Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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Either that last restriction is redundant, there will be Pokemon in the Alola region Pokedex that you won't actually be able to get in these games, or they're thinking forward and disallowing any event Pokemon they release next year with special moves like Sludge Wave Gengar.
Nah, what it probably means is that you can use a S/M Ledian but you can't use an XY Ledian. It's like the pentagon rule of Gen VI
Eh, it fits with the overall "Performer" shtick that Popplio started. I was more interested in the detail that she's one of those pokémon who bond deeply with their trainers, and I mean that in a lore sense. Most pokémon aren't noted to act differently or to "lose their mask" around someone that they've bonded with on an emotional level, but it adds a nice bit of identity when they make a pokémon that does.
That's Idol Anime 101, through bonding events the female Idol shows her true colors to the producer or group of companies workers. Heck you repeat that a lot on idolm@ster dude, am I the only one who follows these kind of franchises?
I was planning to get a 2DS/New 3DS with Super Mystery Dungeon this thursday (as it's my birthday) in order to forget for a while about the hype (as well as getting used to a portable console as I never had one)... but I think the hype will still be too much.

All I hope is that the Unova Starters become available before Pokemon Bank. I want my Contrary Serpy :(
Also noteworthy:

Either that last restriction is redundant, there will be Pokemon in the Alola region Pokedex that you won't actually be able to get in these games, or they're thinking forward and disallowing any event Pokemon they release next year with special moves like Sludge Wave Gengar.
In XY, due to Safari, you could get Kalos-born Pokémon from without the Kalos Dex. That's probably the same here. They are telling us that we won't be able to use Bank Pokémon at VGC and will have to be careful to which Pokémon we'll be able to use.

Also, I know Megas will come back for VGC 18, but boy am I happy that they aren't here for now. Hopefully, Smeargle isn't obtainable in Alola and the we'll finally have a non Smeargle non Mega Kangaskhan year.


Ranting & Raving!
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Well then... I guess I have a lot of things I regret saying (or at least now I need to eat a boot for saying).

Starters 1st Stage/Mid Evolutions (Dartrix, Torracat, & Brionne):
Yeah, I'm doing all three at once, what about it?
Why am I covering all three at once? Well I don't really have much to say about them individually. Dartix looks like a Rowlet evolution, Torracat looks like someone overfed their Litten, and Brionne looks more like a female version of Popplio than an evolution. However they all do the same thing to varying degrees: they confirm the leaked final evolutions. *sigh*
Dartrix developing its feather throwing skills will easily lead into it becoming an archer (and I guess its fussiness to keep itself clean will lead to it wearing a leaf coat when it fully evolves)? Torracat is beginning to bulk up, it has gained a fiery accessory, is looking meaner, and is developing nasty battling habits (though not Dark-type yet). Finally Brionne goes from being a circus performer to a dancer (CALLED IT!), it's even called the "Pop Star" Pokemon so its only an evolution away from becoming a singer.
And before I get to THAT Pokemon, let's look over some of the other stuff:

Global Link:
Looking through the Global Link update it looks like they added some noteworthy new features:
  • "Your Time" System: A battle on a time limit. Each trainer has 10 minutes with counts down when they're making a decision. If a trainer runs out of time before the battle ends, that trainer automatically loses. Also each trainer as 60 seconds per turn to make a decision (don't know what happens if you don't pick a move in time, I guess it chooses a random move?). An interesting system, will definitely make battles go a lot faster though I can imagine players who like to think out their moves not liking it and may blame the timer for losing be it having to make a hasty decision or running out the clock. I'm curious if VGC (which looks to be changed to WCS?) will use this to have the battles go faster.
  • Gen VI obtained Pokemon will be allowed to participate in Rating Battles. So the Pentagon is still in affect.
  • QR Rental Teams: You can make it so that other players can use the Pokemon you've registered in your Battle Box! A neat idea, though they say you can use them in Rating Battles which I'm curious will affect anything competitively (especially since VGC/WCS teams will be made available as QR Rental Teams). Anyway obviously you rent other player's Pokemon via a QR code because they implemented it and, by Arceus, they're going to use it.
  • Global Missions: Players can now compete with and against each other on missions. Gotten via Festival Plaza (we'll go over that), its a limited time task given to players to complete and will be done at "regular intervals". The first mission also has been revealed "Catch a lot of Pokemon!", with details coming (aside the obvious you got to catch a lot of Pokemon, though species limit isn't a factor). Completing a mission will, of course, get you rewards and they say they're hoping to give a special reward for completing the first Global Mission! Sounds fun and a neat way to have players cooperating, but more importantly give even non-competitive players a reason to continue playing even after completing all that they can do with what the game offers in single player!
  • Host Friendly Competitions: Finally, players can set up their own competition with their own rules! Of course how versatile this will be depends on how much control they give you. They also revealed you can either do Online Competitions (where you can have an open competition or invite only, also depending on how many join will affect Ratings) or Live Competitions (if all battlers are in one place, they just need to scan a QR Code to get the rules of the competition).
Mega Evolutions: They're confirmed back!
But no new ones have been announced. Infact its said to get Mega Stones you need to get them from either other characters or from stores. In other words no naturally forming Mega Stones. So could it be true there's no new Mega Evolution at all? If so, well what can I really do? Just say I'd be angry and disappointed? Not like that'll do anything, though I still would. Maybe if enough fans complain GF will realize that maybe they shouldn't keep dropping new mechanics as soon as the next generation comes along. If they don't want new Megas for the main game, that's fine, but you can make it a post game quest (you can even connect it with "completing" the Zygarde quest if you want some justification for it).
Also indeed your Z-Ring activates Mega Evolution, as explained by Dexio and Sina who look like they'll be following you around like they did in XY (though now more creepy as they're older teens/young adults), as soon as its been equipped with a Key Stone.
So... how ya going to do Mega Rayquaza, GF, especially if its holding a Z-Crystal? :P

I'm actually going to end it here for now. Why? Because the other new features are better talked about while commenting on the videos. But there is one last thing to talk about:

Sun & Moon Demo... AND ASH-GRENINJA!
The Sun & Moon Demo has been confirmed for October 18th! You can get it via the Nintendo's Homepage via your Nintendo account or, like how everyone will actually do it, through the eShop. Yup, no needing to sign up for a newsletter to get a code, they kind of realized that was a mess and so are just making it a download. A round of applause, if you'll please.

But what does the demo contain? Details to come, but we're told we're getting one special Pokemon from it: Greninja. Who has a new Ability. It's called Battle Bond. It activates when it knocks out an opponent. What does it do when it activates? Why it turns Greninja into Ash-Greninja! Yeah, not even "Rainbow Greninja", just straight up Ash-Greninja. Well Ash I guess you ain't so special after alll, now are you!
BUT, I'm not perturbed from this. Why? Because if they keep it demo exclusive (for now) it makes it into a special event Pokemon. I was thinking how would if fit into the game but if you get it from the demo fitting it into the lore isn't that big of an issue.
Anyway from what it sounds like it is basically Greninja mega evolving just this time it replaces its Ability and you need to knock out an opponent to get the boost... Protean's better, not worth it. Alright, I'm being flippant, but still I would say that might play a major factor in its viability.

NEXT TIME: Videos, Poke Pelago, & Festival Plaza!
Pikachu315111 running out of the 60 seconds results in a random move choice, yes. And WCS, i believe, refers to VGC, TCG, and Pokken. And odds are Rental Teams aren't usable in VGC Tournaments. The Friendly Competitions is old news, tbh broski, and I don't think anything was added. Odds are you can choose level, format, restrict some pokemon, and probably pick a few clauses (i.e. Species, item, sleep)
Looking at the footage, when regular Greninja used Water Shuriken, it was regular sized but when Ash-Greninja used it, it was much bigger and stronger. 1 hit did like 80% to to a Lv36 Rockruff (Greninja was Lv37), I know it's Super Effective but no way a 15 BP move would do that much. I'm thinking that Water Shuriken becomes much stronger when used by Ash-Greninja.
So... how ya going to do Mega Rayquaza, GF, especially if its holding a Z-Crystal? :P
I think it will be the exception to being able to still go mega with Dragon ascent and will use 1 pp from one of the 4 moves to use the Z cristal move equiped, though Rayquaza having a nice movepool with decent coverage a Z move won't add that much (aside from a move common Z move that gets stronger 1 turn) unless it gets a signature Z move which i doubt it will get.

That reminds me if Ash Greninja changes form with an ability (battle bond) we will get a signature Z-move for it for sure now that is cannon.
Ok so apart from the PC we got a BIG news dump.

Starter Evos: The designs look like your typical "meh" middle evo lines, which is fine. The flavour is interesting though. Looking at Rowlet's evo first of all...

This Pokémon conceals sharp-bladed feathers inside its wings, showing astounding precision as it sends them flying in attack. And it goes beyond propelling its blade quills in simple straight lines—it can even bend these feathers to change their trajectories!
This sounds an awful lot like an archer, and Rowlet's final evo was an archer. Note how it says "astounding precision". Archers need precision and aim, otherwise they're useless at what they'll be trying to accomplish. I think the leek has been proven pretty much now. Litten's evo is still on four legs, but with a heavy focus on fighting and Popillio's evo seems like the natural progression to the leeked final evo.

Festival Plaza: Ok so this seems like PSS 2.0, at least to me. I only really see myself using it for trading and battling with people I don't know, as I'm not very interested in little minigames, unless they offer some sort of big reward. Oh and dying clothes seems cool.

Demo: Please no datamine thanks.

Ash-Greninja: Ugh, I said over and over how they wouldn't merge canons and then...this. I hate to say it, but I and many others were wrong. This is just ugh. I hate that they bought an anime mechanic to the games. NOT TO MENTION IT'S STILL CALLED ASH-GRENINJA WHY? Ash doesn't appear...and if he does the whole thing will be a mess.

Mega Evolution: The doubters can finally be silenced, Mega Evolution is back and better than before...or mabye it isn't, no new megas were shown, but we saw the old ones there alright. Mega Rayquaza's gonna have a field day with Mega Evolution and Z-Moves too.

Your Time:
A new system being introduced to the battle time settings is “Your Time.” When using this method of time accounting, players will have a maximum of 60 seconds each turn to select a move or Pokémon, and they will also each be awarded 10 minutes of “Your Time.” Under these rules, if a player runs out of their 10 minutes before the battle ends, that player loses the match. This will mean matches can be decided more quickly than in the past, allowing players to enjoy thrilling battles. doesn't appear to be a global timer, but that for each player. Timer Stalling will still exist, sadly.

Overall I'm mixed about this update. On the one hand, I enjoy the fact discussed in my spoiler and the silencing of "Mega Evolution is dead", but Ash-Greninja really dampens how I feel about the whole thing. I'm pretty neutral towards Your Time and the Festival Plaza.
Me: Oh my God! The new Sun and Moon video is out! I'm gonna watch it right now!

Video: Hey Kilgrave! Have an Ash Greninja!

Me: *screams* NOOOOOOOOOO!!

Sigh. Pokemon doesn't want me to forget that Ash exists. With the new terrible looking anime coming up, I think this pretty much confirms that AGreninja won't be there, and we're getting one because it exists and they don't want this little addition to die out yet GF adds no new megas.

The starter leaks seem to be true at this point. I'm alright with that. It's nice to see that they actually were true :)
Looking at the footage, when regular Greninja used Water Shuriken, it was regular sized but when Ash-Greninja used it, it was much bigger and stronger. 1 hit did like 80% to to a Lv36 Rockruff (Greninja was Lv37), I know it's Super Effective but no way a 15 BP move would do that much. I'm thinking that Water Shuriken becomes much stronger when used by Ash-Greninja.
That and maybe Ash-Greninja got a sizable Atk boost as well.
Maybe, but we know what it's ability is already. It's basically like a Mega, but it keeps it's item slot while sacrificing its ability. Unless the ability changes with the form, which isn't totally out there, I suppose.
It could just result in massive statage gains broski.

Ok so apart from the PC we got a BIG news dump.

Starter Evos: The designs look like your typical "meh" middle evo lines, which is fine. The flavour is interesting though. Looking at Rowlet's evo first of all...

This sounds an awful lot like an archer, and Rowlet's final evo was an archer. Note how it says "astounding precision". Archers need precision and aim, otherwise they're useless at what they'll be trying to accomplish. I think the leek has been proven pretty much now. Litten's evo is still on four legs, but with a heavy focus on fighting and Popillio's evo seems like the natural progression to the leeked final evo.

Festival Plaza: Ok so this seems like PSS 2.0, at least to me. I only really see myself using it for trading and battling with people I don't know, as I'm not very interested in little minigames, unless they offer some sort of big reward. Oh and dying clothes seems cool.

Demo: Please no datamine thanks.

Ash-Greninja: Ugh, I said over and over how they wouldn't merge canons and then...this. I hate to say it, but I and many others were wrong. This is just ugh. I hate that they bought an anime mechanic to the games. NOT TO MENTION IT'S STILL CALLED ASH-GRENINJA WHY? Ash doesn't appear...and if he does the whole thing will be a mess.

Mega Evolution: The doubters can finally be silenced, Mega Evolution is back and better than before...or mabye it isn't, no new megas were shown, but we saw the old ones there alright. Mega Rayquaza's gonna have a field day with Mega Evolution and Z-Moves too.

Your Time: doesn't appear to be a global timer, but that for each player. Timer Stalling will still exist, sadly.

Overall I'm mixed about this update. On the one hand, I enjoy the fact discussed in my spoiler and the silencing of "Mega Evolution is dead", but Ash-Greninja really dampens how I feel about the whole thing. I'm pretty neutral towards Your Time and the Festival Plaza.
Trying to stall the timer results in your loss broski, since it only counts down when you are thinking about a move.
Looking at the footage, when regular Greninja used Water Shuriken, it was regular sized but when Ash-Greninja used it, it was much bigger and stronger. 1 hit did like 80% to to a Lv36 Rockruff (Greninja was Lv37), I know it's Super Effective but no way a 15 BP move would do that much. I'm thinking that Water Shuriken becomes much stronger when used by Ash-Greninja.
That was probably Ash-Greninja's signature attack, Giant Shuriken.
That emo hair on Dartrix annoys me, but I kind of like it otherwise. Torracat is just a bigger Litten. I guess the black fur on the back kind of resembles a luchadore. Sort of. Brionne's official artwork is hideous, it looks much better in-game but I hate it's weird twintails and the way its face is drawn, especially the mouth (though thats an old anime trick that always bothers me) and how the white on the nose stops short of it (which its final evolution basically envelops it again, so top kek?). It seems like Water-type starters niche now is that the evolution will take the minor part of the previous forms colour scheme and make it the dominant part. (Oshawott has a bit of cyan -> Dewott is cyan with a bit of deep blue -> Samurott is deep blue. Though they did the exact opposite colour wise here, deep blue to cyan to white lol).

I think these are probably my least favourite middle evolutions in a long time, but then again the second form is always hideous. Meh.

That random Team Skull chick in plaza seemed interesting, I guess.
Ok I'm way more calm now, had to deal with some really poor arguments on another forum so apologies if I said things rather harsh.

I wish that Battle Bond wasn't just Greninja exclusive, I really don't get why they try to exclusive things on a specific starter instead of just every starter. Why did only Mega Blaziken and Kanto starters only get the mega evolution stones and not everyone else? Now we have this new form but seems to be exclusive to another seriously, the starters are universally loved, I have no idea why they keep excluding others out. I really wanted a battle bond Infernape, Typhlosion, Empoleon, etc..
I was one hoping that the final evos weren't legit, just so it wasn't spoilered so early. I'm accepting that the leaked final evolutions are the real thing. Which, in hindsight, isn't such a bad thing. The Litten final evo is probably my least favorite; however, the art for it shows it napping on its back with smaller Pokemon playing on it, which I think is cute. It reminds me of the Tepig cards that show it and the evolutions growing up with its owners' family.
Dartrix looks really neato btw.
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