Recent content by Kyukon

  1. Kyukon

    The Library Mascot Design Contest

    Posting something incredibly silly (for the moment) so I remember to update this with a proper ref sheet later. This is Natalie (she prefers the name Nat). She's an inane mix of an publicist and someone who spends way too much time guzzling Pokebeans at those Pokecenter cafes in Alola. I'm...
  2. Kyukon

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Art Submissions

    Final Submission Supporting artwork: (It's kinda messy due to a combination of laziness with sketching and serious sleep deprivation. Front pose and head poses. Also explanation of Analytic use) I think I can finalize this now due lack of time on my part. I'll be...
  3. Kyukon

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Art Submissions

    Finally got down to updating my Shachihoko-merlion. Thanks to those who provided some feedback. I appreciate it. Worked on toughing the guy up a bit and giving him a bit more personality. He's much more manly now. Did slight adjustments to make him look more what he was based off of and...
  4. Kyukon

    CAP 18 CAP 18 - Art Submissions

    I haven't been near this site in ages and there's so many great ideas here already, but it can't hurt to contribute something for once. Just a bit of a concept I plan on refining later, depending on feedback. I hope I did this right. He's based off a Shachihoko, a tiger-headed carp from...
  5. Kyukon

    PS! Art: Room Voice Contest [Won by Yilx]

    Hi, I'm just going to put this notice up about the chart as I've already noticed a few mistakes. For your entry to count, it has to follow the chart here to the word: The chart is as it says. Every type is listed and the retypings DO NOT WORK IN REVERSE. Meaning, if you picked Espeon, it would...