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  1. CAP 16 CAP 5 - Playtest

    bulk up conkeldurr seems to break down a lot of these teams so far. with guts it doesnt mind getting paralyzed by malaconda's glare and drain punch and ice punch combo really breaks down a lot of common pokes i've seen so far, such as malaconda (obviously), heatran, landorus, gliscor and even...
  2. CAP 16 CAP 5 - Name Submissions

    I was thinking Sertempt (serpent+temptation) pronounced "Sur-tempt" Serpent part is for obvious reasons, Temptation is because the apple in the story of adam and eve was a temptation to Eve in which she could not resist and therefore brought on original sin. Temptation is also widely known for...
  3. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Part 7 - Art Poll 1

    aragornbird Kadew Quanyails Doran Dragon
  4. sorry, didnt mean for it to d/c. My wifi went out right when i was about to win -___-

    sorry, didnt mean for it to d/c. My wifi went out right when i was about to win -___-
  5. CAP1 - Part 11.5b - (Pre-Evo Art Poll 1)

    paintseagull aragornbird
  6. CAP 12 CAP1 - Part 9 - (Sprite Submissions)

    @PenguinX- your wings seem too blocky, like xatus... maybe you used his wings in your sprite? but yeah they would be more rounded... like a natural birds... or at least imo they should.
  7. CAP1 - Part 11.5 - (Pre-Evo Art)

    @paintseagull- wow looks so cute and just like its evolution so far i can really see it. hope to see more from it!
  8. CAP 12 CAP1 - Part 9 - (Sprite Submissions)

    @wekhter- i love the new updated version, just incorporate the tail in there somehow, i just thing that should be somewhere in there. Overall though i love your sprite, best one ive seen here as of yet. :)
  9. CAP 12 CAP1 - Part 10a - (Attacking Moves Poll)

    Allow Hurricane Disallow Icy Wind Allow Volt Switch
  10. CAP 12 CAP1 - Part 8 - (Name Submissions)

    Final Submission Hoodleon (Hood + Leon) just wanted to incorporate the hood like design and an animal and this just hit me and it sounded great. so yes :) good luck to everyone. i must say Tomohawk is catching my eye.
  11. CAP 12 CAP1 - Part 8 - (Name Submissions)

    Just some ideas... Grifflum (Griffin+Hoodlum) Hoodlum is like a michievious trouble maker... works in with prankster... sorta. Combahawk (Combat + Hawk) Idk sounds good to me :x feedback?
  12. CAP 12 CAP1 - Part 7 - (Art Poll 2)
