League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Don't actually play anymore but I wanted to check my boxes anyways...for whatever reason, I got the toxic bundle (minus Yasuo, who I have all the skins for already). Not picking up anymore RP though, the 0 looks too pretty.



uses walther
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Please help how do I beat doom bots
Try playing AD and AP carries like Brand, Jynx, MF, Viktor, etc. Who deal lots of damage while taking very little in return, most of these champs also have strong wave clear which is a must for surviving 15 minutes. I'd also strongly recommend against playing melee champs since they get shat on really hard.

In terms of spells, the best ones are probably Teleport and Smite. The former helps you get around the map quickly and make up for any lost ground and the latter helps you farm the jungle which is a huge source of gold / exp while also giving you extra damage versus the giant Teemo you have to fight after the time is up. Completing quests is also important especially for the higher levels but you can do without them if you're playing regular doom bots.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
So Reddit saw Ivern in competitive and are talking about it, and I'm here to confirm dude is competitive busted AS FUUUUUCK. Think Nunu but with more terrifying ganks and frighteningly ridiculous supporting skills in teamfights (nunu still has tons more [read: any at all] damage). Give him a tank and a high scaling ADC and he will ruin teams.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I can't say anything for Ivern either way but are you sure we're thinking of the same Nunu? Is it possible for someone to deal less damage than Nunu? Maybe Bard or Thresh because they can't buy Titanic Hydra to scale off tanky builds... I do like the idea of Ivern, I mean dude can roam and gank like a champ just because he literally wastes no time actually fighting jungle camps, but he doesn't have the same control over Dragon/Baron that Nunu does with Consume so I would say they still both have their moments.


proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
Yeah he can't consume/smite, but his dragon baron control is still high quality though because of his vision denial with his brushes. He can effectively make warding over walls useless by popping a bush on the big monster itself making smite steals tons riskier and harder to pull off. (This tactic is a thing that came up in the competitive game he was picked in).

And he definitely does less damage than Nunu. Nunu at least has base damages and an ulti that will do something early game, ivern is all utility across the board.

I think the biggest difference between Ivern's counterjungling versus Nunu's counter jungling is Nunu is far more capable of taking multiple camps whereas Ivern's counter jungle is smite dependent. But with Ivern's counter jungle he's lightning fast. In the time it takes for Nunu to steal a buff Ivern would have stolen it and already moved to gank a lane.

And to be clear I'm not saying Ivern is literally equivalent or better to Nunu they still have different niche's but in terms of teams built around "support jungler who counter jungles" they both do that.


sage of six tabs
is a Tutor Alumnusis a Team Rater Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
off topic but I finally reached my goal for this season, and its 3 am, and i have no one else to tell :D might not be as high as some people but i'm still super proud of myself xP Between preseason and next season my next goal is to be diamond!



unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
My own pride wants me to reach Plat again to prove I still got it, but it's pretty hard when you get such amazing players on your team as Amumu who just walks into lane at Level 3 30% HP and feeds my enemy laner first blood double buff. And rushes Zhonya's.

Unrelated note, it'd be a lot easier to mash games if it didn't take 30 minutes to get into a game in the first place.
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unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Went from bottom of Gold II to Gold I-Plat promos in one day yesterday, proving hey I'm still significantly better at this game than the average Goldie when I get into my groove.

Riot Matchmaking his since proceeded to shit the bed every since I reached Game 5 and fuck me in the ass I have to work all weekend, so I'm not sure I'll actually hit Plat again at this rate. Not that anyone gives a rat's ass.

Fun story edit: Back to 0 LP now because "KILLER OF COONS" the Yasuo player forces himself mid on me in champion select, set my runes to go top, then takes top in-game anyway so I had the wrong runes/build. Now, surprisingly, he stopped intentionally feeding after spotting renekton a couple free kills but he still flamed everyone the entire game and ultimately solo queue prevailed as my team threw anyway (after I killed the enemy jungler and stole Baron lategame).
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proudly reppin' 2 superbowl wins since DEFLATEGATE
For weeks I get nothing but first choice top, now all of a sudden I'm jungle every game apparently what is this?


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I really need to start queueing jungle myself. Like, I'm not even a good jungler but boy am I sick of being left on an island 1v2 top. Last time I tried doing that I played top 10+ games in a row before I got to finally be jungle (then I went 18/3 on nocturne gg). I've lost multiple games against stupidly aggressive opponents because brain damaged gold junglers have no concept of punishing overextending but I get ganked everytime I try to defend myself.


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I thought I was going to hit my promos again, but I decided to sit under turret all game and still see the enemy jungler more than anyone on my team as they all flame me on how terrible I am at the game. Not because I died a lot, but because my CS sucks since it's pretty hard to lane 1v2 vs Yasuo and Olaf. I thought I handled it pretty well. *shrug*

Then I thought I was going to win the next game but my team managed to throw a 100% won game by refusing to push with two baron buffs and suddenly pretending that the enemy Ezreal doesn't exist. I think I died four straight times to close out the game to Ezreal just straight up blinking at my face into our team and literally never takes damage because absolutely nobody else would target him ever. Ezreal did four times as much damage as anyone else on the enemy team.

Guess I didn't actually want to hit Plat again anyway (or I would've played more than the last week of the season eh).

Let this be a running log of my shit, because why not.
Go Kennen top vs Darius cuz Jayce was banned. Enemy mid and jungler combine for over a kill per minute because Mundo jungle and Wood VII Ziggs. Of the combined 16 kills at 12 minutes they had, I was one of them so I wasn't exactly a contributing factor to the snowball. Darius was negative.

MY TURN TO JUNGLE TIRED OF THESE LITTLE SHITS. Carried hard earlygame on Nocturne, transitioned to Vlad carrying us lategame. Kinda shaky midgame, between my falling off time and Vlad getting too big, but ultimately we maintained great objective control to prevent the enemy team from taking advantage of too much.

Nocturne jungle again. Enemy Shaco is basically invisible and does nothing the whole game. Game looked bad till about 40 minutes, then we killed four and got Baron. Then I failed to secure Elder Dragon because it got burst down from 3k by basically everyone in the game. -_- Buuut full build Kog put the team on his back at that point. I'm okay with this. Enemy Jayce talked shit all game and deserved it.

Cho mid vs Yasuo. No, Pantheon wants to switch with me and take on Malphite up top. Fine. Then we stomped the shit out of 'em. Back into series for tomorrow night I guess, gotta work. Thanks for the extra hour, DST.

Game 1 redux: Hard to pinpoint what went wrong but basically enemy Ezreal finished 14/2 (a whole one on me) and our team just had a shitty matchup because "we" picked Cho'gath and Jax into Ezreal and Syndra. Basically, my boosted Shock Blasts were the only things that could ever touch their back line and they simply had more damage. Enemy Ezreal going LEGENDARY in lane will do that, yeah... 0-1

Game 2 deux: Proxy Singed, but I'm not an idiot. Jayce again, still didn't carry as hard as 25-kill Jhin though. 1-1

Game 3: Jayce vs Garen. Unsurprisingly, I dominate this lane. I also got camped mega hard by Hecarim and the rest of my team was too brain damaged to neither provide help or take advantage elsewhere on the map. Graves seems to believe that moving in the opposite direction of enemies without shooting them will make them spontaneously croak. Number one priority when we kill four of them? OUTER MID > BARON TRUE STORY 1-2

Game 4: Cho vs Riven top. RIP series, back to 68 LP. Jungler is decent enough to listen to me, but not enough to not get fucking stomped by jungle Trynd. Holy hell are the other two lanes beyond bad. Guess who did the most damage? It wasn't Fizz and it wasn't Caitlyn... In fact, the latter did less damage than our Amumu jungle. And I built two Armor items. -_- Random lesson learned: Cho apparently still doesn't beat Riven in a slapfight at Level 3 with red buff.

Jayce vs Fizz top, game stage is set when Vi comes to gank me and my Skarner counterganks for a double kill. All-around solid but not spectacular performances lead to a somewhat uneventful win.

Cho vs Geepee top. Enemy Yi jungler was Stone VI and GP wasn't much better. The score was 30-22 when they surrendered in response to us taking a clean Baron, but it wasn't really all that close. Back in series again.

Game 1.3: Rammus top vs Yasuo, featuring what I thought was gonna be a heavy AD team with Lebonk, and it was, but SURPRISE SUPPORT LEBONK and last pick Viktor. I tried really hard to carry, and then I didn't because enemy Viktor was carrying even harder because team just kept ignoring him and Rylai's is bullshit he was literally untouchable for me. Then he kindly tried to flank everyone with Baron pushing up mid, Flashed into my team and he died like a bitch. 1-0

Game 2.3: Morg mid vs Karma. Poppy dies to Irelia at Level 1???? ... Poppy dies to Irelia again a couple minutes later. Bot lane dies. Oh boy. Meanwhile, Karma is playing hyperpussy so I can't do much than just shove the lane down her throat and come out with a slight CS lead. Would you believe that everyone eventually ended up meaningfully contributing and we came back to have another fairly solid victory? Irelia rushed literally Ghostblade. also black shield is pretty fair and balanced 2-0

Just gotta win 1-of-3 tomorrow night after work, before queues go down yo.
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reminder that season 6 is gonna suck more than season 5 because riot likes to arbitrarily change things.

edit: woops i mean season 7 is gonna suck more than 6
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