Pinks Brother: An Art Prodigy

I realized your saving your pics at jpg instead of png is there a reason for this? or do you have like corel painter thingy where the jpg is adjustable quality? just saying stuff looks better as png.
I realized your saving your pics at jpg instead of png is there a reason for this? or do you have like corel painter thingy where the jpg is adjustable quality? just saying stuff looks better as png.
Oh, I should start saving 'em as that then. Thanks for the tip.

Here is a test of that format. It was big, and I couldn't size it down, so here is the PNG. (This is a quick sketch for a weird otter-like fakemon...)

here is the jpeg (cropped)

A quick 5 minute doodle of Regigigas I did today. ^

@Eye: Thanks. The mew is like the spitting image of ecstacy.
I don't get the regigigas joke/metaphor...*feels even nerdier than he does every time he comes to this site* *sniffle* I'll just have to deal with it...


EDIT: I got it, it's a trap 'cause he's using his bushes to blend in...


Another sort of abstract photo. I wanted to draw something, and this is what came out. From deep in the corners of my imagination, this concept came. These creatures are destroying a city by cutting off it's power. They will use the cords to create a bigger creature that shall act as their leader.

More pokemon pics soon, I promise. Requests would help a lot!

Ps. Tyranitar: You got it! Very sneaky of that Regigigas.
Can you draw a steel dragon skarm evo(still w/wings)? I know I should post it in the what would [pokemon] loo lie if it were a different type? thread, and I did, but they are too slow there, and you did lb's request in a day. If you don't like fakemon(ish) drawings, you don't have to do it.
Charizard looks familiar. Oh, yes! And according to your reference, its neck should be a bit longer, even if it's tilting its head forward.
Haha, you found my trick. I tried drawing him myself, but the anatomy for him is really hard to get down. Eventually I gave in and used a side by side reference for him. *shrug

Can you draw a steel dragon skarm evo(still w/wings)? I know I should post it in the what would [pokemon] loo lie if it were a different type? thread, and I did, but they are too slow there, and you did lb's request in a day. If you don't like fakemon(ish) drawings, you don't have to do it.
I'll try. I'm not too creative with fakemon, but I'll do my best!
You could think of a suit if armor, like the shield is it's chest, it's tail is like layered plates of steel like on arms, and you could add spikes everywhere. I don't really know what to do about wings, use your creativity!

EDIT: the "better tail" part may have been confusing, I meant better tail as in way better than the wimpy one skarm has.
Well, I somewhat finished it. I apologize for the lack of... well... a body. I spent like an hour and a half just sketching several different bodies, and all of them looked horrible. Maybe I will finish this guy one day, but for now, he will stay as he is.

Could you Absol with a dark, snowy background? Sort of like the Scizor one.

Also, great art. Keep it up :happybrain:

There you go, Masamune. I hope you like it. I uploaded an avatar version, too, to try it out. It isn't a great avatar, but I really wanted to see how it looked.

It is great to have so much free time. I can do these requests pretty quickly.
AWESOME!!! Thanks for the skarm evo. I was thinking Skarmorgon for the name.

After you do gary's gengar, could you do a tyranitar knocking down a mountain or something? and post one avatar size too.

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