Recent content by gorex

  1. gorex

    yo we matched for multi hackmons cup open, im gmt +8, wanna play today?

    yo we matched for multi hackmons cup open, im gmt +8, wanna play today?
  2. gorex

    Draft NatDex I - Round 6

    won, gg
  3. gorex

    Tournament SS Natdex Battle Pools 33-64

    pool 59 won 2-0 vs thomas18, gg
  4. gorex

    Draft USUM Cup II - Signups

    Discord Tag real_gorex Time Zone GMT+8
  5. gorex

    how long more is it gonna be ._. ure not even online on ps

    how long more is it gonna be ._. ure not even online on ps
  6. gorex

    im on main as gorex, send me a msg there when ure on

    im on main as gorex, send me a msg there when ure on
  7. gorex

    Draft NatDex I - R5

    won vs sealrv, gg
  8. gorex

    sure 1030 sounds alright, cya then

    sure 1030 sounds alright, cya then
  9. gorex

    u able to do sunday 10am ur time?

    u able to do sunday 10am ur time?
  10. gorex

    yo, when u wanna play for ds classic open? im gmt +8, would appreciate to play as soon as...

    yo, when u wanna play for ds classic open? im gmt +8, would appreciate to play as soon as possible if its convenient for you, just lmk
  11. gorex

    Draft NatDex I - Round 4

    won, gg
  12. gorex

    Tournament SS NatDex I - Signups

    Discord Tag real_gorex Time Zone GMT+8
  13. gorex

    Draft NatDex I - Round 3

    won, gg