Search results

  1. Slaying The Sun

    I'm on smogtours, my nick is Chamba Striken

    I'm on smogtours, my nick is Chamba Striken
  2. Slaying The Sun

    Yes, let's play at the scheduled time

    Yes, let's play at the scheduled time
  3. Slaying The Sun

    Today at the same time I can't, if you can we'll play now

    Today at the same time I can't, if you can we'll play now
  4. Slaying The Sun

    Ready? I'm Alex Striken on main

    Ready? I'm Alex Striken on main
  5. Slaying The Sun

    Does it work for you on the 12th at 2pm GMT-4?

    Does it work for you on the 12th at 2pm GMT-4?
  6. Slaying The Sun

    Does it work for you on Thursday at 4pm gmt-4?

    Does it work for you on Thursday at 4pm gmt-4?
  7. Slaying The Sun

    Hi, it's for the 0hko tournament, when can you play? I am GMT-4

    Hi, it's for the 0hko tournament, when can you play? I am GMT-4
  8. Slaying The Sun

    Saturday it's ok

    Saturday it's ok
  9. Slaying The Sun

    When can you play for wcop? i'm gmt-4

    When can you play for wcop? i'm gmt-4
  10. Slaying The Sun

    Wednesday at 2pm GMT-4 works for you?

    Wednesday at 2pm GMT-4 works for you?
  11. Slaying The Sun

    The World Cup of Pokémon 2023 - Qualifying Signups ONLY

    Player Name: Chamba ★ Striken Country / Region of Residence: Venezuela Other Eligibility: None
  12. Slaying The Sun

    Tournaments SSPL I - Player Signups (CA Prize!) [Auction @ Saturday 29th April 9PM+2!]

    Username: Alex Striken Time Zone: GMT -4 Tiers Interested in Playing: SS OU Forseeable Inactivity: None
  13. Slaying The Sun

    Tournament NDWC III - Player Signups

    Player Name: Alex Striken Tiers: All Country / US Region of Residence: Venezuela Other Eligibility: nop