[Standard]--Console Wars Mafia Game Over! Go Microsoft for wining (not winning)

Undisputed dashes through the garden, the same way he had the night before, escaping from the shady figure following him through the courtyard.

But Undisputed isn’t fast enough. The shady figure is gaining on him.

“Where’s your savior now?”

“Right here!”

Aura Guardian jumps out of the shadows, clad in the full Samus battle outfit.

“What do you want?”

“Revenge. Good soldiers are hard to come by. Your wiped them out last night. So I demand your life in exchange”

Suddenly, 2 Generals clad in massive amounts of armor come out of hiding and charge at Aura Guardian. As the battle commences, Aura Guardian is horribly outnumbered and outclassed. So Undisputed joins the fray.

The battle continues, and it seems hopeless. As the generals raise their swords to make the finishing blows, Aura Guardian signals Undisputed to run.

“I can hold them off”

Undisputed runs off, leaving the generals to reap Aura Guardian’s life:

Dear Aura Guardian,
You are Metroid Other M.

Revolutionary to the series, you are now an action/adventure game, but you haven’t gone soft.

Still as strong as ever, once per night, you can PM Jigglypuffers42 with “Night X – Protect <User>”. You will protect the unit from anyone with killing intent, but only those with killing intent.

You are allied with Team Nintendo. You win if Team Nintendo defeats all opposing factions.
In addition, after much searching around, you find that Veedrock is still gone!!! You may talk to him over IRC, but he may not post, use actions, be targeted, vote, or be lynched.

You come to the realization that even though Capefeather was mafia, he wasn't the commander of these soldiers. The commander still lives.

Hoping to find the commander of the knights, you get to lynching.
Damn, I got Aura was a BG n0. That makes my claims more open.

N0: Aura-BG
N1: Slim-silencer
N2: VonFielder-well if you dont know it then >_>
N3: Waiting on results

Next note: Both village BGs are down. This is getting interesting.
Ok. Coolking is the killer. 100% positive of this fact. If you want an explanation, the way claims have turned out, its impossible for users X, Y, and Z to be lying, and that leaves Coolking. Ill post his role if you guys want.

Lynch Coolking49
That is not true. Go ahead and post my role. I'll save you the trouble, in fact.

jigglypuffers42 said:
Dear Coolking,
You are Dragon Quest IX: Sentinel of the Starry Skies.

You were known before E3, but were mentioned during it. You are a totally customizable game, and you will become the best game out there.

Once per Night, you can PM Jigglypuffers42 with “Night X – Stand guard”. Your group will take turns going to sleep and standing guard. You will not be protected from anything, but you will be told which people visited you during the night.

You are allied with Team Nintendo. You win if Team Nintendo defeats all opposing factions.
I haven't got any results yet until tonight, where 3 people decided to show up:
jigglypuffers42 said:
Last night, you took turns standing guard and figured out that Nachos, Afroninja, and Polelover came to visit you during the night.

If what undisputed told me last night is true, we know who the killer is.
This is an intense kidnapper if vee is still gone after 24 hours. At least he can irc chat now.

He could always IRC chat. I said that twice in my before posts.

It's not that he's silenced now, it's just that this kidnapp isn't a NOC kidnap. You were alowed to IRC and/or PM him this entire time

If you don't believe that this has been in effect since the beginning, check post #224, page 9

EDIT: It's understandable if you thought otherwise, in post #206 page 9, i said that you cannot talk to him. Well anyway, just clearing things up :)
I've never seen him on IRC though since the kidnap. That's what I'm finding odd...

But its definitely an issue now. If it's kept like this, then its almost a definite a mafia/wolf? kidnap. Some power like this I doubt would be given to the village.

And a message to Sony: Our current leader seems to be on the roof while most of us who claim Sony publicly (and some private) seem to be in the basement. Which are we going to do, the basement or the roof? Both is impractical for several communication reasons, as the last claims I have for Sony won't get to Finn until tomorrow. Unless Spiffy collected all of them before he left, which I doubt...
A big thanks to Coolking for telling us all that he is mafia. Apparently he forgot to check the numbers in the Garden.

Users in the Garden last night:

Aura Guardian

Now this is who targetted who:

Coolking49 said:
Jigglypuffers42 said:
Last night, you took turns standing guard and figured out that Nachos, Afroninja, and Polelover came to visit you during the night.
Nachos - Coolking
Afroninja - Coolking
Polelover - Coolking
Aura Guardian - Me
undisputed - idled

And since there must be a killer in the Garden that targetted Aura Guardian, and I cannot be it because I can't target myself (night 2), Coolking by process of elimination has to be the killer.

So, yes, indeed we will lynch Coolking49

Plus who needs to PM Jigglypuffers42 with "Standing Guard" even though theres no other option. That role action sounds weird just by itself.

Ace Emerald

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lynch coolking
I have talked to vee and he says that jigs night action said noc that he was effectively dead. He will now be on irc and I will talk some more with him.
lynch coolking
I have talked to vee and he says that jigs night action said noc that he was effectively dead. He will now be on irc and I will talk some more with him.

My bad. Veedrock, if you are seeing this, i am sorry

I will explain the reasons for changing this from an NOC kidnap to a normal kidnap in the endgame. once again, my bad.

EDIT: Looking for a sub again. Looking for P1 subs. If none step up by the end of day 4, I will give the stop to my p2 subs

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