Search results

  1. Sificon

    ZU ZeroUsed Ladder Tournament VI - Cycle 4

    Sificon ZULT13N Sifi Yep
  2. Sificon

    NU RBY NU Cup - Signups

  3. Sificon

    Tournament MPL X - Week 1

    won gg
  4. Sificon

    Tournament AXPL Week 5

    won in 4, ggs we also did game 5 for fun...
  5. Sificon

    The PU Open VII - Round 2 [Replays Required]

    was given the win here
  6. Sificon

    1v1 1v1 Ladder Tournament VIII - Cycle 4 Signups (Cycle 4 @ Post #197)

    1VLTNW Sificon 1VLTNW Hoppip 1VLTNW Bounsweet
  7. Sificon

    Monotype Cup Monotype ORAS Cup - Finals [$25 Prize] [REPLAYS REQUIRED] [Won by Tenebricite]

    Beautiful art by Swiffix Welcome to the fourth tournament in the third Monotype Cup! Whether you're a veteran with something to prove or a newbie looking for your breakout, I wish you the best of luck. This is a single elimination tournament & each matchup is a Bo3 series! >>Monotype Cup...
  8. Sificon

    Monotype Monotype Ladder Tournament X - Cycle 1

    Forum name: Sificon Week 1 Alt: MLTXS1 Sificon Does my alt for Week 1 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
  9. Sificon

    Tournament UPL XII - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize] [Auction Sunday June 2 @ 11 AM -4]

    Player Name: Sificon Tiers Played: SV Tiers Not Played (Binding): Foreseen Inactivity: nope
  10. Sificon

    Tournament CAPPL X - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize]

    Name: Sificon Tiers Played/Interested in: SV Non-Player Roles: I can build! (SV only) Foreseeable Inactivity: haha no
  11. Sificon

    The PU Open VII - Round 1

    was given the win here
  12. Sificon


    won in 3 with hax, sry about that ggs
  13. Sificon

    1v1 1v1 Ladder Tournament VIII - Cycle 4 Signups (Cycle 4 @ Post #197)

    Forum name: Sificon Cycle 1 alts: 1VLTCL Sificon, 1VLTCL Hoppip, 1VLTCL Bounsweet Do my alts for Cycle 1 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: Yes
  14. Sificon

    Monotype Cup Monotype ORAS Cup - Round 8 [$25 Prize] [REPLAYS REQUIRED]

    Beautiful art by Swiffix Welcome to the fourth tournament in the third Monotype Cup! Whether you're a veteran with something to prove or a newbie looking for your breakout, I wish you the best of luck. This is a single elimination tournament & each matchup is a Bo3 series! >>Monotype Cup...
  15. Sificon

    The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Qualifiers [ROUND 2 @ #275]

    LyraTunes in over NHelioX7 ken Frixel UltiNooba19
  16. Sificon

    Tournament BLT XI - Week Four

    won, gg