Recent content by Rubyblood

  1. Rubyblood

    Prefer fri im tired by the stuff I did

    Prefer fri im tired by the stuff I did
  2. Rubyblood

    Demain 14h ça me va

    Demain 14h ça me va
  3. Rubyblood

    I'll try today, if not Friday works for me

    I'll try today, if not Friday works for me
  4. Rubyblood

    Je suis dispo cette aprem si tu veux

    Je suis dispo cette aprem si tu veux
  5. Rubyblood

    yes sure

    yes sure
  6. Rubyblood


  7. Rubyblood


  8. Rubyblood

    Hey. Can play during the weekdays

    Hey. Can play during the weekdays
  9. Rubyblood

    Thursday afternoon works for me

    Thursday afternoon works for me
  10. Rubyblood

    Weekdays is better for me. Can we push it for the next week ?

    Weekdays is better for me. Can we push it for the next week ?
  11. Rubyblood

    Yes that's fine. Can play thursday around 3-4pm +2

    Yes that's fine. Can play thursday around 3-4pm +2
  12. Rubyblood

    During the week*

    During the week*
  13. Rubyblood

    Hey I'm available most of time during the weekend. So thursday or Friday should be fine. I'm+2

    Hey I'm available most of time during the weekend. So thursday or Friday should be fine. I'm+2
  14. Rubyblood

    That's fine for me, I'm+2

    That's fine for me, I'm+2
  15. Rubyblood

    Official BW OU - Cloyster

    Cloyster: Ban