Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Looks like Reshiram will represent natural power (Heat/fire/steam) and Zekrom represents un-natural power (electricity). I mean power as in fuel power, which would make sense seeing as Isshu looks all industrial. Forgive me if this has been said before.
What Baztard means, in the 'electricity' represented to kids, remember, that most kids think that elctricity is something made by humans, not by negatively charged electrons, surrounding positive protons.
The electricity, what I think Baztard means, is the technological advance
It could be a fight between, heat/steam power vs electric power, both natural. But both are recognisable forces
I am glad, that the legendaries might represent something other than opposites. Speaking of opposites, I know this has been brought up before, but maybe Pokemon Black, could represent evil, I mean fire is the element of the devill/evil isnt it???
Or Pokemon Black could represent are more emo or gothic version of teenage lives, though the latter of the two would be advisable in the games. We dont ant kids running around cutting there ears of J-walking because their pokemon game character did so. Nor would we want kids to be walking miserably, but I am just listing possiblities
I still, want the main character to fight their father, maybe as the League Champion even, or the Evil Boss fight
Except that electricity happens plenty in 'nature'.
In the third season of Digimon, someone says "The Deva feeds on the lights of man." and it was feeding on the electricity from the city. So it would be possible for them to consider one being natural light/energy and the other being man-made light/energy.

Here's how I think some of the unused types could work conceptually. I've said most of these before, but that was a while ago.

Normal/Ghost or Fire/Ghost: a bakeneko
Grass/Steel: a licorice plant (most of the varieties have the same metalic blue-green coloration)
Grass/Fire: a lodgepole pine or a longleaf pine
Water/Fire: a dolphin that can shoot geysers from its blowhole
Grass/Electric: People have said that they want to see Tsutaja evolve into a Grass/Electric Quetzelcoatl but there's really no connection between Quetcoatl and eletricity outside of Final Fantasy.
Electric/Ground: perhaps a rare-earth magnet
Psychic/Dark: a dreamcatcher?

@ ChouToshio: Electric/Poison is pretty good actually. Being 4x weak to Ground certainly doesn't help it, but any Pokemon with STAB Earthquake would probably take it out anyway. Poison only adds one other weakness (to a type that is rarely used) and adds Bug and Fighting resistances, which I think is the only type that does so without adding a weakness to SR or Pursuit.

Edit: @ Sy123: In Dante's Inferno, the lowest circle of Hell is covered in ice and the Devil is trapped in it. Other than that, I think the Devil is always associated with Fire.
On a whim I googled this. Kinda looks like a giant GREEN COBRA. No?
Only problem is, Rayquaza is already based on Quetzelcoatl. Hence the green coloration, the "quaza" part of his name, the vaguely mesoamerican markings on his body, the four horns coming out of his head (Quetzelcoatl was frequently known to appear as a "feathered serpent"), and his being the lord of the sky...Quetzalcoatl doesn't explicitly control the sky, but he is known to fly and is the lord of the morning star.

If you read the thread on PokeBeach, Muller is actually claiming that the serpent is based on an Ouroboros, a mythical snake that swallows its own tail, representing infinity. Here's a quote from Wikipedia...

"The famous Ouroboros drawing from the early alchemical text The Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra dating to 2nd century Alexandria encloses the words hen to pan, "one is the all". Its black and white halves represent the Gnostic duality of existence. As such, the Ouroboros could be interpreted as the Western equivalent of the Taoist Yin-Yang symbol."

Sounds like a pretty good third legendary, no? Only problem is, if its supposed to be half black and half white, why did Muller claim it was green? That would have to be the most random color choice ever...in fact, it's so random that it makes me inclined to think he's telling the truth, since anyone who was lying wouldn't take a risk like that. Then again, maybe he did it on purpose to fool us. I really don't know what to think of this guy...

Just for reference:


Search your feelings you know it to be true!
That's not true! That's impossible!

I do have a serious jones for a Dunsparce evolution though :)

Unless I'm mistaken wasn't there only 1 game you had a father.
Yeah, the only games where you had a father were Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald...and he spent all his time away from home at his Gym. Man, all the Dads in the Pokemon world are assholes.
I can't think of Quetzacoatl as anything but Grass/Electric, since we don't have a Light type. Its the only one that suits. Not sure if the third one will be Ouroboros but as an alchemist I would like to see it.
The god Quetzalcoatl is sometimes portrayed biting its tail on Aztec and Toltec ruins. A looping Quetzalcoatl is carved into the base of the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, at Xochicalco, Mexico, 700-900 A.D.
That from wiki makes it seem like another Quetzalcoatl pokemon is possible as its also an Ouroboros.

I don't like the description of Zekrom. It seems too similar to Zapdos and Raiku, both of which are involved with Thunderclouds too.
Not sure if the third one will be Ouroboros but as an alchemist I would like to see it. That from wiki makes it seem like another Quetzalcoatl pokemon is possible as its also an Ouroboros.
Yeah, I saw that when I was on the article...but I really don't think the third legendary is going to be based on Quetzalcoatl. The looping Quetzalcoatl on those carvings is probably meant to represent how Quetzalcoatl is always dying and being reborn. Some random Mesoamerican deity just doesn't have any connection to Yin and Yang. Besides, I was reading the thread on PokeBeach and saw Mr. Muller responding to a question by a poster who wanted to know what would make this new supposed legendary different from Rayquaza, and he said that his green serpent would be heavier, bulkier, and more ground-based. Doesn't sound like Quetzalcoatl to me. He's more related to fire and the sky.

Anyway, we have no way of knowing whether Muller is telling the truth or not, so it's best not to get excited. The Ouroboros thing makes sense, but it could have just been a random guess on his part...and some of the other things he's saying are just ludicrous. 20 new field conditions caused by items that you throw out on the battlefield, despite the fact that there are only 17 types? That Tauros evolution which he took from Deviant Art? Let's just say I'm very

about the truthfulness of his information.
Yeah, I saw that when I was on the article...but I really don't think the third legendary is going to be based on Quetzalcoatl. The looping Quetzalcoatl on those carvings is probably meant to represent how Quetzalcoatl is always dying and being reborn. Some random Mesoamerican deity just doesn't have any connection to Yin and Yang. Besides, I was reading the thread on PokeBeach and saw Mr. Muller responding to a question by a poster who wanted to know what would make this new supposed legendary different from Rayquaza, and he said that his green serpent would be heavier, bulkier, and more ground-based. Doesn't sound like Quetzalcoatl to me. He's more related to fire and the sky.

Anyway, we have no way of knowing whether Muller is telling the truth or not, so it's best not to get excited. The Ouroboros thing makes sense, but it could have just been a random guess on his part...and some of the other things he's saying are just ludicrous. 20 new field conditions caused by items that you throw out on the battlefield, despite the fact that there are only 17 types? That Tauros evolution which he took from Deviant Art? Let's just say I'm very

about the truthfulness of his information.
I'm just gonna go ahead and call fake.

In reference to your sig, I'll give you Zek, but all originality in Reshi goes to Pat Rothfuss(He's an author. The name Reshi appeared in his book years ago. I'm of the opinion Reshiram is a refernace to that character(Kvothe))
Yeah, I saw that when I was on the article...but I really don't think the third legendary is going to be based on Quetzalcoatl. The looping Quetzalcoatl on those carvings is probably meant to represent how Quetzalcoatl is always dying and being reborn. Some random Mesoamerican deity just doesn't have any connection to Yin and Yang. Besides, I was reading the thread on PokeBeach and saw Mr. Muller responding to a question by a poster who wanted to know what would make this new supposed legendary different from Rayquaza, and he said that his green serpent would be heavier, bulkier, and more ground-based. Doesn't sound like Quetzalcoatl to me. He's more related to fire and the sky.

Anyway, we have no way of knowing whether Muller is telling the truth or not, so it's best not to get excited. The Ouroboros thing makes sense, but it could have just been a random guess on his part...and some of the other things he's saying are just ludicrous. 20 new field conditions caused by items that you throw out on the battlefield, despite the fact that there are only 17 types? That Tauros evolution which he took from Deviant Art? Let's just say I'm very

about the truthfulness of his information.
I will only accept the Ouroboros as an Ouroboros in this case if it is half white and half black (only to keep up with the Yin/Yang theme).

But I hope its Signiture attack is based on Alchemy too. So many possibilities....

Sacrae Particulae = Special Fire-type attack. Deal damage to the opponent and increase all stats one stage. 140 base power. (part of The Great Work)

Aqua Vitae = Special Water-Type attack. Deal damage to the opponent and then gain HP equal to half of the damage inflicted. Base power 100-120. (Aqua Vitae = Water of Life. An important Alchemical Experiment)

Panacea = Heal 50% HP and raise all stats 2 stages. (The Elixier of Life)

Chrysopoeia = 140 base power and deals a random status effect to the opponent. (Chrysopoeia means 'transmutation into gold' in Alchemy. Of course, The Philosopher's stone means more than making simple Gold.)

Of course, this is all assuming Muller is correct that an Ouroboros is the third legend. If not, then disregard. (Why is the above paragraph in perma-bold?) But any one of those attacks would make me love this gen instantly more than any other gen (and thats saying alot!)
Gamefreak would never make moves that broken, seriously. They do consider gameplay balance, and no I'm not talking about competitive play or the Uber metagame.
Yeah, I'm not the greatest at making moves. But keeping them something like that, but more balanced, would be fine by me. I'd just hate it if they based a pokemon on Alchemy, and yet have nothing about it the same.
How about this for a new move:

Name: Spectrum Beam
Power: 70
Type: ???
Acc: 80
PP: 5

The type is "???" because it changes based on the opponent's weakness. So, basically, if you're facing Raichu, it becomes a ground type. If the opponent has more than one weakness it randomly picks one each turn. So if you're facing Salamence, you'll either get Dragon or Ice each turn. If the opponent has no weakness, you can't use it.

I have it based 70 so it's not overpowered and also out of Technician's range. It'll be given primarily to glass cannons like Alakazam, Houndoom, Espeon and others along those lines.
I think you should give it 65 (to be just above a Technician boost) and give 70-80 accuracy. It will basically always have 130 Base Power, unless the opponent sends in Spiritomb, so it should have around the accuracy of Hydro Pump.
Or Sableye. Speaking of Sableye, what use is Stall? Who think it, or any abilities actually, will change in Gen V? (Bronzong being completely Heatproof anyone?)
Stall only real competive use is to make payback always hit for 100 BP since you will always go last except under really rare scenarios.
I think you should give it 65 (to be just above a Technician boost) and give 70-80 accuracy. It will basically always have 130 Base Power, unless the opponent sends in Spiritomb, so it should have around the accuracy of Hydro Pump.
I originally had it at 65 so it'd be between Technician and Hidden Power, but went ahead with 70. Good catch on the accuracy, too; I just forgot that part. 80 seems pretty good since it so powerful.

I thought of another tweak: It won't change its type on switches. Example:
Alakazam has Spectrum Beam and is going against Raichu
Alakazam uses Spectrum Beam and it's ground right now, but I switch to Gengar and it misses since Gengar has levitate.
Now that Gengar is up, it's Ghost, Dark or Psychic.

That seems pretty balanced.
I originally had it at 65 so it'd be between Technician and Hidden Power, but went ahead with 70. Good catch on the accuracy, too; I just forgot that part. 80 seems pretty good since it so powerful.

I thought of another tweak: It won't change its type on switches. Example:
Alakazam has Spectrum Beam and is going against Raichu
Alakazam uses Spectrum Beam and it's ground right now, but I switch to Gengar and it misses since Gengar has levitate.
Now that Gengar is up, it's Ghost, Dark or Psychic.

That seems pretty balanced.
That seems really underpowered. Most Pokemon wouldn't even bother using it. Alakazam likes Psychic / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball and one of Trick, Grass Knot, or Signal Beam. Psychic has 135 base power after STAB, so it still hits harder when Psychic is neutral and that move is SE (assuming base 65 for the latter). Most Pokemon have decently powered STABs that will almost always hit harder than this move, unless there is a Pokemon immune or resistant to the attack. In this case coverage moves typically hit harder, and even Focus Blast nearly matches the power when your move is SE and Focus Blast is neutral. The one selling point would be a scenario you just described. Alakazam uses Spectrum Beam, Raichu user switches to Gengar, Spectrum Beam turns to Ghost/Dark/Psychic and nails Gengar. That's an interesting effect, too, so I think it would need it to compete.
I originally had it at 65 so it'd be between Technician and Hidden Power, but went ahead with 70. Good catch on the accuracy, too; I just forgot that part. 80 seems pretty good since it so powerful.

I thought of another tweak: It won't change its type on switches. Example:
Alakazam has Spectrum Beam and is going against Raichu
Alakazam uses Spectrum Beam and it's ground right now, but I switch to Gengar and it misses since Gengar has levitate.
Now that Gengar is up, it's Ghost, Dark or Psychic.

That seems pretty balanced.
Wait, you said no change, but you described change; if it did change, it'd be very overpowered, since it'd always hit the switch-in SE. The whole idea of switching in is not being hit SE.
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