Search results

  1. Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

    exists any thread with rules for multi battle? just want to know if both players can use same pokémon. [ imagine thundurus-i side by side using discharge ]
  2. Apprentice Program: Round Eighty Two

    Username:mikedgraphic Age:23 Pokemon Showdown/Shoddy Username:mikedgraphic Your timezone and usual hours of availability: -3GMT, avaiable almost monday~friday past 6pm. What tier do you want to learn?: XY OU, XY UU Tell us a little about yourself: wow, myself? im 23 old guy, who still plays...
  3. gnight man, r u fine? im just want to know, exists a calendar for tournaments?

    gnight man, r u fine? im just want to know, exists a calendar for tournaments?
  4. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 35 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    ive got dratini.. pm me in 10h on facebook, and i can give u one. =]
  5. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 35 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    ive got some frillish female in dive ball. im looking for male bank with move tutor [ scizor super power/bug bite, or skarm SR, or eevee hyper voice ] dont need to be good ivs. =]
  6. man, ive got on last egg from instacheck .... can u hatch it for me? thanks.

    man, ive got on last egg from instacheck .... can u hatch it for me? thanks.
  7. ur SV are 419 right? ive got on last egg from instacheck .. can u hatch it for me?

    ur SV are 419 right? ive got on last egg from instacheck .. can u hatch it for me?
  8. maaaaan .. sorry for not seeing this message, still needs the hatch?

    maaaaan .. sorry for not seeing this message, still needs the hatch?
  9. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 34 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

    i dont know if i can post it in here. I need some pokemon from bank, but females in premier ball. frillish cursed or water absorb yamask mummy tentacool HA cotonee prankster feebas and fossils. ALL FEMALE IN PREMIER BALL PM me if u have some of that i can breed some rotom bold/calm for it.
  10. yup. but, just in 2 days. im going to my gf house. =D

    yup. but, just in 2 days. im going to my gf house. =D
  11. 4nothing

  12. nickname it?

    nickname it?
  13. just equip the metal coat in my pokemon when it come back to me. i ll use mine in your

    just equip the metal coat in my pokemon when it come back to me. i ll use mine in your
  14. okay 1779 0701 5098 yogibear

    okay 1779 0701 5098 yogibear
  15. now?

  16. yup. here is 11am, i can do it after 7pm. lemme know. =D

    yup. here is 11am, i can do it after 7pm. lemme know. =D
  17. 4nothing, im glad to register these bright creatures.

    4nothing, im glad to register these bright creatures.
  18. nickname?

  19. i'm on now.

    i'm on now.