Recent content by MasterJ007

  1. MasterJ007

    Yo, we play in the DS classic open, I’m GMT+1 evenings work best for me

    Yo, we play in the DS classic open, I’m GMT+1 evenings work best for me
  2. MasterJ007

    Tournament Rands Slam IV - DS Classic Open - Round 1

    Won in 3 gg
  3. MasterJ007

    On showdown as MasterJ007 whenever ur ready

    On showdown as MasterJ007 whenever ur ready
  4. MasterJ007

    Sure, see you then

    Sure, see you then
  5. MasterJ007

    Yo, we play in DS classic open, I’m GMT+1 evenings work best for me

    Yo, we play in DS classic open, I’m GMT+1 evenings work best for me
  6. MasterJ007

    On Showdown as MasterJ007

    On Showdown as MasterJ007
  7. MasterJ007

    On showdown MasterJ007

    On showdown MasterJ007
  8. MasterJ007

    Alright thanks I appreciate it

    Alright thanks I appreciate it
  9. MasterJ007

    Yo, sorry to be a pain but my opponent for the gen7 open was only able to do thursday at the...

    Yo, sorry to be a pain but my opponent for the gen7 open was only able to do thursday at the time we have arranged, Would it be ok if we played on friday at the same time?
  10. MasterJ007

    alright see you then

    alright see you then
  11. MasterJ007

    I could rearrange my Thursday game for another day if you can do 8 or 9pm that day

    I could rearrange my Thursday game for another day if you can do 8 or 9pm that day
  12. MasterJ007

    I’ve got a busy day on Wednesday, could 8 or 9pm my time on Friday work for you?

    I’ve got a busy day on Wednesday, could 8 or 9pm my time on Friday work for you?
  13. MasterJ007

    Shall we say 4pm your time (9pm my time) on Thursday?

    Shall we say 4pm your time (9pm my time) on Thursday?
  14. MasterJ007

    Yo, we play in the gen 7 open. I’m GMT+1 evenings work best for me

    Yo, we play in the gen 7 open. I’m GMT+1 evenings work best for me
  15. MasterJ007

    Yo, we play in battle factory open. I’m GMT+1 evenings work best for me

    Yo, we play in battle factory open. I’m GMT+1 evenings work best for me