Pinks Brother: An Art Prodigy

That Gengar might be one of your best works yet. Good work. The background is great, the pose is fitting, and it just altogether works very well.
Tyranitar is the done!

Also, I thought I'd post a couple of funny pictures I made. I thought of this today.

And this next one I did right after the VMAs.
Can you explain to me the Kanye meme one? Everyone was saying it's brilliant, but I just don't get it. =/
During the VMAs, Kanye interrupted Taylor by stealing the mic and then saying that Beyonce's video was better. (pretty much) So, now Kanye is on a quest to interrupt everyone, while pointing out that there is someone better than them, but he WILL let the finish.


my god if you don't have an iced tea for me when i
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Ah that kanye one had me cracking up :D nice work - just the pointing to the audience then the shrug lol
Hey, I'm really liking your style =)

Would it be possible for you to draw a group picture of:
- Crobat
- Milotic
- Latias
- Tyranitar
- Machamp
- Abomasnow

I've been needing a group pic of them for a while, and I will give you credit if I use it anywhere =)

EDIT: If that seems impossible, then I'd really appreciate one of just Milotic underwater.
Thanks for the update, I can't wait to see what you do with it =]
Sorry for such a wait. This is a really busy time.

I hate Machamp's muscles (nightmares) and Tyranitar looks like a fat lard. Also I was really unoriginal with Latias' pose and you can pretty much tell I just copied a reference picture. I hope you still like it. It took a while... In the end, I'm pretty happy with the overall outcome.
Fantastic =] That is exactly what I was looking for. Great job on the pic; it was completely worth the wait!
Glad you liked it.

Anyhow, sorry for the lack of updates.

Happy Thanksgiving, guys!
Now everyone will talk about Christmas, ugh.

Anyhow, I made a birthday card for my dad. I thought I'd show it.

I'm still taking requests, thought I'd just update. I thought I'd also post a few sigs I did on another site. They were really quick, but it is worth showing, I guess.

Nice art. Loved the brotherly love thing. If I may request, can I see something like Skuntank hitting Scizor with Fire Blast. My love for NU kinda blinds my thought somtimes :P.

I just wanted to let you know I'm working on it. For now I'm going to go to bed, because as you can see, my tiredness hinders my abilities to draw.

Should the fire be coming out of it's butt? Where does a skunk shoot flames? I almost want to put someone's hand under the skunk's butt and put a lighter in the hand...

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