Recent content by Elegy

  1. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 3

    I just want to say a few things about your five immediate ways to taking advantage of hail... First of all, don't get the wrong idea about what i'm saying, these are just my concerns. For # 1-4: Quite obvious points. There already exists a move that takes advantage of hail, a typing that is...
  2. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 1

    Winter Wonderland Perfect Mate
  3. CAP Battle

    Awesome, thanks Cartoons! I know I should be doing my homework this evening but I... uh... I have better things :>
  4. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

    I really like this one. Although I appreciate the tedious work others went through to make their great artwork, I can honestly say this one strikes common ground with my interests. It's fat, loveably simple and conveys much about what the Pokemon we're making is. A fat, 151 base HP moldable...
  5. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Concept Assessment

    Technician only boosts attacks of base power 60 or less, and the maximum Hidden Power can reach is 70. What this means is that our Pokemon would actually need to weaken itself to find appropriate Hidden Power Base Power. But in weakening itself, it can provide a truly stronger Hidden Power...
  6. CAP Battle

    This is both a big disappointment and a comfort at the same time.
  7. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 2

    I fear the UC concept may end up a fluke, and I do not intend to hurt anyone's argument, I want to add what I was just thinking: When Utility Counter says that it will be "incapable of countering a large amount of Pokemon at the same time", I see this as the potential failure of the Pokemon...
  8. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 1

    Dragons [No] Be Here Why'd you call it this, Deck Knight? It's so awkward.
  9. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer (CAP Edition) - Mark II (READ THE OP)

    Will there ever be a CAP designated to be Double Battles-only? I was wondering this for a while, and with the advent of Shoddy2 this may come to a possibility.
  10. wsc 25

  11. New CAP Forum Moderator - Wyverii

    Let's hear it for Wyverii For having enough patience with Microsoft Paint to last a couple years hooray
  12. CAP Battle

    Very cool, very cool. I left my comment in the video. Black Buddha made me want to raise a question about the stages. Will the older ones still remain as options? You know, like in Practice mode, will you be able to swap between stage palettes? I know in Multiplayer the background is random.
  13. Sellin Slowpoke Tail

    you're punbearable
  14. Ryknow's fanart thread

    Haha at the concerned swalot, that made me giggle VERY creative fake-evolutions, especially the Delibird evo. "Delibird doesn't throw presents anymore, now it throws rocks and garbage because everyone treated it badly" Also VERY nice idea for its ability... Auto-rapid spin effect, except its...
  15. Red-Eyes, the legendary children's trading card!

    I like the angle of the pic and how dark it is. Looks a little like L from Death Note... don't tell me no one else sees that. America. Want see more from you.