Overwatch - Brigitte used FLAIL!


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
These mercy autolockers in my comp games are killing me. Only playing mercy attack or defense or even on koth, and always dying before using rez. I've had one in literally every single comp game ive played today. I cant pick ana all the time anymore because I guarantee they wouldn't even question not running a lucio on attack or even on koth maps, so I have to play him and try to help support our mercy while shes not even getting value out of the hero she autolocked, then listen to them whine about not being protected after dying because they don't bother to hide or position well. Literally had one tell us "I have rez all of you push in" then watched her die as she tried to fly onto the point with the team. If i keep having games like that this often I'm gonna lose it. /salt
Yeah, the whole Mercy culture ("my team ignores me", "fuck genji", etc) is kinda funny at first but it gives a lot of Mercy players the idea that their deaths are their team's fault, and because of which they don't work on actively improving. Very rarely is Mercy's death 100% the teams fault, almost always the Mercy could have positioned herself better or played more defensive. If you have a Mercy like that it might be worth trying a tank like Roadhog or Zarya who can really punish anyone who tries to run up on the Mercy. Otherwise you can try to communicate with them (nicely!) to play more defensive, but yeah it can be kinda frustrating... that's why I always try and take Mercy first unless I know it's a Mercy player I can trust (Ms. Rysae / TheMercynary / A Mercio Main / Vamperella)


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
Hey, wondering if anyone could watch the first half of this (i play lucio for the second half) and give me their honest opinion on whether i look more like a gold or plat ana. Want to know if im likely to drop back down there after the beginning of the season mmr boost goes away.


Nothing personal, I protect my people
Hey, wondering if anyone could watch the first half of this (i play lucio for the second half) and give me their honest opinion on whether i look more like a gold or plat ana. Want to know if im likely to drop back down there after the beginning of the season mmr boost goes away.
I don't play Ana, so I'm just going to be saying things that I see people playing ana doing at higher levels. The only noticeable thing to me is you could improve upon your positioning and situational awareness at some points. I think your starting positioning is a little too far back and that you should be closer the first stone, that way you have an angle on your entire team without needing to move into the point to go an heal your own pharah. Idk if you realized there was pharmercy right away or not, but if you did you should immediately target them and put pressure on them. You do manage the pharmercy later, however. The previously mentioned positioning would help with keeping shots on them without needing to adjust your angle. You had good reactions to the call for "pharah behind us" and you may need to practice being aggressive against a flanker by taking them out or sleeping them.

Around 1:30 your hog gets hooked through the choke and out of position, at that point you need to nade in or sleep (or both) because if the attackers get an easy pick like that you could lose the first real team fight right there. Great nano and nade for hog, but as soon as their mercy uses res, you should move up a little bit to get a sleep in on one of their tanks, especially rein who will most likely go for a charge or fire strike so he's an easy pick.

When their team finally pushed through the choke for an engagement at around 2:20, you immediately naded the grouping of hog and mercy, but you should probably nade your teammates, i.e. the rein and hog after their rein pinned in. Also, your positioning was too far away, because you wouldn't be able to sleep the following nano'd hog. Realistically you should have lost the point here, but luckily your mercy got a clutch res in that kept the point for another hold.

On the second point you shouldn't have gone up onto the balcony. If some of your teammates want to go up their, you should communicate with mercy to watch the healing up there since she can just fly straight up instead of you needing to sit up there the whole time with a poor angle for healing on the obj. Nano rein earlier so that he can have it when the engagement occurs rather than when the attackers are beginning to spread out. Plus, you'll force him to attack because realistically he shouldn't have continued to hold shield once the crossed the bridge.

More awareness, but don't be afraid to ask for healing in chat or commands because there's no reason to spend a nade on yourself when you have a mercy that can fly and heal you to full quickly. Not much you could have done about the opposing rein ult and getting elimmed other than backing up further into a tight angle where you can see most of the point, but just your guys on it. Generally, if the opposing team has dva in a fight and your team has a pharah, more so if the other team has dva and rein, don't nano the pharah, and projectile heroes in generally in this situation. Nano rein or hog with ult are much better options in this game's situation.

I know this seems like a lot, but honestly your play is fine. Most of this was just relating to situational awareness and positioning but it all makes a huge difference when put into practice. You can definitely maintain platinum and get higher.

E: That guy yelling "MARCO MOVE BACK" is so annoying omfg.
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my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
Idk if anyone else has noticed but there are lots of smurfs/higher ranked players who threw down to gold/plat right now. All the ones I've played with have been super toxic. They're all good but honestly their cocky and rude attitude makes me prefer when I'm playing against them because they're all just so tilting to be on a team with. I had one who told me to kms for missing a heal on them as ana and refused to swap off pharah despite dying over and over to the other teams widow (I guess it's more productive to flame the other teams widow in chat than try to actually deal with her), and another who played exclusively widow and screamed at the team over vc every time they got killed by a flanker. When I suggested the widow one might be better off swapping they told me they had more elims than me so I should "shut the fuck up and be glad I'm getting a free carry". I was playing Lucio at that time btw, and we lost. Lmao.
literally even the hardest widow main in high level comp, kephrii, switches to mccree when he's getting flanked too hard lol...


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
im getting harder games on my smurf than my main for whatever reason. Vs diamonds and above mostly in qp because i headshot lots of people walking in straight lines at level 1 lol.

also is there a way to gain exp faster this is taking forever


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Being in a party gives you bonus EXP of 20% iirc. Also medals and wins does that too; not sure if medals stack up for EXP though. If you wanna grind to 25, if you can't play in a party, just play those heroes that are more likely to farm you medals.


@ Everstone
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im getting harder games on my smurf than my main for whatever reason. Vs diamonds and above mostly in qp because i headshot lots of people walking in straight lines at level 1 lol.

also is there a way to gain exp faster this is taking forever
Join one of those afk exp custom games, I believe you get 6k exp every 30 mins.


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
Join one of those afk exp custom games, I believe you get 6k exp every 30 mins.
they patched exp farming unfortunately. No more experience from skirmish and theres now an afk timer. Apparently there still are ways to do it but you can get banned for it from now on.


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon
Lucio changes are here


  • Sonic Amplifier
    • Projectile speed increased from 40 to 50
    • Alternate fire now considers vertical orientation when knocking targets back
  • Crossfade
    • Song's area-of-effect radius decreased from 30 meters to 10 meters
      • A temporary in-game visual has been added to illustrate this radius (it is only visible to Lúcio and his teammates)
    • Heal Song
      • Healing-per-second has been increased by 50% (also applies to Lúcio's Amp It Up ability)
  • Sound Barrier
    • Radius decreased from 30 meters to 20 meters
  • Wall Ride
    • Movement speed increased by 30% when wall riding
    • Lúcio now receives a burst of speed when leaping off a wall
Developer Comments: Lucio has often felt like a must-pick due to his raw healing output and the versatility of providing a speed bonus to your entire team. The goal of these changes is to keep those elements feeling strong, but making them harder to apply to everyone on your team at all times. The end result is that he should feel stronger with teams that he can stay close to but not as strong when on teams with heroes that are often spread out (such as Pharah, Widow, Genji, etc). Much of Lucio’s character power was tied up in his large passive auras, which caused other elements of his kit to be weakened over time in an attempt to balance him. Now that his auras are more focused it will allow them to be much stronger and allow Lucio to be more active in his role.

and on eichenwalde we got a new route to take point A on attack.

finally the last major change is that it now tracks your teams actual progress to capping a point on 2cp so there will be almost no draws from now on. Yay!

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