Bet you thought I was dead. Now giving away BR tyrunt.

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Deposited: Level 17 Male lillipup female in super ball
IGN: Rob

My favorite thing of pokemon ultrasun/moon is the ampliation of the alolan poked

Deposited: Female Slowpoke, 51, pokeball
IGN: Torqan

I’d say the new games are worth $40 but since you’re a college student I understand the hesitation. My favorite part is being able to catch so many legendary Pokémon in this game.
Hey guys sorry to be a let down. I am out of tyrunts. However, I plan on giving away a few other copies of additional mons I have sometime this week. Check back soon. Also I'm certain there are plenty of people who have participated in my giveaways in the past. Thus, I would believe that if you truly need a BR tyrunt a kind soul on the forums may help you.
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