Say something about your last 10 visitors

afterburn - Don't know this person
Avatar Korra - Seen this person on A Forum before but that's it
Expert Physics - Don't know this person
Friar - Apparently we go to the same university
Komodo - Don't know this person
Matezoide - Don't know this person
PryorConvictions - Don't know this person
reyscarface - My partner in crime (raging) from long ago
RT. - Probably know this person but don't remember
TheBestOfThemAll - Don't know this person
afterburn (I have no clue who this is)

Avatar Korra (Hangs out in RMT section. Don't know why he'd see me profile)

Harsha (Another experienced team rater and major authority in RMT. I hang out in RMT too much.)

Jalmont (Who is this... I'm being stalked... maybe... D:)

Lava Cookie (I have no clue who this is either)

Oglemi* (I must have done something wrong and I'm going to get infracted because I screwed up so bad and I don't even know what I've done.... Just kidding. I can see why everyone with authority in RMT likes seeing my profile. About 3/4 of my posts, if not 7/8 of my posts have been rating people's teams.)

Shovel (I've seen him around RMT, but don't know much about him/her)

The Great Mighty Doom (Yet another experienced team rater. Refer to Harsha's reason, just with the person in question having a little less authority.)

TrollFreak (I know he's an experienced user, but I don't know why he'd be interested in my profile.)

WDFAmatt (again, never heard of him. Clearly I'm being stalked.)
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
bharmalm chocolate-kipp gingbino11 hellion22 Iceydude168 jumpluff* Kaitii Mysterious Trainer The Agonist xenu

so i know like half of these people and have never heard of the other half. ok.
  1. Avatar Korra: i like your RMT!
  2. complete legitimacy: RU player
  3. panicopaura: fun name thought
  4. papai noel: stalker
  5. P E J E L A G A R T O: spanish player
  6. RoryReloaded: hmm.. i'm thinking
  7. SoulWind: spanish buddy and p. strong player
  8. Temperantia: user of smogon lol
  9. twash: UK member and VGC player
  10. Xx Coren37: other spanish player

Ray Jay

"Jump first, ask questions later, oui oui!"
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
DTC - best name change on smogon imo
Elevator Music - best person on smogon imo
Eos - chill bro but i thought he quit so w/e
Furai - best israeli on smogon imo
Great Sage** - wow im poplar
iss - this guy lol
little gk - one of the nicest guys i know but goldenknight is a better name
Mafeking - stalks my facebook, no wonder he stalks me here too
Omicron - more like bromicron
sandshrewz - good kid, gonna go places


magna carta
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnus
afterburn-One of the top team raters back when I started here, when the badge really commanded my respect.
ButteredToast-He owns 2 based xD
Cometk-My boy. Fellow 2 chainz fan.
Dr Ciel-I don't know. reminds me of a lower-grade version of user Ciele.
Furai-Worst smogon user by far lol
Lunar.-Lunar =^.^=
Novaray-Fake Benelux
Redew- some baddie
shnen-Friend from when I started here
Sir-My young based nigga. U will go places on this site, destroy the doubt and animate the hype


Godlike Usmash
is a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnus
Annoyer - Cool guy i met on irc, great NU player that will go far for sure
Cherub Agent - Good friend of mine that i build teams with very often, can be a little silly sometimes :P.
Double01 - An old friend i met on ladder and invited to irc, nice guy who loves RU a lot.
EBeast - Bro from TAONU, great guy that knows his stuff about almost every metagame, also a good teambuilder
Novaray - Nice guy in general, Congrats on the ladybug man =).
RoryReloaded - TAONU and Early morning smogon swag
Shining Latios - Sent me a friend request today after talking on irc, congrats to you as well =).
TheMantyke - Met him on #grammar, i still remember that godlike thread.
TropiOUs - another guy from #TAONU, all things said about ebeast apply here, bashing PS ladder is fun too.
Zammux - My B101 tutee :D
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
DestinyUnknown, Drifblim, FearZeCrawdaunt, McMuffins57, Move Tutor Seeker, shady6121, Shiny Mew2, SpecsX, The Agonist, waffles101. Ummm no one special... But the agonist is a pretty cool guy and I owe Drifblim a pokemon from a giveaway, other than that I know no one else.


Wouldn't Wanna Know
is a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
~Avatar Korra - A great person, and a close friend. I'm frequently talking to her about Avatar, Rating teams, and other stuff.
~Corkscrew - I have no idea who this is.
~CrackinSkulls - He's a friend that I was building a joint Ubers team with- a great guy, a great battler, a great teambuilder.
~Dr Ciel - Not really close to this person, but I frequently see him/her posting rates and stuff in the OU forums.
~MikeDecIsHere - Same as above.
~PDC - Recently met, he's a pretty good rater. And he has an awesome avatar.
~PenguinX - This guy. Same as DrCiel and MDIH.
~sandshrewz - Recently met too.
~Shining Latios - I always talk to him on IRC- he's a great rater.
~Toaster - This guy on IRC. That's all I know.
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
  1. ArtemisThePokeGod - Very good friend of mine.
  2. Complications - ^
  3. Jimera0 - ^
  4. Maxim - ^
  5. Rayz0r - Da snap are you?
  6. sonic88 - ^
  7. SS Watson - ^
  8. TheSuperSaiyanBreloom -^
  9. VeilOfMaya - The greatest person on this planet!!
  10. Ziposaki - Same as the first four on this list
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:
Avatar Korra Bald Accountant Corkscrew Danmire Mafeking Molk Omicron phoopes PK Gaming Uvood

Well I VMed Omicron first so I can see why. The others I don't know at all, although I've seen phoopes post in a few threads I've read iirc
Sure, why the hell not.

my page said:
The last 10 visitor(s) to this page were:

1. bean1706 NU user, not sure if we've directly spoken about anything before.
2. EBeast #TAONU and #NU member, decent battler.
3. Flashrider57 Another NU user iirc, not sure though.
4. Incon NU user, complimented my self-made Electrode avatar. Makes good posts in the NU forum. Nice Weezing avatar.
5. Iris Doesn't ring a bell.
6. Jobriq I know I've seen the name before, I just don't know where. Most likely the NU forums, considering that's the only area that I usually concern myself with.
7. Molk One of my favorite members of Smogon. #NU and #TAONU guy. Probably one of the most significant NU players, as he's brought quite a few important Pokemon (such as Klang and Scraggy) into the spotlight over the last few months.
8. Raseri I consider Raseri to be one of my few actual friends here. Good conversation starter in the NU forums, good #NU user, and I've done the majority of my amateur GP checks on his writing.
9. TropiOUs #TAONU member, somewhat of an anti-user. Good battler and often fairly humorous. I still can't tell if he's always trolling or not.
10. Yonko7 Newer NU member. Has written a few amateur GP checks in NU C&C as well as a few Pokemon analyses. Don't know very much about him, but he hasn't made a complete ass out of himself yet so he's probably a good user.


Maize and Blue Badge Set 2014-2017
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
-Frexa-= We played for some tournament. The RU Open, perhaps?

Evil= I don't know you o_O

Harsha= Harsha's pretty cool.

hilarious= You post pretty often, though I don't remember if it's in UU or RU. I enjoy reading your posts!

kokoloko= Brokoloko? He's p cool in UU we argue kinda often in #genvuu. Always nice talking to someone who disagrees with you, especially someone who knows what they're talking about!

Oglemi= dat RU. A funny presence on #rarelyused, but Oglemi also knows her shit which is cool. Great member of the RU community.

Omicron= 3 mods in a row o_O. Very funny person on #rarelyused. ^

sonic88=That name seems somewhat familiar but maybe I'm wrong. Not sure who this person is.

Swamp-Rocket= ^

Toaster= Did we play for a tournament once? That's probably it :D.
  1. bharmalm
  2. Dimsun
  3. Draco27
  4. Jirachi6
  5. Lamitie11
  6. Lucifers Pride
  7. Maunzi
  8. shady6121
  9. Solace
  10. sophies
1. maybe i should know this guy...
2. world chump who is also helpin me with my team a little (i am also his rng slave)

3. who is this guy
4. who is this guy
5. might be mad at me for forgetting who he was once :(
6. :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp: will grow into big man

7. slightly familiar for some reason.....
8. seems like a shady character........
9. solace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




smogon space censors wouldve fucked that up but dont worry i took a p-r-e-e-m-p-t-i-v-e-s-t-r-i-k-e to combat the issue

FUCK it didn't go well sorry

10. wifier that i was friendly with a while back but she hasn't talked to me in like months


(╮°-°)╮┳━┳ (╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻
is a Contributor Alumnus
  1. Fiction.
  2. Jirachi
  3. Keiran
  4. Mafeking
  5. PDC
  6. Redew
  7. Rosario
  8. Superimp
  9. Swamp-Rocket
  10. xJaiYT
1- Fiction :D Prob the nerdiest Frenchman I've ever met
2- The nub who got TR before me for whatever reason(conspriacity theories go)
3- This guys has some amazing art, go check is art thread guys
4- Mafe, the brit who moved to Texas and the first badged user for the 2012 class(Jimbon is the other)
5- This guys is the coolest 13 year old ever, since hes teaching the clusterfuck know as OU
6- I swear this guy stalked me from serebii, but hes cool with me man, hurry up and make GP!
7- Who is this guy O.o
8- One of the rising stars of 2012, will prob have a contri badge before the year is up, also working with me on my article
9- Same thing here, great C&C guy who will prob be badged before the year is up, keep it up bro!
10- Who is this guy O.o
flavor0- no idea
HoiPolloi- guy from the gautnlet
inanimate blob- guy from the scramble and maybe gauntlet too
King Serperior- cool guy from the gauntlet and scramble, maybe other places ive been to too
Noblesse Oblige- my opponent in the tag team Tournament (TTT)
Pwnemon- cool guy from the CAP pre-evos
StallMandibuzz- hes from the scramble and/or gauntlet
Toaster- not really sure
Yarnus of Bethany- cool guy from the scramble, maybe gauntlet
Ziposaki- awesome guy-scratch that-girl who hangs around the scramble and gauntlet and who is probably my favorite person i know on smogon so far

I think you can tell where i spend my time mostly...yeah...scramble and gauntlet for you people who didn't get it...hopefully there's none of you...woohoo!
Danmire- Cool dude, we chill all the time talking about Quagsires art design and it's impact in modern society... I think. Either it's him or someone i don't know.

Hipmonlee*- Don't know him personally but i have heard stories... Sick stories.

Iconic- Cool dude, i think. He is very memorable though.

Killah- Smart and handsome guy. Has a huge, almost absurd, Dogong.

mingot**- Sweet but a little shy. Can come off as cold sometimes.

Molk- Worst poster in Smogon. Everyone should have this guy in their ignore list.

SpecsX- Don't know him or want to know him. Have heard terrible things.

Toaster- Wants to burn the world. Sucks that, as a toaster, only has two bread slots.

Vader*- Nice guy, but a little misguided. Always says sweet things. I think.

Zacchaeus- Nice guy. I like him and think about him constantly.

cb aaron judge

is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
1. Blace: IDK you.
2. Don Honchkrorleone: A socialgroup whore (like me) who came to my page to thank me for a friend request.
3. Kristin Celestia: Girl on PS who apparently likes Bug types.
4. Limi: PS mod who is strange/funny, celebrated his 18th recently.
5. Mikel: Also a PS mod, but see less than Limi due to timezone difference.
6. OVERGRO: IDK you.
7. Relados: An innovative PS mod who was recently promoted.
8. RoryReloaded: <33333333333333. I am an older clone of this guy, but don't have voice on PS and live in the US instead of Australia.
9. Swamp-Rocket: I amchecked one of his analyses and friend requested him.
10. ThisMysteriousGuy: Cool guy on PS

Princess Emily

Fear the nice-smelling Princess!
  1. Alice
  2. BoltsFromAbove
  3. Cereza: Friend added just this year :3
  4. Dark Arceus
  5. FSLAR: Not much info, but I'm familiar with him last year.
  6. Lanturn314
  7. Loukas: Buddy
  8. Mackenzie: Friend added last year
  9. Misdreavus: Helped me about HGSS RNG abuse last 2010
  10. Slashmolder: One of RNG Reporter's Geniuses :p
Last 10 Visitors

Avatar Korra - who
Gamester - who
Heist - who
King Serperior - who
Nexus - who
Omicron - who
sheep - who
sonic88 - who
StormFangGamer - who

-- I don't socialize enough on here to build bonds. I apologize.
Just 7 on mine

DLM - That's PBlur, my bro.
Heist - No idea.
Jenigoldman - no idea.
Mikel - PS! Mod.
Miles Tails - No idea.
Snowflakes - PS! Mod, someone i consider a friend.
Termagatr - No idea.


I am always tired. Don't bother me.
A few big and familiar names pop up on mine:

CaptainKishimoto - ???

CHENN - I think I know you but not 100%

Jalmont - Hi Jalmont. What's up buddy?

Jellicent - Jellicent, you probably visited my page because you were wondering why I didn't write that article.


lmitchell0012 - ??

Oglemi* - Fabulous

sandshrewz - Another solicitor who probably visited my page to see if I was active and would write that article...

sonic88 - I don't know you at all

theangryscientist - You are a cool user. I think you visited my page because we are both cool users.
-Rockstar- I have see this guy around in the ou rate my team section and i often see him posting rates i do the same thing as him so that is probally why he viewed my profile

CrackinSkulls CrackinSkulls is ma boy and also we have sent a few vms back and forth recently

Intergalactic He sent me a request to rate his team so yeah..

Jimbon very great team rater and a helpful guy

Jirachi in the same boat as Jimbon a great team rater and helps me with my rates

Metroid78 I have seen him in the rmt section seems like a cool guy

Miles Tails this guy posts alot of rmts haha i rated his last team so thats orobally why he viewed me

PenguinX i have seen this guy around seems like quite a skilled battler

Vader* dont know much about this guy other then that he posts in Chloraforum

WDFAmatt this guy stalks quite a few people have no idea who he is...


I did it again
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Arcticblast: Cool PS mod. And he's someone that will actually play 4th gen UU with me! \o/

CrackinSkulls: Seen him post once or twice somewhere.

Feranfell: Another cool guy from PS. Fellow voice.

LightBlueMist: Everyone's "mother" on PS, haha. She's cool, and just an overall great person.

PDC: My tutor for B/W2 OU. Seriously, really helpful guy. Seel of approval.

Redew: Out of the people on the list, I've known him the longest. Met him on Serebii over a year ago, and we were going to build a team together but that hasn't happened yet and I blame him. <3

Relados: One of the coolest people on PS. His wave to the camera was photoshopped, and it is one of the greatest images I've ever seen.

RoryReloaded: Bro. Err, I mean sis. Girl you crazy. Another PS voice.

shnen: The mod that hates mods. Always the cause of some shnenanigans. Awesome guy.

Skwayz: Never heard of him, but from looking at the VMs he's another PDC tutee. Cool.

Common theme is auth on PS visiting my page.

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