Search results

  1. Ivy

    Metagame Pokébilities

    Chien-Pao, Haviary, and M-Basc got the most votes, and they seem like a good batch to get out of the way hopefully in time for the month to wrap up. Rain will still have Arch wreaking some havoc, and gambit also remains a force to be reckoned with. People will certainly have to pack some more...
  2. Ivy

    Metagame Pokébilities

    I'm intrigued by your alternative there where clef stays but conk is also freed. the general power creep wasn't enough to make exca safe, but conk has yet to be retested and may be a useful tool to mix things up.
  3. Ivy

    Metagame Pokébilities

    thanks for the ping; I've been visiting family these past few days and haven't had a chance to to act on anything here. since I'm still away for a bit longer and feeling a tad lazy, I figure what we can do now is indeed to put up a poll and see what people think is most problematic. I'm...
  4. Ivy

    obtaining the "Big Plane" on CHIMPs mode, where farming money and external powerups are...

    obtaining the "Big Plane" on CHIMPs mode, where farming money and external powerups are forbidden, is an arduous task formerly reserved for only the simplest of track layouts. however, power creep over the past six years has facilitated doing this feat on one of the most tricky tracks in the...
  5. Ivy

    Give me cursed pokemon ideas to draw

    you two... are coming with ME... to skibidy ohio!!!!!!!!!
  6. Ivy

    Post your searing hot takes

    hot milk is very much a thing, far more so than hot water (without steeping in tea or brewing coffee). you know a hot take is a good one when it sparks serious debate
  7. Ivy

    Metagame Pokébilities

    You might have to make it the primary ability in the teambuilder (or switch it back to toxic chain); the order matters sometimes like with geezing's glitchiness.
  8. Ivy

    Metagame Pokébilities

    I'd be happy to put it on the samples. you want to provide your own pokepaste link so it's credited properly?
  9. Ivy

    Metagame Pokébilities

    We're going to bring back the Magearna ban and also remove Basculegion-female. The two of these put stressors on even the most well-trained anti-meta ability shield clodsire. With them out of the way, rain should be somewhat less oppressive (or at the very least provide some more varied...
  10. Ivy

    April Fools' Day Sprites

    Vinemon bros... we made it. the poltchageist immaculate version made me lol
  11. Ivy

     Picture Telephone Megathread

    in :D
  12. Ivy

    you did it!!

    you did it!!
  13. Ivy

    Memes You Made

    you forgot the alt text... just says the file name... Sad!
  14. Ivy

    Memes You Made

  15. Ivy

    (request) DELETE SMOGON NOW [decision pending]

    wow, speaking of clout chasing, I guess the Unite avatars from the summer are relics of the past now. neat
  16. Ivy

    best signatues

    put that quote in the signature i laughed
  17. Ivy

    Who's better Kyogre/Groudon/Giratina

    who would win, 1 trillion groudons or 300 billion giratinas?