into france) and staying in france for a week! but damn i felt really good after finishing that 3x5 140. i've never felt to strong before. i mean i feel like i could have done maybe another set or two. SO STRONGTH augh man i feel good about that. it also makes me happy to know that i can at least still do 5x5 135 and have retained my strength and i seem to have made a small gain!

hopefully i recover well. i will be doing bw exercises in france too so that i don't lose too much strength!


@ Thick Club
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnus
currently taking a few days off training because i'm in a whole lot of pain.

nothing too serious though...just my pale english skin being unable to handle strong sunlight.

should be good to go once i've shedded my crispy skin.
been sick for a month, first week back is over, 46 miles run. gonna hit another 45-50 week and then back up in the 60's

haha lee that's a funny picture. i had sunburn in one spot last week just on the top of my arm and it hurt so bad going from wearing wife beaters everywhere to regular tshirts :/ i hope your training is going well!

stat, glad to know you're feeling well! 46 miles @_@ ugh i don't even wanna think about getting that high. and that's not even high for you haha. good to know you're getting your mileage back up slowly but surely. keep up the good work bro.

as for me, flew from 1 am EST saturday morning to 4 am EST this morning with so many layovers and cancelled flights. and i was flying by myself because my group and I got separated but I needed to come home for the camp I should be leaving to go to right now, but since I just woke up I'm not going till tomorrow. still gonna workout today though because jet lag and lack of sleep be fucked, i haven't worked out in a week and it's time to start up again. hoping I can keep all my lifts, but I am resetting my BBR down to 115 from 135, just to get back into the technique.

also funny sig stat
if you run 3 miles a day twice a day, that's 42 miles a week. 46 aint that much if you think about it. in his prime, Haile G ran 160+ miles per week

anyways yeah I'm SUPER DUPER insanely out of shape. it's gonna be a tough road back.
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