Search results

  1. Kaotico

    CAP 24 - PRC Applications

    Hey, I'm Kaotico. I joined the CAP project room about 2 Years ago, in January 2016. I was sorta just looking for a room to join, and the whole CAP project thing just sounded cool. BrokenPhobias was the first person I met there, and also KrazyKake. They and everybody else there were extremely...
  2. Kaotico

    CAP Ladder Tournament [Week 4]

  3. Kaotico

    update cap prc 23 plz!

    update cap prc 23 plz!
  4. Kaotico

    CAP Ladder Tournament [Week 4]

    Kaotic Will Lose CLT3
  5. Kaotico

    Can you please update the CAP 23 PRC list?

    Can you please update the CAP 23 PRC list?
  6. Kaotico

    CAP Ladder Tournament [Week 4]

    In I have read the rules thingy. Kaotic CLT2
  7. Kaotico

    Umm, I think it might be my computer, cause no double posting is showing up on my screen.

    Umm, I think it might be my computer, cause no double posting is showing up on my screen.
  8. Kaotico

    [Gen7] Partner this Pokemon - SM CAP Edition [Week 9: Colossoil (Submitting)]

    I don't Remeber ever double or triple posting, but otherewise, sorry i'm dumb.
  9. Kaotico

    Waiting for Birkal to update CAP 23 PRC

    Waiting for Birkal to update CAP 23 PRC
  10. Kaotico

    The CAP Kitchen: Non-Competitive Discussion Goes Here

    I would like to continue that. I was not part of it, but i heard about it and it sounded fun. I wish they add alolan CAPs to PS.
  11. Kaotico

    CAP 23 - PRC Applications

    Hey, I'm Kaotico. I joined the CAP project room about 2 months ago, in November 2016. I was sorta just looking for a room to join, and the whole CAP project thing just sounded cool. BrokenPhobias was the first person I met there, and also KrazyKake. They and everybody else there were extremely...