Dumbledore = cheeky monkey

Ok, the OP is stupid.

Why does it matter if someone is gay or not? Do you hate them because of it? Do you hate African Americans because they have a different skin color? Do you hate poor people becaus ethey have less money than you?

We are all human beings and you are just one of those weird, anti social people who don't get along with anyone. I hope your kids go into a foster home and your wife leaves you. I'm sorry but I do not know how she even got into you. You have to learn to accept that it doesn't matter what color, race, sexuality, etc. you are. We are all human beings and we should all be treated equally.
I like the part of Synre's post saying JK Rowling was being 'less bold.' I know that is not the main point he was making, but I have always found her to be incredibly passive, but wanting to appear bold (like with the end of Book 7..are we allowed to post spoilers yet? whatever, most of you should get what I mean). It is the biggest thing about her that bothers me.
I don't see this as a problem, if anything it's probably pretty cool for the gay people out there. Hell, one of the best wizards of a series was gay, and he understood love more than many of the "straight" characters in the series! Sure, I'll be the first to admit my friends and I had an immature little laugh about this, but when it comes down to it, it doesn't affect the series as a whole, and if people say "Oh this and Book 7 ruin Dumbledore's character," or anything of that sort, I say he's just been made human.

Now, this would be a little different if she say, outed Voldemort (Who, unless we are corrected, should be considered asexual IMO), or Wormtail, or a character who is seen in a negative light, or regarded as weak. But Dumbledore is a major player in the series, so it's got to be some sort of complement that he's gay.

Obligatory "Clam down OP".
TBH i think the OP has calmed down since it's been a good 30 posts without him saying anything...

In other news, I frankly don't see how Dumbledore being gay affected anything. At least unless JK plans to release some prequel books!
TBH i think the OP has calmed down since it's been a good 30 posts without him saying anything...

In other news, I frankly don't see how Dumbledore being gay affected anything. At least unless JK plans to release some prequel books!

IIRC, she has plans to make a Harry Potter encyclopedia of sorts "in the future", most likely for charity, and says she doesn't have any plans for pre/sequels at the moment. Not that it won't happen, mind, but the encyclopedia is all she supposedly has planned. His sexuality and other facts may be brought up there.

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
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Who wants to bet that JK Rowling now gets attacked for killing off the only (now) known gay character in the Harry Potter series?

Stranger things have happened.
I haven't read the thread, so this post is probably pretty dumb,

but am I the only one who thinks that this whole thing is a fucking cop-out? Adding some facts to a story after it's been finished. What a mockery of literature.


pumpkin pieco
is a Top Contributor Alumnus
I haven't read the thread, so this post is probably pretty dumb,

but am I the only one who thinks that this whole thing is a fucking cop-out? Adding some facts to a story after it's been finished. What a mockery of literature.

well, if you knew anything about literature, you'd realize a lot more goes into telling a story then what is written on the page. JK probably has very in-depth character sketches of every name she ever mentioned in the book. We don't ever get to see that though, it's only for her to aid in her writing. Sometimes it comes out indirectly, but most times it doesn't.
okay there are a LOT of posts in this thread that im starting to find really fucking stupid, even from people i almost never disagree with

the whole OMG HOW CAN THIS BE CANON BLAH BLAH BLAH thing is fucking idiocy. how does sexual orientation have any bearing on what is and isnt canon? it isnt an actual event, lol. its just the inner workings of someones mind. it doesnt change anything.

it would be hard to accept it as canon if rowling was like 'yeah dumbledore is gay and he has fucked several male characters teehee!', because that has substance to it and it would actually have an affect on the plot.

what if rowling had stated in the conference that dumbledore enjoyed eating spiders? itd be a little weird, but since it has no effect whatsoever on the books themselves, i dont see it as being difficult to consider canon. i always assumed things being canon only mattered when they, you know, had merit and substance to them and directly affect the books in some way.
So I mention something I saw in the news, give my take on it, and ask everyone what their take on it is, and instead of answering, you attack my take instead. How constructive and mature. The fact that I got infracted for 'trolling' by somebody that simply doesn't agree with my opinion speaks loads about your moderating quality. I wonder if Kristy and the others whose posts contain nothing but empty insults got infracted for trolling.

To put things in perspective, i created this exact thread with the exact same OP on every web forum I belong to, and none of them blew up with the kind of high-schoolish antics found herein.

And calling me a 'right-wing nutjob' and 'conspiracy theorist'? lol @ you is the only response I can give to such utter nonsense. I just got called a 'left-wing nutjob' by someone on another forum in another topic not 5 minutes before skimming through your responses. The benefits of being an independent is that you get to laugh at people whose minds are so primitive they have to separate everything and everyone into left and right.

To make things clear, i'm not throwing away my harry potter books. I was exaggerating due to extreme annoyance that she would cheapen the series like this. You are right about one thing: she doesn't mention he's gay in the books. Think about why she would mention this irrelevant news at this time.

Do I think she has hidden pro-communism within the HP series, and that she's a communist? Yes and yes, for reasons previously stated and that not a single person responded to. Do you know what it means when you avoid answering altogether, and choose to flame instead? It's an admission of defeat on your part. Thanks for the confidence. For the record, I don't think a child is going to read the series and say "long live Mao!". The political taint just cheapens the series and is extremely annoying.

Do I think communism is bad? Not in and of itself. But human history tells us that human behavior and communism are not a good mix. It could and should work...it just doesn't. People end up being run over by tanks and that sort of thing.

Do i think homosexuality is wrong and shouldn't be promoted? Of course, and basic human anatomy is the reason why. When human beings evolve and female genitalia is located inside a man's rectum, I will agree with it. Until then, being sexually attracted to an non-anatomically correct area will always be a disorder, and I teach my kids to do what's right, not what feels good. I find that the easy path is rarely ever the correct path; this philosophy is coincidentally found all over the harry potter series.

I also really enjoyed how some claim that I hate gay people. It's always a laugh when people say that. You think I hate everyone who does wrong things? If that were so, i'd hate everyone, including myself. Not everyone is the KKK. Stop thinking in absolutes.

"Do you even know what you're talking about?" Yes. You will too when you graduate high school/college and step into the real world, or at least, you'll learn to get along with people whose opinions are different than your own.

"The OP is stupid, your wife should leave you, and your kids should be taken away from you." She won't, and they won't, and there's nothing you can do about it. Does that scare you? I hope it does. There will always be people who live outside your childish, close-minded idea of how the world works; maybe a little fear will open your mind a bit.

"Hrothgar is an example of a person i would never want to meet." And yet, you will meet me, or at least people of a like mind as me. Perhaps a little tolerance should be displayed from the people who preach tolerance, huh?


pumpkin pieco
is a Top Contributor Alumnus
actually, prefering not to meet someone and being able to tolerate them even if you had met them are two entirely different things, so there goes that argument. but for the other stuff...ok...

edit: actually, now that i took the time to read your whole post, all i have to say is: good grief.
Hrothgar said:
There will always be people who live outside your childish, close-minded idea of how the world works; maybe a little fear will open your mind a bit.

Do i think homosexuality is wrong and shouldn't be promoted? Of course, and basic human anatomy is the reason why. When human beings evolve and female genitalia is located inside a man's rectum, I will agree with it.

While I'm certainly enjoying you telling everyone how the world works with your undoubtedly extensive experience it's still bigotry to say some of what you're spewing. If I replaced that sentence with something else, like say race, it would turn into 'Do I think being black is wrong and shouldn't be promoted?'. I don't think anyone would question that being infracted. It's much the same thing, which is why you got infracted last time and are going to get infracted again.

Hrothgar said:
I also really enjoyed how some claim that I hate gay people. It's always a laugh when people say that. You think I hate everyone who does wrong things? If that were so, i'd hate everyone, including myself. Not everyone is the KKK. Stop thinking in absolutes.
We all do wrong things. I think it's pretty reasonable that you got jumped for this particular prejudice, though. People can help doing 'wrong' things like stealing or lying or murder or whatever, they can't help being gay. It is completely ridiculous to criticize people for something they have no control over.

Hrothgar said:
Do you even know what you're talking about?" Yes. You will too when you graduate high school/college and step into the real world, or at least, you'll learn to get along with people whose opinions are different than your own.
Yes, right after I say "you know, you're right, those (BAN ME PLEASE)s are a bunch of mentally impaired freaks" I'll make sure to inform any blacks I run into that they should probably still be slaves.

Hrothgar said:
So I mention something I saw in the news, give my take on it, and ask everyone what their take on it is, and instead of answering, you attack my take instead. How constructive and mature. The fact that I got infracted for 'trolling' by somebody that simply doesn't agree with my opinion speaks loads about your moderating quality.
Your 'take on it' was that because Rowling made a character in her book gay, she simply MUST be a "leftist, commie nutjob" and further more because she had a gay character in her book "Remember when adults were supposed to teach children to be good people, as opposed to brainwashing them into joining their political affiliation?". At this point you hadn't mentioned anything else about her or her writing that would have influenced you believing this - just that she had a gay character in her book. I'm pretty sure saying that any author who would put a gay character in his or her writing is a "leftist, commie nutjob who brainwashes children into joining their political affiliation" is pretty clear trolling.

Either way I don't know why you think saying stuff like

Hrothgar said:
The benefits of being an independent is that you get to laugh at people whose minds are so primitive they have to separate everything and everyone into left and right.
is ok to post when you're pretty blantantly insulting the previous posters, as you did for much of what you posted. You repeatedly posted about how everyone else in this thread just doesn't understand how the world works as well as you do and are too small minded to see what you are trying to say, in addition to the fairly blatant biggotry mentioned above. I wouldn't worry about the "moderating quality" until you can string together a congregation post that isn't constantly throwing poorly veiled insults.


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The usual problem with anti-homosexual activists is they believe homosexuality is a twist of the mind, that it can be cured, or at the very least prevented by not 'promoting' it.

Whatever you teach your kids about 'rights' or 'wrongs' isnt likely to have an impact when it comes to their sexual orientation. All you will manage to do is spread homophobia and possibly make them feel really bad about themselves if they turn out to be gay.
It also makes sense with him not wanting to confront Grindelwald, but I think more than that it makes sense in that he never really gave an adequate explanation to anyone we have access to about WHY he didn't confront Grindelwald, and this would definitely be an acceptable explanation about why he wouldn't have given an explanation.
Not going to throw myself in this discussion-a-la-blownouttaproportion but personally I just assumed that Dumbledore didn't feel like confronting an old friend that cheered him up in his childhood.
I was gonna type up a big reply to Hrothgar, but I realize it's pretty much an exercise in futility. And by the way, how you say things can say more than what you say... your bigotry is pretty apparent, even if you say something ridiculous like "lol you guys are just nutjobs why don't you graduate high school".
well, if you knew anything about literature, you'd realize a lot more goes into telling a story then what is written on the page. JK probably has very in-depth character sketches of every name she ever mentioned in the book. We don't ever get to see that though, it's only for her to aid in her writing. Sometimes it comes out indirectly, but most times it doesn't.
Well, if you knew anything about literature, you'd realize that if you want to include something in a story, you include it in the fucking story. If you don't want to include it (or want to leave it ambiguous), then you don't include it. You are fucking obtuse, and I am aware that there is more to a story than is on the page, but that doesn't change the fact that what is on the page should be all that the author brings to the table. What would Shakespearean plays be like if Shakespeare just came out and said "Yes, Hamlet was really insane; no, Prospero is not a caricature of myself; yes, Hamlet had an Oedipus Complex..." etc. etc.

It would be bullshit. There are no post scripts in literature. =/
Who wants to bet that JK Rowling now gets attacked for killing off the only (now) known gay character in the Harry Potter series?

Stranger things have happened.
I think that was just coincidence, she killed off pretty much everybody >_>

Surgo said:
Okay, anyway...

Current count of awesome gay wizards in popular fantasy:
* Gandalf (technically just the actor, but...)
* Dumbledore

That actually covers most of the awesome wizards in popular fantasy, when you think about it...Any I'm missing? They should be pretty awesome to be put on this list.
You forgot the Shrek version of merlin XD

This is how I picture dumbledore now, his robe doesn't quite cover his *warps out of thread*

PS, Dont let those three in the same room, their wizards, if you though magical sex was scary, just imagine what gay magical sex would be like...

on second thought don't

I'm high right now >_>
Im sigging the high thing BTW

EDIT: Can I put random harry potter pictures in this post? Or would I have to make a new thread for that...

Never mind I answered my own question.
it doesnt really matter that hes gay or not but personally Im pissed that it wasnt included in the book. All that shows me is that there was some outside influence for it not being there because having Dumbledore as a homosexual would explain somethings with Glendelwald (I think thats the name) etc. Hopefully this is put in text like the encyclopidea so we can get further explaination and maybe some other tidbits of characters that we're unaware of.


I'm the Mary!
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Researcher Alumnus
Good article. comment from that post:
Not a publicity stunt or JKR announced this because the screenwriters working on the next movie added a passing reference to a girlfriend in Dumbledore's past, and JKR had to nix that because of his orientation. It was going to get out, and she addressed it head-on.
this could be a viable reason to why she outed him
Do i think homosexuality is wrong and shouldn't be promoted? Of course, and basic human anatomy is the reason why. When human beings evolve and female genitalia is located inside a man's rectum, I will agree with it. Until then, being sexually attracted to an non-anatomically correct area will always be a disorder, and I teach my kids to do what's right, not what feels good. I find that the easy path is rarely ever the correct path; this philosophy is coincidentally found all over the harry potter series.
Yes, because its not like homosexuality has been around since the beginning of human kind, and its not like there are gay animals anywhere on Earth.

Seriously, this is not Germany and Russia circa 1930s-1950, so stop treating the fact that homosexuality exists like its some sort of defect in the brain that people can control/cure.
Another good article.
"By declining to lead with sexuality, she allows readers to first know a beloved character in the fullness of his likes and dislikes, weaknesses and strengths -- like anyone else. And the revelation, when it comes, is only an 'extra detail'.''

Chill Murray

get well soon jacoby..
I don't think it's all that big a deal. It's not like Rowling just said "oh, btw, dumbledore's gay lol" out of the blue, a director was trying to create something that would have made no sense in the Potter universe and she corrected him.

Hrothgar, do you actually know any homosexual people personally? Perhaps you should get to know one personally before you come to the conclusion that all gays have some sort of mental disability. If you like vanilla ice cream but dislike chocolate ice cream, does that mean there is something wrong with everyone who prefers chocolate ice cream?
Straight from the world-is-completely-insane department:

Looks like Rowling really is the leftist, commie nutjob that she was always suspected of being. The best part: when she urges her fans to "question authority". Remember when adults were supposed to teach children to be good people, as opposed to brainwashing them into joining their political affiliation?

Time to get rid of all my potter books, i suppose. How are you going to handle this?
Okay my post is going to be based on a few premises. I'm not going to touch on the whole "question authority" thing, since that's just a retarded argument. You're aware America wouldn't exist if people didn't "question authority", right? I will not presume to tell you how to raise your children, but maybe you should consider bringing them up to be moral people, and not people who blindly listen to "authority", the two being very different things.

1: You don't think gay people are necessarily bad people, you just think homosexuality itself is wrong.
2: You don't want your children exposed to "sick influences". I have some bad news for you: You've basically cut your children off from the better half of the world of literature.

Shakespeare? Gone. George Orwell? Gone. Samuel Coleridge? Gone. The fucking Bible? Fucking gone.

How can you expect people to take you seriously when you make the arguments you have.

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