League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Makes it really hard to go back and play on 160-200+ ping on NA, but that's where all of Smogon is.
Well half of Smogon would be on Oceania if all you Aussies transferred like you're "supposed" to do. ;o

i recently transferred to Oceania and its nice to be able to play on ~40 ping instead of ~250.

Im still vintagebooks there if anyone else who has transferred wants to add me.


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
I might make a smurf on OCN to play with the aussies who transfer, I get 200 ping on NA half the time anyways :/
I'm on the OCN sever under the name PKring if anyone's interested in playing. Ranked Queues are still down, but you get double IP for each match so it's great to grind for the champs I don't have yet. Who's pumped for Lucian? I'm hoping he's a casterish-ADC like Graves but with a bit more range/utility.
Congrats on Plat, Jebus!

The smurf I transferred to Oceania is 'a sublime duet'. So please do feel free to add me and I'll add you back some time. =) I only have Soraka and Taric on there though, since I'm saving for Lulu.
I think some of the French do, and if Kinneas still plays I expect he does too, but a lot of us play on NA, even some of the Europeans (like Az), so we can play together.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus

so I tried to get my win today.........
2 dudes instalocked their champs and sum spells so I couldn't do the usual 3 AD rush, picked Fiddle, sounded fun.
they never connect on the loading screen and the game eventually starts. no bot goes afk in their absence however, so I 1v1 vs Ashe and eventually FB her.
Ryze and WW bot take my top inhib turret but I hold them off the inhib until I get enough gold/levels to blast them. I oneshot Ryze and Ashe with my ult eventually, they just died in it lol, then I picked up Sheen to help me push faster while the bots were dead.
hard game fiddlesticks 1v3


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
DEAR LAWDY this forum has the absolute worst reply method I have ever seen when there's any lag


is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
I think some of the French do, and if Kinneas still plays I expect he does too, but a lot of us play on NA, even some of the Europeans (like Az), so we can play together.

Yeah I still play on EUW with Gec, Keely, 7014gree and friends from other forums and irl. You're welcome to add me "IamKinneas", though I'm on a bit of a break at the moment. Just trying to play less over the summer.


Banned deucer.
the new OCN servers are amazing, 50 ping or less every game really helps when playing champs like cassiopeia, my summoner name is Blackeey if anyone wants to add me whos transferred


Wir knutschen
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Yeah I still play on EUW with Gec, Keely, 7014gree and friends from other forums and irl. You're welcome to add me "IamKinneas", though I'm on a bit of a break at the moment. Just trying to play less over the summer.

I just added you, I am the guy with the caps
Any of you remember warstories from DST? I mean they're still around... kind of. Well here's one for LoL! Kind of shortened.

Just went 29/12/7 in a victory as Jax. Nothing too crazy, just looking at that. Jax does that sort of thing all the time in favourable games, and with less deaths usually. Well it doesn't SEEM crazy... until you realize this was NOT a favourable game by any stretch of the imagination. I was the only person on my team who consistently stayed in the game, with the rest all suffering connection issues. Essentially we were 4v5 the whole game... only it was worse because it wasn't always the same person sitting out, meaning that everyone except for me fell way behind in levels.

Opponents were Warwick, Vayne, Teemo, Twisted Fate and Ashe.

Allies were Draven, Garren, Katarina, and Ms. Fortune

So everyone appeared to talk in the lobby, and we had an issue where we had 3 ADCs. This being a fairly low level match (I'm level 18) this isn't unheard of. Lanes get sorted out though and I take Jax for top, thinking that things were ok. I considered Cho'Gath since the team was seriously lacking on bulk and AP, but it's a good thing I didn't pick him in the end. Our opponents also ended up with a decided lack of bulk as you can see, and Jax excels at taking out squishy champs. The connection difficulties for my teammates started immediately, with both our Garen and Draven (who was to top with me) being dc'd. Garen Connected again just as the minions started clashing, but Draven did not. Because of this I ended up soloing a lane against both Vayne and Warwick, which resulted in an early death when I made the mistake of attempting to burst down Vayne when she was too high health. Things improved for me though, as I started playing more defensively, carefully keeping them off my turret and going in for the occasional leap-autoattack-empower combo to whittle them down. Eventually first Vayne and then Warwick started sticking around with too little health left, allowing me to get a couple of kills with sudden empowered leap strikes. With that gold to feed me and the extra experience from soloing the lane, I quickly passed my opponents in level and gold, and by the time Draven finally connected I was sitting pretty with 4 kills and only 2 deaths to pay for it. From there I just started to steamroll. Almost as soon as Draven regained connection our Katarina left or dc'd, and didn't come back for the entire game, and our Ms. Fortune dc'd at least twice as well. I had to go bail out the other lanes before long, but in doing so I kept getting more kills. Before long I had outstripped not only my teammates but the entire game in both gold and levels to the point where I could easily take on 2 or 3 opponents at once. All was not fine and dandy though; my teammates were too underfed to take on our opponents alone, and a team fight without me in it was one doomed to failure. So began a dance around the map, pushing lanes carefully, setting ambushes for opposing champs, jumping into teamfights to prevent them from being lost and taking out minion waves and towers when everyone else was busy. I would get greedy sometimes though and jump into the enemy team and die, and we almost lost one time that happened. Thankfully, our opponents spent the time I was dead chasing my teammates and killing minions, allowing me to respawn just as our mid inhibitor was about to go down, allowing me to save it and probably the game. It was at that point that my team really began to push, filled with a bit more urgency but also hope as I continued to route our opponents whenever I caught one or two of them alone. More towers fell and before long we had taken down our opponent's mid inhibitor. We weren't able to immediately win from there though, we had to rebuild our strength after the push, and our enemies were not lying down and giving up. The battle went back and forth for a while before I went to top lane alone to assist a large minion wave in its push, and our opponents made a critical mistake by coming at me in a straggled line, allowing me to take out 3 of them, one by one. After that we immediately pushed mid lane, and our opponents weren't able to form an efficient resistance as we pushed our way through all the way to their nexus and won despite the odds being against us.

The final results were me outkilling the rest of my team combined (and then some), but with the kill/death ratio almost equaling out despite it. It had been a rough, difficult game but somehow my team had persevered. While I certainly carried the team, I'm not going to dismiss the teammates that stayed. Keeping the opponent from getting too fed by staying out of trouble when I wasn't around (usually because of something stupid I did) was a much bigger achievement than it sounds, and they consistently held ground against multiple opponents when they pushed and I was down. Staying alive against the huge damage output our opponents had while they waited for me to come to help was no small feat. It was an epic struggle and one I am proud to have been a part of.


So yeah, I hope this wan't too long or pretentious or anything. I know I like hearing a good warstory every now and then. Oh, also I don't have a screenshot of the result screen (it simply never occurred to me), but if you need proof I can screenshot my match history. If nothing else, the 20k gold I got during the match should back up my version of events :P


is an Artist Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
So apparently that green badge is the wall of text badge. I always wondered what it was for.

Did you guys get your team summoner icons yet and if so who are you supporting?

I have an EG summoner icon. I had leftover RP lying around and the only things I might possibly want for a long time are Lunar Karma or a new Zyra skin. So I bought it. I don't like the EG logo though; it's really ugly. CLG.EU pls. I don't mind that they've been in a slump lately because I've been supporting them for a long time as a team and as individuals, so it's a matter of pride for me to call myself their fan. I see lots of CLG and TSM icons on the NA server, predictably. Probably more CLG icons though lol

If Riot does manage to secure a deal with the Asian leagues I might pick up one of theirs but idk who, because I used to cheer on Najin Sword until MaKNooN moved teams. T_T
most junglers used to go locket-bulwark and now it's golem-bulwark

basically now it's going to be golem-locket every single game because the MR is mandatory since double AP is so popular right now

the values are lower than with bulwark though so that's going to force people to branch out into other MR options (which is fine, since every region has been seeing more of banshee's/spirit visage in particular)

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