Gallant Spear

August 15
My Characteristic
Alert to sounds


"You know they say all Pokémon are created equal. But if you look at Pyukumuku and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally Pyukumuku would have 50-50 chance of winning. But Pyukumuku is a genetic freak so that gives Pyukumuku 75 percent chance of winning. And then you add Snom to the mix, so the enemy's chance of winning drastically go down and they got 33 and 1/3 percent chance of winning. But Pyukumuku got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning because Snom knows it can't beat Pyukumuku. So, if you take Pyukumuku's 75 chance and then add 66 and 2/3 that means Pyukumuku got 141 and 2/3 percent chance of winning at any battle. The numbers don't lie and they spell disaster for you."