[Expert] 1v1, No items, Final Destination (Allstars Mafia) - Game Over

Due™ to™ popular™ demand™, based™ on™ Viva™ La™ Mafia™ and™ its™ Freelancer™/Recruitment™ System™.

After™ surfing™ through™ the™ multiverse™, the™ Monkey™ King™ came™ upon™ the™ Infected™ streets™ of™ Miami™. Bored™, the™ Monkey™ King™ uses™ his™ powerful™ manipulation™ of™ reality™ to™ revert™ Miami™ back™ to™ when™ just™ glass™ bubble™ was™ dropped™ on™ top™ of™ it™. Getting™ an™ idea™, he™ decides™ to™ take™ several™ individuals™ from™ the™ multiverses™ that™ he™ has™ observed™ and™ placed™ them™ into™ Miami™ removing™ certain™ individuals™ while™ leaving™ in™ others™. While™ observing™ their™ actions™, the™ Monkey™ King™ decided™ to™ intervene™ once™ again™ as™ he™ saw™ that™ a™ stalemate™ has™ occurred™ with™ Miami™ divided™ into™ four™ powerful™ factions™. The™ first™ of™ the™ factions™ was™ the™ US™ Government™, a™ strikeforce™ sent™ in™ to™ investigate™ the™ Swine™ Flu™ from™ the™ inside™. The™ second™ faction™ were™ the™ Carbon™ Collective™, a™ collective™ of™ individuals™ all™ in™ a™ weird™ parasitic™ relationship™ with™ the™ anthropomorphic™ element™, Carbon™. The™ third™ faction™ is™ the™ S2 Games™ Conglomerate™, an™ unknown™ pc™ gaming™ company™ that™ have™ acquired™ a™ powerful™ machine™ that™ can™ convert™ living™ beings™ into™ digital™ forms™. The™ final™ faction™ are™ made™ up™ of™ idealistic™ individuals™ that™ have™ not™ found™ completely™ agreed™ on™ the™ name™ of™ their™ squad™, currently™ called™ We™ Cannot™ Agree™ So™ Faction™ Name™ Pending™. The™ seeing ™these™ factions™ fight™ it™ out™ reminded™ the™ Monkey™ King™ of™ his™ intervention™ at™ Section™ 13™ and™ he™ sent™ out™ 4™ invitations™ to™ each™ faction™ inviting™ them™ to™ a™ similar™ game™. With™ all™ four™ factions™ arriving™ at™ the™ agreed™ location™, the™ Monkey King™ lays™ down™ the™ law™ and™ reveals™ his™ plan™ to™ kill™ the™ most™ hated™ individual™ at™ the™ end™ of™ every™ day™.

Mercenaries™ are™ identical™ to™ Freelancers™ and™ their™ goal™ is™ to™ get™ recruited™ into™ a™ faction™ or™ win™ alone™.

Their win condition:
You are a mercenary. You are win if you are the last man standing.
Example of a faction win condition:
You are allied with Team Jacob. You win if Team Jacob wins.
All role pms are almost identical to their originals, excluding certain abilities and affiliation.

Rules List
1. Deadtalking will be allowed to some extent. Conversations between a dead player and his teammate is allowed, but only if they are discussing strategies and moves. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player. All talking with the dead when they are not on your team is therefore ill-advised.
2. The game will start on Night 0, kills are not valid on Night 0.
3. Days will last either 48 hours or 24 hours after the first lynch vote is cast.
4. Nights will last either 48 hours or until all pms are received.
5. All pms should be sent to blue_light.
6. If you do not wish to use a day or night ability you should send a pm to blue_light stating "Day/Night X - Idling"
7. No screenshots of any kind may be distributed at all.
8. You may c/p anything that I say to you, which means you can fake conversations with me.
9. I should be notified of all channels, spreadsheets, google docs, paste bins, etc that you create.
10. You can hold and give/receive as many items as you want. Items are given away at the very end of the day or night after everything has transpired and received at the beginning of the next day or night. To give away an item, send a pm to blue_light stating "Day/Night X - Giving 'Item' to User".
11. The basic template of the priorities of this game is recruit>hook>bodyguard>inspect>thief>kill>item giving.
12. You can target dead bodies with your abilities, but it does not mean that anything will happen.
13. If you wish to change your vote during lynch you must edit the post containing your initial vote, do not make a new post.
14. If a mercenary is targeted for recruitment by two or more factions during the night then all recruitment attempts directed at him/her will fail.
15. If a player ever vanishes they are effectively dead in the game, unless otherwise notified.

Player's List™ (22)
Eo Ut Mortus™

Dead Players (4)
Outlaw™/Lynched Day 1/Dave Chappelle/Rule Changer/Freelancer
Da Letter El™/Dies from heart attack on Night 1/Lex Luthor/Swine Flu Spreader/Neutral
Seven Deadly Sins™/Lynched Day 2/Shendu/Talisman Collector/The Family
Jackal™/Turned into puddle on Night 2/Valmont/PM Stealer and Bodyguard/We Cannot Agree So Faction Name Pending
moot™/Lynched Day 3/Vlad Tepes/Blood Sucker and Shielded/The Family
Fishin™/Poisoned Night 3/Puck/Inspector and Silencer/S2 Games Conglomerate
shade™/Decapitated Night 3/S2 Games/Scouter/S2 Games Conglomerate
dak™/*Unspeakable* Night 3/Usopp/A Pirate/S2 Games Conglomerate
Veedrock™/Lynched Day 4/Pudge/BG and Martyr and Scavenger and BPV/S2 Games Conglomerate

By popular demand:
Elements Mafia Roles:

Quarantine Mafia Roles:

28 Weeks Later Mafia Roles:

Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia Roles:

Dota Mafia Roles:

It is now Night 0, Night 0 will end in 48 hours. Kills are not valid on Night 0.


I'm not retarded I'm Canadian it's different
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Dedicated Tournament Host Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
i read the OP and saw "you need to pick your role from a whole bunch of games I didn't play in" so i just said fuck that... I didn't look at the poll lol :(
ANYWAY here is the plan: every freelancer claims to me. all the other three factions will be in the dark. we win because we get the best roles and targets etc.
Suddenly the air begins to fill with smoke, smelling distinctly of weed. The Monkey King suddenly exclaims 'MY COUCH!!'.

As the Monkey King goes to Ikea to find new furniture. Rick James is now the ruler of Miami and his first decree is:
5. All pms should be sent to blue_light.

changed to

5. All pms must be sent to blue_light and Outlaw or they do not count.

(shush LN)

This rule will revert back to it's original form when the Monkey King returns from Ikea at the end of the night.

Any pms sent to me before this change have been voided!

All actions must use the specific words designated.

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