Recent content by iDunno

  1. Aegislash

    This information is important for metagames with level restrictions like Little Cup, so it shouldn't be disregarded.
  2. Item Assault Vest

    Assault vest is probably going to excel in sets with a clearly defined purpose. Slapping assault vest without a second thought isn't going to help you very much. Assault vest is useful in reaching certain defensive benchmarks so you can invest more in other areas to increase the overall...
  3. Pokémon Malamar

    mine learned it through level-up so i know from experience that this is untrue
  4. Pokémon Malamar

    Why would you waste Malamar's decent attack by giving it a move that completely disregards it, i.e. foul play? Seems like a waste considering this is a boosting set...
  5. Ethics of Teleportation?

    Google says no
  6. Ethics of Teleportation?

    Every cell in your body is replaced constantly so you're basically just a crude doppelganger of who you were a second ago, anyway. This form of teleportation would essentially be the same process in a larger scale.
  7. Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    That is what one would call dysfunctional sex. (which isn't safe and leads to unhealthy habits when you reach adulthood)
  8. Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    So 40 year old old men forcing themselves upon a 13 year old girls in the Middle East is moral, based on your ideology?
  9. Serious Life After Death

    My personal belief is that time "slows down" infinitely in the moments near your death so you end up experiencing a sort of eternal dream. So I guess that does kind of qualify as an afterlife.
  10. Serious the grinch who stole winter solstice

    It could have been seen as a coincidence if it weren't for the fact that every christian holiday conveniently coincides with a pagan holiday and most modern christian traditions are derived from pagan traditions.
  11. Serious Relationships and Sex Ed Thread

    Just think of it as using toy to masturbate that's composed of living flesh and has free will.
  12. Serious Ethics of euthanasia

    That wasn't euthanasia that was eugenics. They killed people who could no longer work as well as unauthorized children and children who did not meet the minimum weight and size requirements.
  13. meat is murder

    This is an extremely unhealthy lifestyle choice and I suggest you tell her so.
  14. meat is murder

    'straw man' is a term some people use as a straw man