Project Anything Goes Player of the Week #3: Chloe

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Approved by Pigeons & pichus
Thanks to Holy Ghost and mc56556 for the idea


Welcome to Anything Goes Player of the Week! In this series, I will be interviewing accomplished and respected Anything Goes players in the community. You will be able to ask questions and interact with these players by commenting in this thread. Interviews will be limited, but I am open to suggestions on Smogon or Discord. Have fun! Thanks for mc56556 for conducting this interview.

:Ho-oh: Chloe :Amoonguss:

Most known for

Former "Leader" of AG

Favorite Pokemon


Where did you get your name from?

It's my name actually!

How did you get in to competitive Pokemon?

I got into competitive Pokemon six years ago, I was bored of pokemon MMORPGs so I decided to try something else. I started with Balanced Hackmons and slowly moved to Anything Goes. I've stuck around more or less since then.

Favorite and least favorite generation of AG?

I've made no secret about this but I absolutely love ORAS. It's really simple, and the majority of people have no clue how to check common threats. It's the format that got me into the metagame and I've loved it ever since. Least favourite is Gen 8 National Dex if that counts. I can't stand the mechanics, and the metagame is so stale. There on paper should be so much room for creativity, but each team requires the same few mons to check the same few threats, it's really not fun at all.

Thoughts on the current state of the Natdex metagame?

I kind of answered that already but I just dislike it a lot. It's really stale, but I still keep playing it because it's the only thing I'm remotely good at heck. I do enjoy playing it in tournaments, but that's the same with every AG format.

Are you excited for the switch to Galar dex with the Crown Tundra DLC?

I'm so excited but I'm also really scared. The new additions seem really interesting, but I'm scared of how an Arceus-less meta will deal with threats like Yveltal. I hope we're not forced back to the dark ages where people were running Protect on virtually every Ho-Oh, or risking Dusk Mane recovery with Tyranitar on your team. I'm anxiously awaiting it but yea it should be fun and I really hope it fixes the appeal of Gen 8 AG for me.

Favorite playstyle to use?

Balance! I've always loved balance, it just suits me well. In ORAS I run a lot of offense but in every other iteration of AG, you'll find me running balance 99% of the time, which also makes it really easy to counter team me heck!

Favorite game you've witnessed? (get game link)

Watch the replay and you'll understand why :)

What do you enjoy so much about ORAS AG?

The simplicity, it's probably the easiest AG format to get the hang of, no Z-moves, no Dynamax, every playstyle is virtually as viable as the others. I just find it very fun to play, even now the metagame is developing which is wild to me. I'm also really biased because I used to ladder like 30 games of this every day until SM released. But yea, it's really fun and I'd encourage more people to give it a go instead of instantly writing it off.

You were the first “Tier Leader” of AG. Could you talk with us a bit about how far AG has progressed since then and what it was like at the beginning of the format?

AG has come so far since the beginning. Back in my day we used to talk about AG as just another OM in the OM room. I PM'd TI one day and asked if I could make a resources thread for AG, which he approved. I kept pushing C&C staff for us to get AG analyses. Then I cowrote the first AG article! Eventually I got approval from TI to make an AG room! which took a lot of work, some admins were against an AG room but we got approval at the end. MZ and I got a lot of other things for AG after that, the format definitely is a lot bigger than it used to be, the community is much more prominent. It's crazy to think that some of the new users in the room don't know of the history of the section but I guess I don't really think about that.

You have a long history of using unorthodox (and fun) Pokémon on your teams. Do you have a few unusual choices on recent teams you’d like to share?

Minior @ Life Orb
Ability: Shields Down
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shell Smash
- Power Gem
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Substitute
Just another fun Dynamax Shell Smash sweeper, there's not really any real reason to run this unless you're looking to have a lot of fun cheesing ladder goons.

Kyurem-Black @ Utility Umbrella
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe
Serious Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Fusion Bolt
- Icicle Spear
- Roost
This set is actually not too bad. Really solid Kyogre check, cancels out rain, can defensively dynamax against CM LO Kyogre or stall out Dynamax by spamming Roost. Utility Umbrella is an item not many people know about, but it cancels the effects of Rain and Sun, which allows Kyurem-B to ignore the Rain boost on Max Geyser and all of Kyogre's Water-type attacks. You can do this with any Kyurem but Kyurem-B can offensively pressure Kyogre well enough, which seems substantially better.

Do you look up to any other AG players?

I wouldn't really say I look up to anyone, but I'm impressed with how much motivation people like Bacon have to build thousands of teams for a meta like NatDex, and then on top of that be the most competent player in the format. When I was playing AG for the first time I looked up to Curve, Gunner and Hunter because they all seemed miles better than me, I miss the ORAS ladder :(

Any advice to new players looking to get started in AG?

Look at what players in tournaments / high ladder are using and try what they have, maybe you'll find something that works much better for you. Don't be afraid to try things! You might find something you really like. Also just playing over and over helps, practice really does make you better.

Finally, can you provide us with a team of yours and explain it?

:Groudon-Primal: :Zekrom: :Arceus-Dark: :Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: :Zygarde: :Zacian-crowned:
(click on team for the import)

s/o Lilburr for nicknames, WSun1/Will and I built this for ndpl around zekrom which basically set up against any ndm he had and broke through pretty much any team he liked bringing. in the actual thing i played poorly but still won, and zekrom ended up putting in work, while burned. the rest of the team is just solid support, was really happy with the team


Thank you for your time Chloe! Feel free to ask questions in the thread below!
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chloe, what's your favourite tweet that you've posted on twitter dot com?
that's a difficult one but whatever it is i probably can't link it here!
here's one i can link
Chlogoat, which is ur fav :vileplume: set?
vileplume has always been very unviable in ag unfortunately, but overall i like sap, powder, 2 attacks generally. some people tried to make it work in usum but it just falls flat, it's too frail for ag ;w;

What is the most significant and historical event in human history IN YOUR OPINION
i just spilled iced coffee all over myself, nothing else in history matters right now :(

Who do you think will be more broken in galar dex : Kyogre, Ygod or Zygod?
i think yveltal will be more broken generally, requires no set-up, has like two solid checks compared to kyogre which has a bunch. while cm lo is still super threatening i still think yveltal will take the cake. all three will be really good but i think yveltal will come out on top.


Take care of yourself.
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top 10 gamers?

would you like vileplume more or less if it was a different color, like orange or maybe gray

is subpunch mmx viable, or is it cool? you must pick 1

how based are you on a scale of 1-10?

if i lose to yveltal in ag, do i die in real life? asking for a friend

how good is chocolate vodka? like is it more chocolate-y or more vodka-y

funniest pokemon?

can u pass me that bh shed + double ogre team you used against me in like open or seasonal or w/e? want to see how it works


is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
NUPL Champion
Which has been ur most satisfying win in your whole showdown play? (Not necessarily ag tho)
Probably when I won my first Smogon tournament / the first AG smogon tournament, but I really don't know.

Favorite tour game you have played
idk! they're all enjoyable as hell when i win. i don't really have a favourite sorry :(

Who's the most underated viable mon in your opinion?
Kartana! It should definitely be ranked, and no matter how hard I fought for it to stay on the VR, I couldn't stop it being taken off. :blobsad:

1. why does this replay exist?
2. What is your favorite moment from the community?
3. What's made you stick around for so long?
4. Cutest user?
5. Whats the angriest you've got over a loss?
1. Because you're a bully and insisted on saving it :blobtriumph:
2. When the AG room first when public and how happy I was that we'd accomplished something like that when it otherwise seemed impossible.
3. My friends on here honestly, I have gained and lost interest with the game over and over again but what keeps me here is the people I've met along the way.
4. Meri Berry is pretty frimckin cute
5. I don't really get angry over losses BUT losing to donno in AGPL when I had a guaranteed win and threw it away made me pretty upset at myself.

1. top 10 gamers?
2. would you like vileplume more or less if it was a different color, like orange or maybe gray
3. is subpunch mmx viable, or is it cool? you must pick 1
4. how based are you on a scale of 1-10?
5. if i lose to yveltal in ag, do i die in real life? asking for a friend
6. how good is chocolate vodka? like is it more chocolate-y or more vodka-y
7. funniest pokemon?
8. can u pass me that bh shed + double ogre team you used against me in like open or seasonal or w/e? want to see how it works
1. i sat here for 10 mins trying to figure out how to answer this. so let me list my favourite minecraft youtubers from 8 years ago. ethoslab, sethbling, captainsparklez, mumbo jumbo, xisuma, bdoubleo, impulse, vintagebeef, generikb, docm77
2. same amount which is not at all, but don't change it :( i like its design as is
3. cool i guess, because it sure as hell isn't viable
4. i'd rate myself a 3 - totally unpoggers in terms of being based, but other people seem to like me despite me being insufferable as hell!
5. yes of course, if yveltal was canadian youd have a case, but it is french instead :(
6. it tastes pretty much exactly like chocolate milk but you can get drunk off of it, so what's not to love really?

8. all of sm bh is a blur to me i don't remember any of it, but that sounds like a volkner team so you'd be better off asking him.


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Hi Chloe

1, Describe Togedemaru in 17 words.
2. Favourite Pokemon of each type?
3. Who do you look up to? This can be IRL, Smogon, anywhere you want.
4. Favourite season?
5. Favourite holiday?
6. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?
7. Opinion on Karrablast.
8. Top 3 metas you've ever played that weren't AG.
9. What are some of your favourite non-Pokemon games?
10. How cute are you on a scale of 9.95-10?
11. Skirts or shorts?
12. Favourite song? What kind of music do you like in general?
13. Can I have a hug?
14. Can you describe how much you love vivalospride in less than 150 characters?
15. Favourite movie?

I love you and your stupid kangaroo photography


is a Community Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
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1. who do you think will win agtt this year?
2. What is your favorite mega?
3. Is scarf mega ray better than sash mega ray?
1. i rly truthfully havent been paying attention since my team got knocked out but the based department probably!
2. my favourite mega is probably ampharos or altaria from a design standpoint! lopunny is pretty cool too
3. yes, absolutely, sash ray is rly rly rly bad and scarf ray has uses!

Hi Chloe

1, Describe Togedemaru in 17 words.
2. Favourite Pokemon of each type?
3. Who do you look up to? This can be IRL, Smogon, anywhere you want.
4. Favourite season?
5. Favourite holiday?
6. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?
7. Opinion on Karrablast.
8. Top 3 metas you've ever played that weren't AG.
9. What are some of your favourite non-Pokemon games?
10. How cute are you on a scale of 9.95-10?
11. Skirts or shorts?
12. Favourite song? What kind of music do you like in general?
13. Can I have a hug?
14. Can you describe how much you love vivalospride in less than 150 characters?
15. Favourite movie?

I love you and your stupid kangaroo photography
1. its a cute little rat ball thing and you have good taste (edit: i read 17 and then completely forgot)
2. ive shown you that!!

but maybe mega alt > goodra, i just dont wanna redo ><
3. i don't have a good answer for this but i think the story of chelsea manning is rly inspiring and she's the closest thing i have to an idol
4. winter, i love the cold, australia is too hot in summer :((((
5. i like christmas a lot, the decorations alone makes it rly cool but saying alone that makes my inner catholic girl feel guilty
6. i wanna lick stamps for a living and get paid for it
7. cute little handsome fella i love him, ive changed
8. hmmmmm probably sm pu! which i loved a lot, sm mnm was pretty fun if that counts, i enjoyed playing oras nu a lot in that nu team tour but probably mostly bc it reminded me of sm pu except with more cool mons like vileplume :3
9. i have to mention minecraft since minecraft and pokemon have been all ive really played extensively. i have a lot of games i plan to play but i just havent gotten around to. i loved the walking dead game a lot, and i used to play a lot of fps games when i was younger but that was mainly bc of kids at school. stardew valley, smash, hearthstone are some things i load up on occasion but idk
10. assuming this is out of 100, i am fine giving myself a 10 :)
11. skirts when i can!
12. my favourite song is the beach by the neighbourhood, which is kinda depressing but i guess thats more telling than anything. i love lots of music!!! but a lot of its popular music like ariana, the weeknd, the neighbourhood, taylor swift, then theres completely left field bmth, but i love a lot of jazz and edm too.
13. ofc you can hugs
14. i cannot it's impossible, but i do love him a lot and he better frimckin know that
15. my favourite movie is shutter island, the sixth sense is also probably up there. i watch like loads of movies but my taste is boring as frick sorry to disappoint. least favourite movie as downsizing, which i vehemently hate with a passion.
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NUPL Champion
show us ur weirdest ever profile pic
ditto in fedora.png

it's cropped thimo art but it's all i can think of that qualifies

Do you think National Dex AG was a better idea on paper compared to in practice?
I think it was a good idea at the time, when we didn't know all of the Pokemon were returning in the second DLC, but now I mainly just long for the DLC. NatDex isn't horrible, I'm just kinda bored of it.

Favorite tiering decision you made as TL?
HAHA very funny >:(

Is Sirfetch'd epic y/n?

1. should mega lucario go to d-tier?
2. Do you think Galar AG will be better than ndex?
3. Why do you like drinking its not healthy ;-;
1. I don't really, I think it's a cool Pokemon but it isn't really something I'd ever run over Mega Rayquaza or Zacian.
2. I hope so, we don't know enough for me to make a definitive answer, but I really hope it's better.
3. It helps calm me down! I know it's bad for me but sometimes I need to relax a little I guess.


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NUPL Champion
Are the messages in your signature staged? Are they in an off-topic channel, or did you spend hours debating with those people about the viability of ____ and they got mad? I need context
they are mostly all in private fun servers or pms for the most part.

the context for this was being a dumbass and saying something i really shouldn't repeat here!!

someone was joking about stalking me and i said idm, and then she said this as a joke

then you have the

kind of stuff in my about section which a lot of is just me being weird, some of the context is included in a few but like for example

i just say weird stuff to gain a reaction. i think a lot of ppl just say it now because they want to be on the page which kind of ruins the fun but oh well.
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