Disconnecting in Global Link matches

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If they cannot afford to lose ratings, there is ALWAYS free mode.
Sad thing is that even in free mode, people disconnect like crazy.

Seriously, Game Freaks is ridiculously dumb for adding any kind of count (even though only you can see it in your trainer card) at free mode. PBR had no count, everyone complained about it but people rarely DCed.

Also, it may sound stupid at first, but throwing a big "LOSE" in your face and making you wait over a minute of saving to start searching for another match is annoying. Well, at least for me.

I would say Game Freaks is the one to blame in this DC outrage.
HEY I fought you before in launcher battles! XD
As you can recall, my ratings for launcher isn't good at least as you gave me my first non-ragequit win. Thus I am irritated by this!

Sorry for stereotyping again, cos today's match, I had 5 ragequits in a today from americans (guess it is night time over at ur side), not mentioning 4 ragequits last night I had.

Thus my ratings was unchanged today and negative yesterday. If this is not improving, I don't see the reason why I shoudn't join the ragequit group.
O yeah I remember you. Yeah I was off my game that night and you beat me fair and square.

I understand your stereotyping I am just wondering are you experiencing the same thing when you fight Japanese players?

That is your choice but I will not join it because it goes against my code of honor.
Meh, I've pulled ragequits when facing against sandstorm stall (BAN ME PLEASE)ry. Whenever I know I lost and I can't do anything about it, I'll just forfeit, and accept my loss.
My record should be somewhere around 130 wins by now, but I'm stuck at 98 win and 38 losses because of stupid ragequits.
Really, do they feel so bad about losing to my gimmicky sets? feels bad man.

edit: is it just me or japanese people rarely disconnect? I'm pretty sure I've faced less than 5 japanese who do that.
Everyone keeps saying that its only whitey that D/Cs, but in my timezone all I play are japanese and they're the ones D/Cing on me at least 3 times a day.
Everyone keeps saying that its only whitey that D/Cs, but in my timezone all I play are japanese and they're the ones D/Cing on me at least 3 times a day.
From my expirience, the Americans can never take a loss, the Japanese have much, MUCH, better sportsmanship. Some Americans have no pride.
I lol'd. I'm using a TR team utilizing Guard Split Shuckle with Blissey (177 Defense and like 200 SpDef after a Split), and both people I used it on D/C'ed.
12 D/Cs today so far, I think this one might be a record soon! Cross your fingers for me, guys.
Yes, soon here! My record is beaten!!

I will need to get feedback and support from other competitive community before I raise a ticket regarding this issue to TPCi!

I am glad I am not the only one who rants about this.
I am fine if new players were intimidated by the battling environment in ratings battles. (1500 ratings trainers entering Pokémon with no held items), but what made me disappointed is those people who have higher ratings than me ragequited when he cannot shallow hax like Fireblast etc
12 D/Cs today so far, I think this one might be a record soon! Cross your fingers for me, guys.
I'll be rootin' for ya!

@Above: Yeah, I hate that too. People always D/C after a Stone Edge/ Focus Miss/ Fire Blast misses...It's like dude, that accuracy is bound to screw you over eventually; no need to be a bad sport about your own decision...
I have a very sad case...

I've had like 40 battles in ranked mode, all of them won btw ;)

But I have only 1 registered win since the first time I played (still sitting at 1513 after idontknowhowmuchtime) because everyone there is a mofo d/c-er ¬¬
I hate when someone DCs, and then you immediately run into the same exact person again. It happens to me constantly and I quit on the spot every time, since I already know that a win isn't going to happen since he'll just DC again.
I hate when someone DCs, and then you immediately run into the same exact person again. It happens to me constantly and I quit on the spot every time, since I already know that a win isn't going to happen since he'll just DC again.
After 80+ D/Cs, I don't think that's ever happened to me before... I guess I'm "lucky".
I'll be rootin' for ya!

@Above: Yeah, I hate that too. People always D/C after a Stone Edge/ Focus Miss/ Fire Blast misses...It's like dude, that accuracy is bound to screw you over eventually; no need to be a bad sport about your own decision...
Not saying you're wrong, but remember that many of the people buying Pokemon games are under 13 and don't know sportsmanship unless they win. The most I've ever gotten is 3 in a row b4 I gave up on it.
I hate when someone DCs, and then you immediately run into the same exact person again. It happens to me constantly and I quit on the spot every time, since I already know that a win isn't going to happen since he'll just DC again.
Ditto... :(

Worst part is, My team are gimmick surprises... Once you know my surprises, I no longer can win. :(
The worst feeling, though, is when you're losing to someone and forfeit, and you run into them again, and when you're about to win this time, the opponent D/Cs on you.
The worst feeling, though, is when you're losing to someone and forfeit, and you run into them again, and when you're about to win this time, the opponent D/Cs on you.
Yes, I experienced that a few times. It really made me feel my 40mins are wasted.
I don't know what's the big deal about it.
I disconnect all the time when I know I'm about to lose.
My 2 minutes seconds of life are worth more than the ego of some random kid.
If you care about the other guy's ego is not relevant, its just that DCing consistently makes you a premier asshole and that's nothing to be proud of too. Ive started my share of random battles and Im pretty pissed off at people like you
So yeah this whole post is basically trying to insult you without making me look like an idiot
I had 1 win (and about 8 losses) total when I faced a japanese player who had 900+ wins when this happened to me.
He D/Ced when he had one poke left.

Some days ago I faced another japanese guy who opened with a Haxorus.
I used Body Slam with my Quagsire and got the paralyze.
Surprisingly he did not D/C because of that and ended up winning against me.

I am talking about free mode by the way. I want to get better before I start with rated.

I really want to know why people avoid getting losses. It's not like you become a worse battler.
I really want to know why people avoid getting losses. It's not like you become a worse battler.
There's this idea that the person with the most wins is a "better" player, by stats, and they're inflating scores.

All it really means is you played more battles.

On ladder, there's two extremes, someone with a ton of wins, and few losses (the better players who can't really be ranked properly) and people with a ton of losses and few wins (probably still learning the game) Everyone else sits at 50/50.

Adding dcs, you get tons of people trying to make their scores look like the top end (and eventually, it works, because you will get a lucky win off anyone at some point). But your score is a total lie at that point if you dc to get it.
I had 1 win (and about 8 losses) total when I faced a japanese player who had 900+ wins when this happened to me.
He D/Ced when he had one poke left.

Some days ago I faced another japanese guy who opened with a Haxorus.
I used Body Slam with my Quagsire and got the paralyze.
Surprisingly he did not D/C because of that and ended up winning against me.

I am talking about free mode by the way. I want to get better before I start with rated.

I really want to know why people avoid getting losses. It's not like you become a worse battler.
From my experience, no matter how good you are at Free you will never be as good in rating, since there are far more D/Cers...
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