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wheat is better than rice

Much better nutrients and hundreds of times easier to grow. You don't need excessive amounts of water, you don't need to fear too much about nitrogen, you can work on it from sunrise to noon and have wonderful results. Rice meanwhile? Forget about it

If wheat could grow in east and south east asia, rice would never have become the worldwide staple food
wheat is better than rice

Much better nutrients and hundreds of times easier to grow. You don't need excessive amounts of water, you don't need to fear too much about nitrogen, you can work on it from sunrise to noon and have wonderful results. Rice meanwhile? Forget about it

If wheat could grow in east and south east asia, rice would never have become the worldwide staple food
i hear you
rice tastes better, and you dont have to turn it into a pastry or something.
i hear you
rice tastes better, and you dont have to turn it into a pastry or something.
cooked wheat is actually pretty tasty. It's kinda sweet, even when you don't sweeten it

corn's good too. I would say my ranking of grains is

1) wheat
2) potatos
3) corn
4) rice

I don't think oats were ever a stable crop, if they were, they would be either 2) or 3)
cooked wheat is actually pretty tasty. It's kinda sweet, even when you don't sweeten it

corn's good too. I would say my ranking of grains is

1) wheat
2) potatos
3) corn
4) rice

I don't think oats were ever a stable crop, if they were, they would be either 2) or 3)
first of all, rice is 1
second of all, potatoes are not grains.
first of all, rice is 1
second of all, potatoes are not grains.
idk the Irish and most of post middle ages Europe would disagree with you

btw I don't think rice is bad. I just think it's kinda boring. Wheat and corn have quite a lot of flavor by themselves. I respect rice as a canvas for curry and all that but idk man, wheat and corn just slap


resident enigma
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a lot of people think that european chocolate is better than american chocolate. i actually prefer american chocolate. european chocolate is more subtle, and if you like that, thats ok. i dont. i want my chocolate to slap me in the face, and nothing slaps harder than hersheys all american chocolate. this, and american cheese, are the only things i will ever give the us credit for.
gotta sock 'em with that special butyric acid touch. commendable
you've ever tried out spelt? It's pretty good. Like a cross of rye and wheat
the source of that age-old saying, he who spelt it dealt it!
As an Asian person, I wonder how people can eat without eating rice. Rice is the quintessential baseline food that you can add basically anything to, stir-fry, meat, curry, etc. Like yeah you can eat pizza, sandwiches, and pasta, but I can't imagine eating them every day.
I actually have the exact opposite view as a European. I can eat rice, I can't imagine myself eating it daily. I also can't imagine rarely eating bread

Yung Dramps

awesome gaming
My big obnoxious hipster vgm take is that Megalovania is one of the least good Undertale boss tracks. It's still fine but it's def on the lower rung for me, if only because that game has SO much good stuff. Battle Against A True Hero, Bergentruckung, Dummy!, Your Best Nightmare + Finale and ofc Hopes and Dreams are simply on another level
My big obnoxious hipster vgm take is that Megalovania is one of the least good Undertale boss tracks. It's still fine but it's def on the lower rung for me, if only because that game has SO much good stuff. Battle Against A True Hero, Bergentruckung, Dummy!, Your Best Nightmare + Finale and ofc Hopes and Dreams are simply on another level
Toby composed megalovania for an earthbound rom hack he had made a few years earlier iirc which might explain why it doesn’t sound as good as the others
My big obnoxious hipster vgm take is that Megalovania is one of the least good Undertale boss tracks. It's still fine but it's def on the lower rung for me, if only because that game has SO much good stuff. Battle Against A True Hero, Bergentruckung, Dummy!, Your Best Nightmare + Finale and ofc Hopes and Dreams are simply on another level
wrong, you are just over exposed to it and so it lost all meaning to you. megalovania is the best track in the game.
Pale ale is nicer than larger.

I’m getting sick of all video games going for dull colour palettes with photo realistic humans as the main characters. If thematically you’re going for grounded realism then OK, but for whacky stuff why would you go with such a boring look? See Jump Force - that was a game about manga characters, yet even that did it. The last mainstream game not from Nintendo I can think of that didn’t follow the trend was Persona 5 - and that received critical acclaim and sold very well, so clearly people will play games with different art styles.
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wheat is better than rice

Much better nutrients and hundreds of times easier to grow. You don't need excessive amounts of water, you don't need to fear too much about nitrogen, you can work on it from sunrise to noon and have wonderful results. Rice meanwhile? Forget about it

If wheat could grow in east and south east asia, rice would never have become the worldwide staple food

Wheat requires a lot more land development too whereas rice can grow in the sort of conditions we consider the opposite of development on smaller amounts of land. Wheat /is/ popular in Asia and especially China but for the longest time it wasn't economical to grow to support a large population. It's not just geography that shaped rice's use as a staple in the region but also economics
Aria of sorrow is objectively the best Castlevania game since getting 100% is actually fun, minus the death fight and the weird legion bug (not like castlevania has ever had a fun death fight in the first place)

Also UFOtable is wasting their talent on demon slayer and (kind of) fate. Do not care for fate but i find emiya kiritsugu incredibly attractive.
wheat is better than rice

Much better nutrients and hundreds of times easier to grow. You don't need excessive amounts of water, you don't need to fear too much about nitrogen, you can work on it from sunrise to noon and have wonderful results. Rice meanwhile? Forget about it

If wheat could grow in east and south east asia, rice would never have become the worldwide staple food
i'm asian so if i go without rice for 15 minutes i go into a coma. plus it tastes good.

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