Looking for some help with digital painting

I'm pretty good with all the physical forms of art but I picked up a wacom tablet and photoshop and I have no idea what I'm doing really. I have some stuff I want to paint in photoshop, but I don't know how to go about it and the stylus just seems clumsy compared to a pencil but maybe I'm not used to it.

Looking through some of the threads here, there's a lot of really good digital artists so please, any tips to help get me started? I want to paint the raptor shown below but I'm not sure how to get started. The tutorials I've read are either shitty or some dude talking on video which I don't want, so if you have something more worthwhile I'd appreciate it.

This is something I've done in photoshop just to give you an idea of what I can do. The dinosaur is painted with actual paint, the rest is photos. I just can't paint ON the computer at all. :(
i'm sure you could find some good photoshop painting tutorials on either the program or the web. personally i would look on deviant art, there are all kinds of tutorials that are made by the artists there with a wide range of styles.

i just typed in "photoshop tutorial" and found these gems:
(this one isn't as good as the next one but still covers a lot)
(this one is pretty good but doesn't explain the basics of photoshop very well)
(this is a pretty awesome tutorial pack)

both of those assume you have a basic-intermediate knowledge of photoshop, which i assume you do, but if you don't there are also a lot of specific tutorials that deal with just one part of the body and certain functions of the program.

hope this helps

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