Golden Piloswine

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  • How common are they? The outskirts of Pinwheel Forest are good, but the number of Tympole drives me insane sometimes :P
    Spots where pokemon with a certain EV are abundant. For instance, the ones I use are as follows:
    Woobat in Wellspring Cave
    Claydol in the room before you find Volcarona in Relic Castle
    Timburr and Pidove on the outskirts of Pinwheel Forest
    Stunfisk from the surfing spots in Iccirus City
    Litwik and Elgiem in Celestial Tower
    Durant in the last room of Victory Road for Defense

    They've served me well during the last year or so.
    Well, with pokerus, drugs, power items, and hotspots, I should only have to kill about 15 wild pokemon before I'm done.
    I love how spread out you have the EVs on your stats. It allows me to get it done a lot faster that way. I should have them finished by the end of the next hour.
    Yeah, it's a pity.

    So I guess I won't be RNGing for gold-colored shiny pokemon exclusively since you changed the name.
    Math has been rather...interesting for me over the years. My parents have been absolutely no help since I started Junior High and I've pretty much had to rely on getting help from teachers after school and figuring it out myself ever since :P

    Those two subjects are the most important, so I can understand why.
    Wow, that blows. Well, if you ever need a hand with math, consider me a help source. I enjoy math more than I enjoy EV training ^_^

    I'll be there in a moment.
    Right now if you want.

    I might be able to help, if you'd like. I'm planning on doing tutoring for Junior High and High School students to earn some money, so I figure I might as well get all the practice I can get :P
    I'll be able to EV train until B/W2 come out, then I'll be occupied with that. Adn the custom user title thing sucks ;(

    What kind of math?
    It took a lot more than "just believe"ing to get the wondercard method down :P
    It shouldn't be too bad doing other stuff since I've got most of the basic concepts down.

    So I got some eggs off of pokesav to kick my team off to a start on W2, and apparently it takes 22.5 laps on Skyarrow Bridge to hatch them (or at least an Eevee egg).
    we weren't able to be on at the same time, so can't play until at least Sunday night
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, I only know how to do it with wondercard mons at the moment. I need to figure out how to do the other variants before any magic happens.
    GP, I can practice with you for Philly, but I can't get to know your team or anything because I won't be attending this year. Do you want to battle (after I eat dinner)?
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