The Rhinsora Region

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this is my idea for the 5th generation ;D (so far ._.) these are all custom, I used no parts from other already-made sprites (only 3 so far)

#494 Leemee
Baby Lemur - Grass

#495 Lemose
Lemur - Grass

#496 Elemur
Powerhouse - Grass/Electric

and you may not believe this, but...... I've never taken any tutorials and these are my first 3 ever custom sprites o.o'
sorry if they're bad :(
Honestly, I think you should read some tutorials. I'm sorry for sounding harsh, but your line art and shading is a little off. All three of them share almost exactly the same position and that position is side view (which you want to avoid). Also, it doesn't make sense that a grass lemur turns into a grass lemur that turns into an electric lemur? You probably just need practice, keep chipping away at it.

This is the best tutorial in circulation. It is made by Aocom.
just a TAD bit harsh ._.
I tried to avoid the side veiw, but really couldn't on these three :O
pikachu was my shading muse
also, take into consideration that these are my first 3 customs ever ._.
You're right, for your first 3 ever, this is good.

You didn't need to do side view on these. For instance, you could do something like this for the final evo:

Just read tutorials and keep spriting. you'll get there.
I think they are good, maybe me and you can help eachother create our own reagion of pokemon (see my thread a few post down):naughty:
to paul: um.... no offence..... but you're sprites are really bad X(
no shading whatsoever
to dragon: thats a nice idea ;D
but I like the lemurs the way they are, the others will have different views ;)
asshole, you're sprites are seriously a pile of crap, and you expect me to work with you..... and after calling me a bitch?
yeah right D:<
Well, for one, all sprites should face left. Secondly, every sprite should be in a box that is 80x80 pixels. It's fine if you're keeping it small, but it needs to be centered in an 80x80 box.
actually, Elemur is looking to the left, like some other pokèmon sprites that face right
I get that 80 x 80 ting a lot ._.
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