my own pokemon

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Here is where Im going to post paint drawing of my own pokemon, starting with the starts I made. Will add more later.

#1 Byato #2 teemato #3 Eadato
Grass Grass Grass/Dark

#4 Surcin #5 Urtre #6 Octocin
Water Water Water/Steel

#7 Fuppy #8 Dolame #9 Wolscfi
Fire Fire/Psycic Fire/Psychic

The undertow of parody makes me actually almost interested in this topic. Needs more comedic effect though. See Yamipoli, especially the early work to try to nail the effect you're going for.


the only person more obsessive than jumpman
is an Artist Alumnus
I was cleaning out my art and noticed I did two more of his Pokemon that I didn't post.

paulmccartney... um i dont know how to explain this without being rude but umm...
please stop posting your scratches.
they are really really REALLY terrible.
dont you see your self how bad these are?

also lol at yampioly the thread saver
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