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  • hey there, when do you wanna get our DPP OU match done? im free this saturday from 10 pm (gmt +6)
    Hey, we have to play for WCOP.
    I'd like to do this on monday, around 7pm gmt +2, let me know if it can work for you.
    We need to play for wcop, I'm gmt -5 and prefer the weekends or late evening on the weekdays (after 7 pm my time). Not free this weekend, July 4th holiday.
    hey, we're paired for swc, i'm gmt+2 and i'm available this sunday all day or any evening next week. tuesday/wednesday or thusday afternoons work too
    Hey Fakes, I'm most probably fighting sam and coffe this week and next week. Can we leave it for the 3rd week? I'll be very busy next week.
    Hey, we're paired for WCOP. I'm GMT-6 right now but I'll be GMT -5 starting on the 19th. What times are you generally available?
    I was on all of yesterday and didn't see you :[
    I'll do my best to make myself available tonight so we can play for DPP Cup, since today is the last day.
    Going to bed now. I've asked for an extension.
    We have to play today, so I'll try to be online as often as possible. You can find me on SmogTours if I'm free.
    When are you normally on? I havnt seen you we need to play ADV cup I'm GMT -5
    when r u gonna be on so we can do the last game ?
    We play for the DPP Cup. I've asked for an extension as I'm probably unavailable until next Tuesday. Can you play around then? I'm GMT +2 by the way.
    Hey we're paired for adv cup. I'm GMT+2, when do you want to play ?
    Wir sollen für adv open spielen. Wann kannst du? Ich kann von Sonntag spielen. Sonntag alles tag (10am-11pm), andere Tage von 19 bis 23 Uhr.

    Es tut mir leid ich habe nicht Deutsch seit SPL gesprochen. Ich hoffe, dass du verstanden hast.
    Hello we're matched up for the dpp cup. When can you play? I'm gmt +1 or 2 I forgot
    we're paired for dpp cup, i see you on smogtours often but; im gmt+1 and available all day monday/tuesday, evenings wed-friday, and weekends are work dependent, but i can usually play at night both days
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