Recent content by 16.5th Dimension

  1. Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer - Read FAQ in First Post Before Asking

    Can someone confirm that Swimming Goggles exists?
  2. Actually, we might have to scratch the redis for a while. I think I left my AOSS point at home...

    Actually, we might have to scratch the redis for a while. I think I left my AOSS point at home, so I can't connect to the internet with my DS.
  3. Hey, are you available to distribute for the "Pert Alert" giveaway?

    Hey, are you available to distribute for the "Pert Alert" giveaway?
  4. Hey, remember the Gardevoir giveaway you had? I was one of the recipients to be. Are you able to...

    Hey, remember the Gardevoir giveaway you had? I was one of the recipients to be. Are you able to distribute now?
  5. Inactive Complete IV Breeding Probability Calculator

    I know no one is replying to this, but mediafire tells me some of you are using this. So I continue to update. Anyway, MAJOR-ish updates. -Slightly cleaner interface -More accurate when rounding when displaying a ratio -Evens and Odds and Hidden Power spreads incorporated, explained in the OP...
  6. Hey, wanna trade for that Blissey now?

    Hey, wanna trade for that Blissey now?
  7. Thanks!

  8. Yo man, I'm online for those pokees 'gain. The Shroomish, Aerodactyl, and Wooper.

    Yo man, I'm online for those pokees 'gain. The Shroomish, Aerodactyl, and Wooper.
  9. How did you create your username?

    So, back in the day like 7 years ago, I played a card game of Yugimons. I became a member of the Yugimons and other stuff forums of Pojo. I was feeling random that day, and gave myself a name of something that cannot exist. And then I started using it on most forums I go to.
  10. How did you pick your Avatar?

    It was the only image I've made that I felt looked good shrunk down to avy size. It's a 2D Diglett made of Legos.
  11. new 2009 albums

    This has been a godd year of music for me Julien K - Death To Analog (Debut album) Genre: Electro-hard rock Dead By Sunrise - Out of Ashes (Debut Album) Genre: Hard rock with some synth influences + Chester Bennington's voice Assemblage 23 - Compass Genre: EBM Zeromancer - Sinners...
  12. How often do you use profanity on a daily basis?

    I swear a bit. I try to limit myself, though, I never say the f, b, or c (not cock) word. It used to be based on who I'm around, but now it's simply the situation. I used to avoid swearing around my mother, since she didn't know I swore, but after slipping enough times, and she being a foulmouth...
  13. Discrimination against Men

    Now I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that's rather dumb. It's not like mother and father would be working the same job. I still stand behind the existence of child support, but it's implementation is quite potentially unfair. My opinion on the overall matter still stands, that men...
  14. Discrimination against Men

    It could be something I'm missing, but if they were together, wouldn't the father be paying for child expenses anyway? Yes, I think he should pay, under most circumstances. It might not be entirely fair, but I would guess that it's also not fair for a woman to be forced to stay with someone...
  15. Discrimination against Men

    Chrisisme raised just about every point I had to raise and then some. And about girls getting pregnant: Honestly, if you're willing to have sex with them, no matter what precautions you take, you ought to be, to a certain extent, prepared for the consequences. Yes condoms are reasonable...