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  1. JackTheGordie

    2018 NFL Playoffs Pick'em Thread

    The playoffs start on Saturday so here's the bracket thread. This is the same deal from my thread last season and Killah's from two years ago so rules are the same as ever but here there are again for those who need a reminder: Two Brackets; One for the whole playoffs, one revised bracket after...
  2. JackTheGordie

    SM OU Making Cloyster Great Again

    As someone who hadn't previously spent much time battling since the XY days, familiarizing myself with the new meta was a learning experience. Since USUM were coming out I expected they would cause the metagame to undergo a significant shift, so if there was ever a time to get back into the...
  3. JackTheGordie

    2017 NFL Playoff's Pick'em Thread

    So the playoffs start tomorrow, and no one posted a thread like this yet so I suppose I'll do it. If you participated in last year's bracket challenge, then you know the drill. If you didn't than here it is: Two Brackets; One for the whole playoffs, one revised bracket after every week. I'd...
  4. JackTheGordie

    ORAS OU Fun Rain Team (Currently at 1450+ ELO)

    So I hadn't done any type of serious battling, whether it be Wi-Fi or Showdown!, for a couple of months prior to hopping back on Showdown! about a week ago. Didn't really know any of the standard, cookie cutter type of teams that I could use easily and do well, so I decided to use something a...