Max. Optimizer
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  • Congratulations! Proud of your dedication and the positive way you have channelled it throughout all these years, keep it up :blobthumbsup:
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Heel hartelijk bedankt! Semper ad meliora, you already know the drill.
    Félicitations à toi Max !! De ce que j'ai vu c'est amplement mérité :D
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Merci beaucoup! On fait ce qu'on peut (et on peut si peu).
    gratz - very well deserved, keep it up :)
    Ich werde mir den Anime jedenfalls mal anschauen. Danke für die Recommendation :]
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Ein absolutes Meisterwerk, aber nicht massentauglich. Keiner redet darüber, obwohl es unglaublich viel zu lernen und zu diskutieren gibt.
    Ich versuche halt meinen Teil zur Promotion beizutragen wenn ich jemanden sehe der den richtigen Geschmack hat.
    Ich selber wäre da auch mein ganzes Leben lang dran vorbeigelaufen.
    danke dir ich werde mir den auf keinen Fall entgehen lassen dann :)
    Congrats MO! I always look forward to reading your in-depth articles :toast:
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Thank you, Ticken. I'm glad to know that you're one of my readers. I'm always mindful of writing them in a way that allows me to cater to players of any level of experience and that everybody can get get something out of them.
    Grats MO! Thanks for your efforts :)
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Likewise, partner, likewise. I've contacted the other Wi-Fiers as well to say "Thank you" again to everybody that poured their hearts into the QCs and GP checks.
    Rona nailed it with the amcheck and I learned a lot of new things that'll help me when writing future works!
    Max. Optimizer, wish to be the first to post a well deserved congratulations on the Contributor badge. Looking forward to future collaborations, friend! :psyglad:
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    My in-game guides wouldn't be nearly as complete and well-presented without the help of fellow users like you.
    Everybody helped, be it the QCers or GPers, and I'm very grateful for that.
    Light Sanctity
    Were you the one who blocked me from Discord?
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I talked to shiny finder and the ban will be permanent.
    That’s interesting, considering that WiFi blacklists bans often are reversible. So my offense is more grave than scamming people and trading hacked Pokemon?
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    You're not penalized/Wi-Fi blacklisted in our sub-forums in any way, shape, or form. You're still free to participate however you like in all of the sub-forum's threads.
    The ban only applies to our Discord server because, instead of just dropping the topic (as I told you to), you tried evading your anubot-services ban, not once but twice.
    long time no see. guess it's been a while lol. grats on your modship :D
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Thanks, dr00! Yes, it's been, what, 4 years now? I'm glad to see you back!
    yes probably about that long lol
    I'm still playing Pokemon a lot but I guess mostly able to get all my own stuff so far

    hope all has been well with you
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I'm doing well, yes. I've also grown quite a bit as a user here over the years, hah.
    I hope you're doing well too. Feel free to swing by in our Wi-Fi Discord server at some point if you like.
    Hi dude,
    I was Looking through Ur threat to steal get Inspiration for good nicknames and I wondered how u get the infromation needed to write the explenation for the nicknames of pokemon recieved from other Players.
    Do U ask them or do U Google the names?
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    When it comes to nicknames for my own Pokémon, then I just research possible names and references. Names are a notable field of interest of mine, foreign languages and cultures being two other fields of interest. If in doubt, I usually just ask people when I trade with them, but my general knowledge is usually good enough to the point where I recognize most of them.
    I ask cause

    (#861 - Luna Fantasia's ❝Erlkönig❞ ♂)

    might just be a direct refererence to the Ballade: "der Erlkönig" from Johan Wolfgang von Ghoete.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Yes, "Der Erlkönig" is a poem by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe and was turned into a musical piece by composer Franz Schubert.
    aaaaaaaa almost missed it
    Happy Birthday, friend!
    I wish you luck for all challenges you face, whether they're Pokémon-related or not!
    Happy birthday Christophe! I sincerely hope you have a wonderful day and wish you the brightest of futures!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Thank you very much for the kind words, it means a lot to me!
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