Recent content by Relictivity

  1. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    Uh, as said, the outside of the universe must exist, because utter chaos (meaning, unpredictability, no matter and infinite matter at the same time) cannot generate an organized world. In other words, space-time fabric cannot be organized out of nothingness, or else it would be being organized...
  2. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    Well, I'm afraid, that's how we must learn religion too as well, 'through an unconsciousness learning process that establishes with our mind for the "norm" for what the world is and how to survive in it'. I wouldn't say that we don't' consider those happening - for example, with monsters in...
  3. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    Faith is doing things on trust that what we are doing is safe. We don't know that the moment we step out of the house for the first time, we aren't going to be eaten by giant green monsters. Yet we still step out of the house. It IS experimenting. And that IS how we first learn, like you...
  4. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    However, the problem is, we don't naturally learn how to be scientists, and the technique scientists USE takes experimentation. Coming from nothing, the only way we can grow is expirimenting, and the only way we will be willing to grow, is to take faith that performing the experiment will do...
  5. Tourettes Syndrome

    Ah ok, wasn't sure, because there can often be two types of reactions, one is that uncontrolled one, like you have, the other is the type due to irritation, which I had a long time ago. Well, in that case, the only real way to stop it I have found is mind-blocking, that is, the moment it...
  6. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    Perhaps it would be better if I used the word 'conscience', because it seems that heart is getting confused between the two meanings of the word. In other words, your supposed to use your conscience in order to determine what is correct and not. Lol, well, if it sounds silly, that's ok. But I...
  7. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    Na, I'm not saying he WAS inspired, I'm simply saying he could have been. Yes, God at times will inspire non-Christians. Again, it really depends on his view of the long run, and what will be just for people. He does what is necessary, not what is obvious. Here is a list...
  8. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    This is a great question actually, and one that I have thought about quite a bit... but let me respond to the first two paragraphs first. Scientific fact, actually, I do like using it; the thing is, I have noticed that using it too much is somewhat of a 'corrupting' element in one's faith...
  9. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    Lol, I'd really kinda prefer this to be more of a discussion, rather than an argument... arguments get nasty and all, ya' know... so yah, umm.... is it cool if we just keep it mild? Thanks =D. Cool, I enjoy reading and thinking about responses. Yah, I see kinda where you are going, the thing...
  10. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    Ah, a clear definition of the Holy Ghost... hmmm... this might help, list of some references... should help clear up the HOly Ghost a bit. Your right, it could be a bunch of other things, but my heart tells me it isn't, and since I'm relying on faith in the...
  11. flash games - mark 2

    Elements!!!! I Love playing Elements!!!! Hmmm... my fav decks have to be either Rainbow Elf, Mono Gravity, or Speed Darkness... they are all fun to play, but different. Rainbow Elf is the one with the Hourglass, Fallen Elf Spam... Mono Gravity is the Otyugh/Charger set, and Speed Darkness is...
  12. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    Na, chill dude, don't worry, post anyways, and I haven't really seen anything wrong by the way ;-). And we all are wrong at times... and me more than most lol. And don't worry that your new, we are all new at some time, and you seem to be just fine.
  13. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    Ok, that's cool... hmmm... how bout for consistancy's sake, when we post atheism, we make sure we post 'gnostic' or 'agnostic' before it, just so it is clearer, since there seems to be alot of misunderstandings going on... yah....
  14. The scariest thing I've read in a while.

    Well not according to a·the·ism    /ˈeɪθiˌɪzəm/ Show Spelled[ey-thee-iz-uhm] Show IPA –noun 1. the doctrine or belief that there is no god. 2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings. It's really a rather petty thing to pick over...