Search results

  1. noobster

    Diablo 3

    Can't believe there's not a thread yet. I'm so freakin' excited, I love the new class as well and I can't wait for the game to come out. :cloud::cloud:
  2. noobster

    Buying a laptop!

    So...I'm buying a new laptop soon and seeing as how i know NOTHING about laptops (which ones are better etc) I figured I'd ask some people that do. I've got a $1000 or so dollar budget and I'm interested in being able to do some fairly decent gaming on it as well, so I'm trying to get a...
  3. noobster

    Laptop tech support needed

    So lately something has been boggling my mind in terms of my laptop. Imagine this scenario: I'm playing world of warcraft at at around 25 fps and then BAM out of nowhere down to 3 or so fps. 5 minutes later it's back up to 25. Now imagine that happening like every 20 minutes. I have a 1.6ghz...
  4. noobster

    To-Do Topic

    Okay, I remade it from scratch just so I don't have to bother deleting all the old posts. * Need a group of people to STILL check over UU/NU analyses Awkward Analyses: (constitutes bad grammar and/or POV problems. Remember, we dont write first person) Salamence...
  5. noobster

    Season 2 (Week 4 [ADV #1]) Won by Veteran In Love

    YOU MUST BE ON THE SERVER WHEN YOU POST IN THE SIGNUP THREAD. Either battle on your forum name or make it absolutely without a doubt clear who you are. There are no substitutes for players after Round 1 No stalling allowed (this means you are not allowed to take forever in between turns) If you...
  6. noobster

    Smogon Advance Tiers For those of you that are blind, the Borderline tier is used to differentiate which Standard Pokemon are very common and not as common. This is considering we don't allow Borderlines in the UU metagame here either way.
  7. noobster

    Season 1 (Week 6 [ADV #1]) Won by chaos (win free ipod) Smogon Tour Advance Rules No Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Wobbuffet/Wynaut, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Deoxys (all forms) No illegal movesets No OHKO moves (No Horn Drill, Fissure, Guillotine, or Sheer Cold)...
  8. noobster

    Smogon vs. PokeRealm (Tie)

    Smogon 18 PR 18 Winner By Matches Won: Winner By Divisions Won: Pokerealm RBY * Team version must be set to True RBY. * No Mewtwo or Mew * No illegal movesets * No GSC Tradebacks * No OHKO moves (No Horn Drill, Fissure, or Guillotine) * No Evasion moves (No Double Team or Minimize) * Sleep...
  9. noobster

    Season 1 (Week 5 [GSC #1]) Won by pokemaniac15

    Smogon Tour GSC Rules * No Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, or Celebi * No illegal movesets * No OHKO moves (No Horn Drill, Fissure, or Guillotine) * No Evasion moves (No Double Team or Minimize) * Sleep Clause * Species Clause * Freeze Clause * No Self-KO allowed on...
  10. noobster

    Season 1 (Week 4 [RBY #1]) Won by pokemaniac15

    Smogon Tour RBY Rules * No Mewtwo or Mew * No illegal movesets * No GSC Tradebacks * No OHKO moves (No Horn Drill, Fissure, or Guillotine) * No Evasion moves (No Double Team or Minimize) * Sleep Clause * Species Clause * Freeze Clause * No Self-KO allowed on...
  11. noobster

    Feature of January 29th

    It's pretty late, but I guess since noone has posted a Feature for this week. This week I want you guys to look over. It's chaos's analysis on Defensive Play. I am seeing a slight stall team comeback, so I thought wynaut. Post away :d
  12. noobster

    Season 1 (Week 3 [ADV #1]) Won by Hairy Pimp

    Smogon Tour Advance Rules * No Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Wobbuffet/Wynaut, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Deoxys (all forms) * No illegal movesets * No OHKO moves (No Horn Drill, Fissure, Guillotine, or Sheer Cold) * No Evasion moves (No Double Team or Minimize)...
  13. noobster

    Season 1 (Week 2 [GSC #1]) Won by Lesm46

    Smogon Tour GSC Rules * No Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, or Celebi * No illegal movesets * No OHKO moves (No Horn Drill, Fissure, or Guillotine) * No Evasion moves (No Double Team or Minimize) * Sleep Clause * Species Clause * Freeze Clause * No Self-KO allowed on...
  14. noobster

    lol can someone answer this for me

    Why are you guys rewriting all the analyses. First of all, it's not like the dex links you to the forum anymore, and secondly, if you really want to add a comment you can always pm someone who has dex access (contributors up iirc) and we can add something for you or post in the suggestion thread.
  15. noobster

    Asian Division RBY

    No OHKOs or evasion moves No watching other contestants’ battles No ubers (Mewtwo and Mew) Sleep Clause Species Clause (meaning no 2 of the same pokemon) This will be Pure RBY meaning no tradebacks. First 8/16 people to sign up will compete If you leave for more than 10 minutes...