Search results

  1. GeniusX


  2. GeniusX

    sm global -4 can you do thursday/saturday night my time?

    sm global -4 can you do thursday/saturday night my time?
  3. GeniusX

    SM SM OU Cup V - Signups

  4. GeniusX

    Tournament ADPL Week 8 won gg
  5. GeniusX

    Yo i completely forgot mb LOL, lets do tmrw 4pm

    Yo i completely forgot mb LOL, lets do tmrw 4pm
  6. GeniusX

    can't do today, tmrw or wed works tho -4 as well anytime past 2pm

    can't do today, tmrw or wed works tho -4 as well anytime past 2pm
  7. GeniusX

    SM SM OU Global Championship 2024: Round 2 [Stage 2 @ Post #84]

    won in 2 vs skype with a game winning crit g2 mb and ggs
  8. GeniusX

    The World Cup of Pokémon 2024 - Signups

    Player Name: geniusx Country / Region of Residence: US South
  9. GeniusX

    yea works see you then

    yea works see you then
  10. GeniusX

    actually i can't do wednesday but thurs or fri should work still,

    actually i can't do wednesday but thurs or fri should work still,
  11. GeniusX

    -4 as well could u do wed, thurs or fri anytime between 3-11pm

    -4 as well could u do wed, thurs or fri anytime between 3-11pm
  12. GeniusX

    Tournament ADPL Week 6 won gg
  13. GeniusX

    thx for waiting, im rdy now on stours as geniusx

    thx for waiting, im rdy now on stours as geniusx
  14. GeniusX

    Yo can you play like 30-1h later perchance. If not its ok ill just get online on phone

    Yo can you play like 30-1h later perchance. If not its ok ill just get online on phone
  15. GeniusX

    can you do 1pm ur time sunday

    can you do 1pm ur time sunday